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Come and get them bitches...

The desperate control freaks are turning the innocent citizens into felons. If you do not like people exercising their rights...lock them up. The real criminals get to keep their guns and law abiding citizens do not. Of course those that lord over us are exempt. Probably sounds reasonable to a democrat. Stalin and Hitler would approve.

Missouri Democrats introduced an anti-gun bill which would turn law-abiding firearm owners into criminals. They will have 90 days to turn in their guns if the legislation is passed.Dana Loesch Radio reported on the new legislation being pushed by Missouri Democrats:

Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have ninety days from such effective date to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution.

Here’s part of the Democratic proposal in Missouri:

4. Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have ninety days from such effective date to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution:

(1) Remove the assault weapon or large capacity magazine from the state of Missouri;

(2) Render the assault weapon permanently inoperable; or

(3) Surrender the assault weapon or large capacity magazine to the appropriate law enforcement agency for destruction, subject to specific agency regulations.

5. Unlawful manufacture, import, possession, purchase, sale, or transfer of an assault weapon or a large capacity magazine is a class C felony.



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So you are cool with allowing rights only to the people you like. Typical lib. Jews do not deserve rights, correct? Hitler banned Jews from owning weapons and then slaughtered them. This is a very simple concept for everyone in the world except you and some diaper on the head POS's in Iran. But enough off topic crap with the uneducated.

Anyone else beside Sp in favor of criminalizing law abiding citizens that have done nothing wrong? If so, what is someone comes to power that feels it is necessary for the safety of the nation to..oh I don't know, say assassinate Americans without a trial, an indictment, or even charges?


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This is the kind of stupidity that will get the Dems defeated in the next election. I hope they keep it up.


Draft Pick
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So you are cool with allowing rights only to the people you like. Typical lib. Jews do not deserve rights, correct? Hitler banned Jews from owning weapons and then slaughtered them. This is a very simple concept for everyone in the world except you and some diaper on the head POS's in Iran. But enough off topic crap with the uneducated.

Do you read your posts after your emotions have settled down?

Anyone else beside Sp in favor of criminalizing law abiding citizens that have done nothing wrong? If so, what is someone comes to power that feels it is necessary for the safety of the nation to..oh I don't know, say assassinate Americans without a trial, an indictment, or even charges?

Prior to the prohibition of weed it was legal and everyone who used it was a law-abiding citizen who had done nothing wrong.

Quick question. If the law were to be changed to where you owned a specific gun (not even all guns, just of a certain type) that was now outlawed, would you jump in line and remain a law-abiding citizen by forfeiting your outlawed gun?


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Do you read your posts after your emotions have settled down?

Prior to the prohibition of weed it was legal and everyone who used it was a law-abiding citizen who had done nothing wrong.

Quick question. If the law were to be changed to where you owned a specific gun (not even all guns, just of a certain type) that was now outlawed, would you jump in line and remain a law-abiding citizen by forfeiting your outlawed gun?

I'm not sure you can compare weed with guns. Weed is a consumable and is gone after use, a gun is an expensive product you rightfully paid for and a sudden shift in the goal posts for political reasons is flat out wrong. And weed has largely been illegal because of the nature of obtaining it left poor tax man out of the loop. This is something different.


Draft Pick
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Not sure I get your point about the consumable aspect and rightful purchase. Legalized weed would be rightfully purchased, or grown, and I just don't see where it being a consumable item comes into play.

Not sure either are real good arguments to differentiate between the incarcerations of law-abiding citizens.

The reality is, everything is "legal" until it is explicitly outlawed. If you're going to appeal to the law-abiding citizen aspect, you're not getting far because at one point or another you could pretty much do anything you wanted.

Furthermore, If you're going to stand on the legality of a topic, you should expect people to look for you to fall in line when the rulings you don't agree with come handed out. After all, law-abiding is a selective process. You either are or you aren't.

If he wouldn't turn his banned gun in, he wouldn't be law-abiding. There is no picking and choosing when you start throwing out the law-abiding angle.

I don't have a problem with him not being willing to turn his gun in. If you believe in something that strongly, that is your right to do so. I'm just pointing out that going the route of law-abiding citizen is a dead end.


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A bag of weed is cheaper, once used then gone. A gun is a valuable possession bought for upwards of 1000. - if they're gong to target 'assault rifles' - that you keep and maintain or turn a profit by reselling it legally.

Weed was never 'legal' nor was it a right. It was criminalized at some point for political purposes, and probably not prevalent enough to really matter. No comparison.

It's not picking and choosing, it's remaining faithful to foundational precepts. When the legislation turns on the laws that govern this land, it's no longer 'law', but subversive legislation. After that it's nothing more than name calling when you call the guy defending the genuine law of the land a criminal.

The right to bear arms can't simply be at the whim of a generation that can't hold it's water long enough to stop living out it's jerk-off fantasies by abusing that right.


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Cant we have both guns and weed? Do I have to choose?

I think you people have gotten off track.


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Quick question. If the law were to be changed to where you owned a specific gun (not even all guns, just of a certain type) that was now outlawed, would you jump in line and remain a law-abiding citizen by forfeiting your outlawed gun?

Interesting question. If I did get in that line to turn in this specific gun, would I be with other law abiding citizens doing the same or would there also be criminals that saw the light of day and decided to turn theirs in as well?


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Interesting question. If I did get in that line to turn in this specific gun, would I be with other law abiding citizens doing the same or would there also be criminals that saw the light of day and decided to turn theirs in as well?

You'd have to, because if you didn't you'd be thrown in with them! See how it works?


In the Rotation
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This is the kind of stupidity that will get the Dems defeated in the next election. I hope they keep it up.

Whitey doesn't drive the ballot box anymore. GOP is starting to catch up to that but it appears others do not. As the baby boomers die off this will become even more true.

I see you not liking the coming future very much.


In the Rotation
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Cant we have both guns and weed? Do I have to choose?

I think you people have gotten off track.

The only compelling correlation on public safety concerning a ban on guns is that it reduces suicides. I do not see that as justification for a ban even from a utilitarian standpoint.


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Whitey doesn't drive the ballot box anymore. GOP is starting to catch up to that but it appears others do not. As the baby boomers die off this will become even more true.

I see you not liking the coming future very much.

Politics goes in cycles. After George W 's re-election, there was questions about the Dems ever regaining power. They did with a leftist liberal. The Repubs can use their common sense and put a true conservative on the ballot and retake the White House. The Repubs screw up by nominating McCain and Romney types. When they run from their core values, they lose. Whitey still runs the ballot box. There just has to be a somebody that excites the base enough to show up and vote.

You are right that I don't like the way the country is going. It is hard to understand why anybody would. You are seeing the decline of the US as the one true superpower. The country has hit it's peak, leveled off, and now is in a state of decline. You may or may not, like the way Whitey has run things up to this point, but it made this a great country for a good while. All good things end and China will be stepping up soon.


In the Rotation
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Politics goes in cycles. After George W 's re-election, there was questions about the Dems ever regaining power. They did with a leftist liberal. The Repubs can use their common sense and put a true conservative on the ballot and retake the White House. The Repubs screw up by nominating McCain and Romney types. When they run from their core values, they lose. Whitey still runs the ballot box. There just has to be a somebody that excites the base enough to show up and vote.

You are right that I don't like the way the country is going. It is hard to understand why anybody would. You are seeing the decline of the US as the one true superpower. The country has hit it's peak, leveled off, and now is in a state of decline. You may or may not, like the way Whitey has run things up to this point, but it made this a great country for a good while. All good things end and China will be stepping up soon.

From 1928 to 1994 the democrats controlled the legislature. Hoover and his stupidity doomed the GOP. Previous to that following the Civil War and the emasculation of the confederate states, the GOP dominated the federal government up to FDR. Previous to that it was the democrats and the the Whigs and the Whigs much to the lessening of American politics fractured under the wight of slavery. From those ashes the GOP arose. American politics hardly has a pendulum effect unless you want to act like 70 odd years is a pendulum.

The coalition that Reagan built in 1984 of the old racist democrats that exodus such as Strom Thrumond combined with the industrial power elite reached it's zenith in 1994 under Gingrich. Since then their power has eroded as the baby boomers send off into the night. The Boomers children do not uniformly follow the GOP like they did and minorities never have.

You aren't going to like what the future has in store. Gerrymandering is losing it's traction and that is the only thing propping the GOP up right now.

If you are one of those the south will rise again types, good luck with that. The deep south is shit off economically even in the best of times and the military dominance via west point is gone. There is neither the might nor money to even hope for that.
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From 1928 to 1994 the democrats controlled the legislature. Hoover and his stupidity doomed the GOP. Previous to that following the Civil War and the emasculation of the confederate states, the GOP dominated the federal government up to FDR. Previous to that it was the democrats and the the Whigs and the Whigs much to the lessening of American politics fractured under the wight of slavery. From those ashes the GOP arose. American politics hardly has a pendulum effect unless you want to act like 70 odd years is a pendulum.

The coalition that Reagan built in 1984 of the old racist democrats that exodus such as Strom Thrumond combined with the industrial power elite reached it's zenith in 1994 under Gingrich. Since then their power has eroded as the baby boomers send off into the night. The Boomers children do not uniformly follow the GOP like they did and minorities never have.

You aren't going to like what the future has in store. Gerrymandering is losing it's traction and that is the only thing propping the GOP up right now.

If you are one of those the south will rise again types, good luck with that. The deep south is shit off economically even in the best of times and the military dominance via west point is gone. There is neither the might nor money to even hope for that.
You don't think the last seventy years gives a clue as to.the future of the political parties? I would say that it does. One fact that you fail to see is that as adults mature, they tend to get more conservative and vote Republican. Look it up.

We are headed to Euro-socialism. There is no other way to look at it. I don't see anything positive that will come from it.

Yes, I am very loyal to the South. I had many ancestors fight and die trying to free my people from the Union. As it stands, we are going down the toilet with the rest of the US. The political battles still rage on from that time, just under different names. With the exception of slavery, the battles are still conservative verses liberal. The South may not rise again in my lifetime, but there comes a point that people gets tired of living under laws that they disagree with and having rights taken away by some liberal idiot in New York or Califonia.


Pro Bowler
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I can only imagine if the south had managed to free itself. It would be fucking Zimbabwe down there. Poorest, dumbest states in the union - propped up by the rest of America and constantly complaining about it.
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