How the hell did you pass the bar exam? I am beginning to have serious doubts you did. The legal expertise you have demonstrated is laughable to say the least. Just admit you completely screwed up in your zeal to destroy a man and ignored the facts of the case because of your personal bias and I will never mention it again. That is unless you completely reverse course and make up a new position regarding how justice should be served.
Please. You're unable to read and comprehend without spinning things to your twisted world-view.
So which is it? Should people be killed for reaching into their pocket like in the wild west or should we let the judicial system determine such things?
You're over-simplification of my position in the Martin-Zimmerman case is your first misstep here. That leads to the rest of your fucked up position.
Let it go? Hardly. When you did a 180 in this thread I had to go back and take a look. You were such an obnoxious ass that it is hard to forget. Just looking over a few posts from that thread reminded me how completely off base you were. You were absolutely clueless.
I haven't done a 180. My positions are completely and totally consistent.
By the way counselor, why do you always resort to name calling? How does that go over at trial? I simply pointed out your own words and you start in with the name calling. Grow the hell up already.

That's rich coming from you. You bringing up the past is exactly what a two year old would do. You can't stand the fact that someone can intelligently disagree with your opinion, and that you actually agree with my opinions in other situations. It damn near makes your miniscule brain spontaneously combust.
Naturally, your reaction is "herr durrrrrr, that's not wut you said beforezz!"
PS. This isn't a courtroom. But I'd rip you a new asshole there too.