
High Plains Drifter
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Also on the flip side so memorable moments of Dallas making amazing comebacks that gives u that hope. Idk
Memorable moments of amazing comebacks that were most of the time necessitated by amazing moments of bonehead shit the bed pick six stupidity.


Pro Bowler
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Speaking of Jeruh planning ahead....

I was listening to the Brad Sham podcast called “Then and Now” where he was interviewing Troy Aikman and I was blown away that Troy still sees himself coaching in the NFL and he talked about it happening sooner rather than later.

Now Jeruh hiring Troy to coach the Cowboys I can get behind. Troy even talked about not minding being beholden to an owner.

I know it may just be a pipe dream but it sure seemed like he was laying the groundwork. He did say he saw himself in the front office. He didn’t mention the Cowboys, but I couldn’t see him going anywhere else.

He also said something that made me laugh out loud. He mentioned Garrett’s use of the term “it’s a process” then he immediately said that “it’s never complete” which literally made me laugh out loud!


High Plains Drifter
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And maybe the negativity is realism but damn.."watching the game is all you can do."
Bullshit. You can intelligently comment on it or you can pump sunshine and wave the pom-poms like a mindless imbecile.

You can buy the swag and attend the games, showing your support for mediocrity or you can boycott it and not give the Jones clan a fucking dime for the shit product they produce.

See? There's lots more you can do and still watch the game too! Ain't that neat?


Pro Bowler
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There should always be that glimer of hope, thats how Philly finally got a championship.

With all due respect, "hope" is not how they got a championship. Jeff Lurie kept searching and hiring & firing football people who have dedicated their lives to the intricacies of the game, allowed them to do their job and eventually hit on a winning combination of GM, coaching & players which resulted in a Super Bowl victory for the friggin iggles.

Thats not an option in Dallas, where a self absorbed, ego maniac completely inferior to those he has to compete against will not allow any person, no matter how talented, motivated and/or experienced takeover the football side of the business.

Why?...because that would take away from the limelight the asshole owner desperately seeks and needs.

Not to mention how miserable the prick would actually be were he to hire a GM, let them do their job and it resulted in a Super Bowl win as that would be a glaring indictment of the horrific job he's done the last 25 years and leave him empty handed with none of the credit he desperately covets.

I expect his spawn to double down on this philosophy once jeri is 6 feet under because imagine the upheaval that would occur if a GM was hired following Jeri's demise and the Cowboys won a Super Bowl. Everyone would have a field day torching Jeri's shitty methods over the last ____ years and his spawn surely cant handle any criticism of their father now or long after his departure.


We're fucked!


High Plains Drifter
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There should always be that glimer of hope
There's plenty of hope. Hope that Jerral and his entire progeny die horribly in a plane crash right into that garish lurid joke of a stadium.
that's how Philly finally won a championship
How silly. You think the hope of the fans willed them to a championship. That kind of infantile nonsense leaves most people shortly after they get their pubes.


Pro Bowler
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Speaking of Jeruh planning ahead....

I was listening to the Brad Sham podcast called “Then and Now” where he was interviewing Troy Aikman and I was blown away that Troy still sees himself coaching in the NFL and he talked about it happening sooner rather than later.

Now Jeruh hiring Troy to coach the Cowboys I can get behind. Troy even talked about not minding being beholden to an owner.

I know it may just be a pipe dream but it sure seemed like he was laying the groundwork. He did say he saw himself in the front office. He didn’t mention the Cowboys, but I couldn’t see him going anywhere else.

He also said something that made me laugh out loud. He mentioned Garrett’s use of the term “it’s a process” then he immediately said that “it’s never complete” which literally made me laugh out loud!

Are you sure he didn't say "GM". I've heard him talk about wanting that job but never heard him mention wanting to be a coach


Anywhere on the line.
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Also, if I remember my theology correctly, Philly winning a Super Bowl is one of the signs of the Earth about to be destroyed by a comet or some shit.


Pro Bowler
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Are you sure he didn't say "GM". I've heard him talk about wanting that job but never heard him mention wanting to be a coach

He mentioned being on the field day in and day out for practices and putting in the time for film work

It seemed he left room to interpret it both ways. But it sounded to me like he was talking more about the coaching side of things
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Also, if I remember my theology correctly, Philly winning a Super Bowl is one of the signs of the Earth about to be destroyed by a comet or some shit.

The comet wipes out most of life on earth. What few who survive then have to deal with a zombie infested wasteland. All of this could have been avoided had Philly kept an empty trophy case, but it's too late now.


Quality Starter
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Also, if I remember my theology correctly, Philly winning a Super Bowl is one of the signs of the Earth about to be destroyed by a comet or some shit.

Nah that woulda happened in 1999 when the Georgia Frontierre owned Rams won the SB. That right there proved there was no god.


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Damn bruhs...i understand the frustration but end of the day - its just a fucking game!!! Shiiiiit, have fun with it...

Ps. Reading through u guys posts, i think we r fucked with Jerry and his family taking over after him. That whole fucked up legacy thing lol


High Plains Drifter
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Damn bruhs...i understand the frustration but end of the day - its just a fucking game!!! Shiiiiit, have fun with it...
That was exactly Romo's view too. We'll get 'em next time, it's ok as long as we have fun, if a pick six is the worst thing to happen to me I'm blessed, and so on.

Whereas real quarterbacks hate to lose no matter the game. They're not aww shucks what me worry kids cashing big checks and staying all nyuk-nyuk all the time.


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Yea no shit...but difference is i dont get paid to watch the game, but Romo got paid to play. He is to take is serious - its his job. Just entertainment for me. Big difference bro.


High Plains Drifter
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Yea no shit...but difference is i dont get paid to watch the game, but Romo got paid to play. He is to take is serious - its his job. Just entertainment for me. Big difference bro.

You would think the players would take it at least as seriously as the fans do. Especially the QB.

It's not the WWE no matter how hard Jerral works to make it so. Maybe the league should change its name. National Football Entertainment.

Roger Staubach forever defined what constitutes a successful football season in Dallas, when after winning our first Super Bowl he told Brookshier, "I'm just glad to finally have a successful season."

But hell, Jerral continues to get rich on fans who just want to be "entertained." While other teams who are in the football business win the Lombardis.


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Nothing wrong. I said QB coach to OC to HC. Let him earn it over some time.

I take it as you underappreciated the player that was Romo.

I wonder what happened to our fans- theres no beleif anymore. Just negativity. I dont remember it being like this before....sad. still my team tho.

There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever Romo is, or could be a quality coach.

We don't need any more experiments, feel good stories or gambles with coaching here. There's been plenty of that for 23 yrs.


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Speaking of Jeruh planning ahead....

I was listening to the Brad Sham podcast called “Then and Now” where he was interviewing Troy Aikman and I was blown away that Troy still sees himself coaching in the NFL and he talked about it happening sooner rather than later.

Now Jeruh hiring Troy to coach the Cowboys I can get behind. Troy even talked about not minding being beholden to an owner.

I know it may just be a pipe dream but it sure seemed like he was laying the groundwork. He did say he saw himself in the front office. He didn’t mention the Cowboys, but I couldn’t see him going anywhere else.

He also said something that made me laugh out loud. He mentioned Garrett’s use of the term “it’s a process” then he immediately said that “it’s never complete” which literally made me laugh out loud!

I've heard Troy mention he would eventually like to work in a front office type position.

But I cant imagine for a second that he would actually step foot on the field to coach todays players.


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He mentioned being on the field day in and day out for practices and putting in the time for film work

It seemed he left room to interpret it both ways. But it sounded to me like he was talking more about the coaching side of things

He's been out of the game since 2000. Had he wanted to coach he'd have already went down that road.

Like I said, I cant imagine he'd want to put up with today's players or today's style of game. He'd blow a gasket almost daily at the attitude most of these guys have. He is also a known critic of todays CBA, which greatly limits the work a team can do to prepare, and that is 100% anti-Troy


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That was exactly Romo's view too. We'll get 'em next time, it's ok as long as we have fun, if a pick six is the worst thing to happen to me I'm blessed, and so on.

Whereas real quarterbacks hate to lose no matter the game. They're not aww shucks what me worry kids cashing big checks and staying all nyuk-nyuk all the time.

Totally ok to run down to Cabo before the biggest game of your life too. No worries.


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Yea no shit...but difference is i dont get paid to watch the game, but Romo got paid to play. He is to take is serious - its his job. Just entertainment for me. Big difference bro.

Romo didn't take his job serious enough, you could tell by the dough boy body he had that he didn't care that much.

Romo far exceeded what most QB's with his pedigree accomplish, but he was not a winner. He was not a leader, nor did he want to be a leader. He was perfectly happy playing a kids game, being part of the locker room atmosphere, having fun etc etc. Losing didn't bother him. Turnovers at bad times didn't bother him. Playing for a coach he had to 100% know was an idiot didn't bother him.
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