Stasharoo’s theory is not a new one. The Jones are enamored with Garrett’s articulation: he gives them words that they don’t have naturally. When Jerry was asked about Garrett’s coaching strength he said “his preparation and articulation of the game plan”. They want Garrett to stay a part of the family but see his pervasive weakness as a coach. Talks the talk but can’t walk the walk. Garrett is convinced he is still a highly regarded mind despite having no records of creating, innovating or outcoaching anyone. I think Jerry and Stephen realizes that Garrett’s strength is not on the field. I wouldn’t doubt if Garrett was GM because he is allowed to use all his coaching verbs in a context that is not directly impacting the play to play adjustments. Think about it. He can GM all day saying “right kind of guy” “building” “stacking good days on good days” and give senseless stoicism all day and no one will care.