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At this point I really do not care what happens in Britain or Canada or any other country for that matter. The people of those nations have voted for the leadership they have and they seem to be okay with it, They will vote for it again when the time comes.

It is the same with the people in NYC. Crime is out of control. The cost of living is way above the quality of living in the city and yet, NYC liberals will vote for Hochul and other Democrats every chance they get. It is like they would rather be slaughtered by animals than vote for the leaders who will at least try to save them. Why complain about it if you don't live there? Let the people of NY vote their city and state into oblivion. It may be what is necessary at this point.

NYC started congestion taxing today. Any vehicles traveling below 60th st will pay $9 per day during peak hours. Additionally, bridge and tunnel tolls were increased. The Lincoln tunnel which exits from NJ at midtown went up over $5 to more than $26 if you don't have EZ pass. My question is why would anyone make that trip. It is absurd. The city is a dump now. It is unsafe and unclean. stay home and let the city die from its own corruption.
While I agree to a point, those children didn't vote for those monsters to be in power there.

All of them involved deserve the death penalty. The slime that did the crimes and the government that turned the other way and condoned this behavior.

The only thing I'd support as an alternative to a bullet to the head would be the rusted knife removing their dicks.


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While I agree to a point, those children didn't vote for those monsters to be in power there.

All of them involved deserve the death penalty. The slime that did the crimes and the government that turned the other way and condoned this behavior.

The only thing I'd support as an alternative to a bullet to the head would be the rusted knife removing their dicks.
Of course I feel for the victims. My point is if the people of every country do not police their governments, then it is not our problem. When things get bad enough the people of the United Kingdom will vote out the garbage and vote in people who will clean up the mess. There are lessons to be learned in life and the Brits apparently need to learn them. The left wing idiots all over the world are voting for the bad behavior because they think conservatives are more evil than what they are voting for, or they are doing it to "stick it to" conservatives because of politics. When they have had enough they will change their votes. It is sad it has gotten this far, but it might be necessary to wake the idiots up.

The Supreme Clown up in Canada resigned today. So maybe all this horrible news is actually starting to enlighten people to the truth about the left.


The Elite :-P
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had a chat with a friend that lives in uk on secondlife:

[19:18] me: well did you look at the thread i mentioned in discord im about what happening in uk ?
[19:18] friend: uh huh yep
[19:18] me: the scandals with labor party
[19:18] friend: yeah they just tories with different colored tie
[19:19] friend: nowadays
[19:19] me: nods
[19:20] friend: and i hope starmer leans down.. grabs one of his balls with his mouth and chokes on it lol
[19:20] friend: being serious
[19:20] me: who is starmer?
[19:20] friend: keir starmer leader of labour party
[19:21] me: nods
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