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Using the government to harass your opposition shows exactly what a fucking coward Obama and his POS worshipers are. Of course no one will be fired or punished for their actions. Just a "oops, we got caught again" and then nothing.

his example of abuse of power is a microcosm of how the leftists operate. From "Fast and Furious" to allowing/encouraging the murder of our ambassador in Libya this administration has always placed their agenda ahead of the law.

The Internal Revenue Service inappropriately flagged conservative political groups for additional reviews during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status, a top IRS official said Friday.

Organizations were singled out because they included the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their applications for tax-exempt status, said Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt groups.

In some cases, groups were asked for their list of donors, which violates IRS policy in most cases, she said.

The agents are mental midgets on top of being dishonest little pigs.

A senior official from the Internal Revenue Service conceded Friday afternoon that she is “not good at math” during a conference call on the IRS targeting of conservative groups during the 2012 election:

The statement was in response to a question about what one-quarter of 300 is.

The IRS flagged approximately 75 conservative groups that included the words “tea party” or patriot” in their applications for tax-exempt status for further review. The official is a lawyer.

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In the Rotation
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I want to dedicate this thread,which states a proven fact that yes,Tea Party groups were targeted by the IRS.
It is now clear that this administration has engaged in political prosecution of dissenters.
And if you still believe this task was ordered and performed by clerical rogues and not high government officials,then you are certifiably stupid.
Oh,and Benghazi happened because of a youtube video.


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No reason to worry about government expansion into and, more importantly, dominance of all aspects of society. If you aren't doing anything wrong why worry?


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Nah, this cant be.

No way could the IRS be an extension of Chicago political machine/Obama


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and Jews, and people that believe in legal immigration, and people that want a fiscally responsible government. The list of targeted groups is growing. Basically if you do not suck Obama's dick, you are a target. Top officials in the IRS knew this was taking place and condoned it. These are not isolated events.


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The literally did everything legal and illegal in order to stop and repress the Tea party movement. They were obviously terrified at the thought of a responsible government.

The IRS demands to know your private thoughts, what books you read and needs your facebook posts.

The Internal Revenue Service asked tea party groups to see donor rolls. It asked for printouts of Facebook posts. And it asked what books people were reading.

A POLITICO review of documents from 11 tea party and conservative groups that the IRS scrutinized in 2012 shows the agency wanted to know everything — in some cases, it even seemed curious what members were thinking. The review included interviews with groups or their representatives from Hawaii, New Mexico, Ohio, Texas and elsewhere. “They were asking for a U-Haul truck’s worth of information,” said Toby Marie Walker, the president of the Waco Tea Party.

Several of the groups were asked for résumés of top officers and descriptions of interviews with the media. One group was asked to provide “minutes of all board meetings since your creation.”

Some of the letters asked for copies of the groups’ Web pages, blog posts and social media postings — making some tea party members worry they’d be punished for their tweets or Facebook comments by their followers. And each letter had a stern warning about “penalties of perjury” — which became intimidating for groups that were being asked about future activities, like future donations or endorsements.

In one instance, the American Patriots Against Government Excess was asked to provide summaries or copies of all material passed out at meetings. The group had been reading “The 5000 Year Leap” by Cleon Skousen and the U.S. Constitution. The group’s president, Marion Bower, sent a copy of both to the IRS. “I don’t have time to write a book report for them,” she said.

The Albuquerque Tea Party was asked about connections to other groups — Conspiracy Brews, Marianne Chiffelle’s Breakfasts, Concerned Citizens for Limited Government, Concerned Citizens for Common Sense.

The Hawaii Tea Party was about Dylan Nonaka, the former head of the Hawaii Republican Party.Some were asked about any connection to Americans for Prosperity, a nonprofit group backed by the Koch brothers that ironically never underwent the same level of IRS scrutiny.

And then they asked whether one group knew Justin Binik-Thomas.

Never heard of him? He’s a former leader of the Cincinnati Tea Party, and clearly someone in the Cincinnati IRS office knew who he was.

So when the Liberty Township Tea Party applied for tax-exempt status, the IRS threw this question into its March 2011 letter to the group: “Provide details regarding your relationship with Justin Binik-Thomas.” (They didn’t know him well enough to spell his name right.)

In an interview Tuesday, Binik-Thomas said he has never worked with the Liberty group and isn’t sure why the IRS asked that group about him — although he says it’s “possible that they just Googled ‘tea party’ and assumed that we’re all the same.”

But Binik-Thomas said it was a chilling experience when the Liberty group told him his name was in their letter — because now he wonders what else the IRS has in store for him.

“Will my personal taxes get audited? Will my small-business taxes get audited? Am I a pawn to try to get at another group?” Binik-Thomas asked.

“There are a lot of people involved in the tea party. Why was I isolated from thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people? Why was I singled out?”

All this took time. Several conservative group leaders spoke of 18 months or more of delays, only to get missives in early 2012 demanding answers to detailed questions within a few weeks.

“The thing that would characterize the attitude of the IRS was silence. We submitted our application, and it would be almost a year before we would get an answer back,” said Laurence Nordvig, the executive director of the Richmond Tea Party. “It’s not like we were talking to someone every day and they were being polite or rude. We weren’t hearing from them at all.”

The Richmond group first applied for 501(c)(4) status in December 2009 and got final approval in July 2012.

The letters came from IRS offices in Ohio, California and Washington, D.C. And one letter — to American Patriots Against Government Excess — came under the name of Lois Lerner, the director of the IRS’s Exempt Organizations office. Lerner was the IRS official who announced last Friday the agency had singled out certain groups for review based on search terms like “tea party” and “patriot.”

“They were asking for the names of the donors, which is exactly the opposite of what we were looking for because if people knew their names would be made public or known to the government, they stop giving,” said Nordvig.

“Why do you even need that? There’s no reason your tax status should depend on your donors,” Littleton said.

Toby Marie Walker, the president of the Waco Tea Party, says her group applied for 501(c)(4) status in July 2010 and didn’t get a response from the IRS until February 2012 — when it sent a letter with 20 questions, including requests for printouts of its Web page and social networking sites.

It also wanted copies of all newsletters, bulletins and fliers, as well as any stories written about the group.

“They were killing trees right and left,” Walker said.

The IRS also asked for transcripts of radio shows where her group had mentioned political candidates by name — a job she figured would have cost her group $25,000. And it asked whether her group had “a close relationship” with any candidates or parties, a question she considered especially vague.

Walker said her group eventually got the questions knocked back a bit, with the help of the American Center for Law and Justice — and the IRS agreed to drop items like the Web page and Facebook printouts.

In January, Walker said, the Waco Tea Party submitted its final responses to the IRS — and in March, it won its tax-exempt status. By that point, she didn’t really feel like celebrating.

“It was a win, but I didn’t feel like it was a win, because it took us 18 months,” Walker said.

Chris Littleton, one of the co-founders of the Ohio Liberty Coalition, said the group got a grilling from the IRS when it submitted its application, in letters the group has posted on its website. The IRS also gave him so much grief when he tried to apply for tax-exempt status for another group, American Junto, that “we just gave up on it,” he said.

But when he submitted an application for a third group — Ohioans for Health Care Freedom, now renamed Ohio Rising — “it went through just fine,” Littleton said. “They never asked a single set of questions.”

Julie Hodges of the Mississippi Tea Party said the group has less than $800 in its account and relied on volunteer lawyers to deal with the IRS. It withdrew its application for 501(c)(4) status in early 2012, citing the delays and questions.

“The government is harassing us over a political position,” Hodges said.

The Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots applied in January 2010, and two years later, received an inquiry from the IRS with 35 questions.

“I do recall our co-founder called the IRS and the agent on the phone pretended he had our case file open in front him,” said the group’s president, Chris Rossiter. “Then she asked him a question, and he said, ‘What’s your group’s name again?’”

Several said that because the tea party groups constantly spoke to each other, it was easy to see they were all getting the same questions from IRS.

“It was a mistake for the IRS to take on the tea party because what we do is organize, so we’re going to figure out we were getting the same letters,” Rossiter said.

Lauren French contributed to this report.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/05/the-irs-wants-you-to-share-everything-91378.html#ixzz2TMrv0iJ3
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Obama Campaign Co-Chair Attacked Romney with Leaked IRS Docs

NOM, a pro-traditional marriage organization, claims the IRS leaked their 2008 confidential financial documents to the rival Human Rights Campaign. Those NOM documents were published on the Huffington Post on March 30, 2012. At that time, Joe Solmonese, a left-wing activist and Huffington Post contributor, was the president of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). Solmonese was also a 2012 Obama campaign co-chairman.

Both the Huffington Post's Sam Stein and HRC described the leak as coming from a “whistleblower.” The Huffington Post used the document to write a story questioning former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney’s support for traditional marriage. The document showed Romney donated $10,000 to NOM. HRC went a step further than the Huffington Post in its criticism of Romney and accused him of using “racially divisive tactics” in a press release.

Solmonese, then still the HRC’s president, said in the release he felt Romney’s “funding of a hate-filled campaign designed to drive a wedge between Americans is beyond despicable.”

“Not only has Romney signed NOM’s radical marriage pledge, now we know he’s one of the donors that NOM has been so desperate to keep secret all these years,” Solmonese added.

Solmonese resigned his position at HRC the next day and took up a position as an Obama campaign co-chair. He had announced the then-pending resignation from HRC the previous autumn.

NOM announced Tuesday that it will sue the IRS for this alleged leak. Under immense political pressure, Attorney General Eric Holder launched a criminal investigation into the IRS's actions. Congress will conduct ts own investigation.

In early April 2012, NOM published documents which it said showed this leaked confidential information did not come from a “whistleblower” but “came directly from the Internal Revenue Service and was provided to NOM's political opponents, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).”

NOM discovered that when HRC published its confidential financial documents, it failed to conceal the source of the documents. “After software removed the layers obscuring the document, it is shown that the document came from the Internal Revenue Service,” NOM asserted in its April 2012 release.

“The top of each page says, ‘THIS IS A COPY OF A LIVE RETURN FROM SMIPS. OFFICIAL USE ONLY,’" the statement continues. "On each page of the return is stamped a document ID of ‘100560209.’ Only the IRS would have the Form 990 with ‘Official Use’ information."



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IRS officials speedily approved exemption for Obama brother’s ‘charity’

Lois Lerner, the senior IRS official at the center of the decision to target tea party groups for burdensome tax scrutiny, signed paperwork granting tax-exempt status to the Barack H. Obama Foundation, a shady charity headed by the president’s half-brother that operated illegally for years.

According to the organization’s filings, Lerner approved the foundation’s tax status within a month of filing, an unprecedented timeline that stands in stark contrast to conservative organizations that have been waiting for more than three years, in some cases, for approval.

Lerner also appears to have broken with the norms of tax-exemption approval by granting retroactive tax-exempt status to Malik Obama’s organization.

The National Legal and Policy Center filed an official complaint with the IRS in May 2011 asking why the foundation was being allowed to solicit tax-deductible contributions when it had not even applied for an IRS determination. In a New York Post article dated May 8, 2011, an officer of the foundation admitted, “We haven’t been able to find someone with the expertise” to apply for tax-exempt status.

Nevertheless, a month later, the Barack H. Obama Foundation had flown through the grueling application process. Lerner granted the organization a 501(c) determination and even gave it a retroactive tax exemption dating back to December 2008.

The group’s available paperwork suggests an extremely hurried application and approval process. For example, the group’s 990 filings for 2008 and 2009 were submitted to the IRS on May 30, 2011, and its 2010 filing was submitted on May 23, 2011.

Lerner signed the group’s approval [pdf] on June 26, 2011.

It is illegal to operate for longer than 27 months without an IRS determination and solicit tax-deductible contributions.

The ostensibly Arlington, Va.-based charity was not even registered in Virginia despite the foundation’s website including a donation button that claimed tax-exempt status.

Its president and founder, Abon’go “Roy’ Malik Obama, is Barack Obama’s half-brother and was the best man at his wedding, but he has a checkered past. In addition to running his charity, Malik Obama ran unsuccessfully to be the governor of Siaya County in Kenya. He was accused of being a wife beater and seducing the newest of his twelve wives while she was a 17-year-old school girl.

Sensing something wrong when he and a group of Missouri State students visited Kenya in 2009, Ken Rutherford, winner of the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize for his work on banning landmines, determined that Malik Obama was an “operator” and elected to give a donation of 400 pounds of medical supplies to a local clinic instead.

“We didn’t know what he was going to do with them,”



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IRS ordered conservative educational group to turn over a list of high school and college students

When a Tennessee lawyer asked the IRS for tax-exempt status for a mentoring group that trained high school and college students about conservative political philosophy, the agency responded with a list of 95 questions in 31 parts, including an ultimatum for a list of everyone the group had trained, or planned to train.

'Provide details regarding all training you have provided or will provide,' the IRS demanded. 'Indicate who has received or will receive the training and submit copies of the training material.'

That question was part of the tax collection agency's February 14, 2012 letter to Kevin Kookogey. founder of the group Linchpins of Liberty. He had submitted his application 13 months earlier.

'Can you imagine my responsibility to parents if I disclosed the names of their children to the IRS?' he asked MailOnline.

It's 'an impossible question to answer fully and truthfully,' he said, 'without disclosing the names of anyone I ever taught, or would ever teach, including students.'

Like the leaders of many tea party-affiliated groups whose tax-exemption applications have become the subject of angry complaints, Kookogey called the IRS's inquisition an overreach, 'especially considering that my organization mentors high school and college students.'

It 'should send chills through your spine,' he told MailOnline, 'that the government would ask me to identify those I teach, and to provide details of what I teach them.'

The 13-month delay, while burdensome, was far shorter than those some other groups endured. According to a report released late Tuesday by the IRS's Office of Inspector General, the average delay at one point was 574 days. But Kookogey said a $30,000 grant was canceled as a result of the IRS's months-long radio silence, when he couldn't tell his donor that Linchpins had earned its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
The group's online materials refer to it as 'an American leadership development enterprise.' Its stated purpose is to mentor high school and college students, placing an emphasis on Western civilization and an old-style core curriculum - what previous generations called the 'great books.'

'Our ideas are opposed to the Obama administration, but we’re not tea party,' Kookogey told The Tennessean.

It's that lack of a tea party connection, he said, that makes his predicament so maddening.

He told MailOnline that nothing about his group - 'not our name or our description or our website, or anything' - should have placed it among the organizations the IRS chose to scrutinize closely by using key words like 'tea party,' '9/12,' and 'patriots' as qualifiers.

'I'm not a Tea Party group. I'm not a Patriot group by name' he told NewsChannel 5 in Nashville.

'We mentor high school and college students in conservative political philosophy. It's a one on one relationship.'



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IRS leaked confidential documents to investigative media

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) leaked confidential materials submitted by some conservative groups to investigative journalists at ProPublica, the group reported on Tuesday.

Last year, ProPublica, a liberal investigative journalism outlet, was researching “how dozens of social-welfare nonprofits had misled the IRS about their political activity on their applications and tax returns.”

As part of the investigation, “ProPublica regularly requested applications from the IRS’s Cincinnati office, which is responsible for reviewing applications from nonprofits.” According to the report, the same IRS office in Cincinnati that has admitted to targeting conservative groups provided confidential documents submitted by some of those nonprofit organizations to ProPublica.

“In response to a request for the applications for 67 different nonprofits last November, the Cincinnati office of the IRS sent ProPublica applications or documentation for 31 groups,” ProPublica reports. “Nine of those applications had not yet been approved—meaning they were not supposed to be made public. (We made six of those public, after redacting their financial information, deeming that they were newsworthy.)”

Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-brief...ts-to-investigative-journalists#ixzz2TMyINKNo
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Israel-related groups also pointed to IRS scrutiny

The same Internal Revenue Service office that singled out Tea Party groups for extra scrutiny also challenged Israel-related organizations, at least one of which filed suit over the agency’s handling of its application for tax-exempt status.

The trouble for the Israel-focused groups seems to have had different origins than that experienced by conservative groups, but at times the effort seems to have been equally ham-handed.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/...nted-to-irs-scrutiny-91298.html#ixzz2TN0424v9
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This is Obama's greatest legacy.........when caught with your pants down in public, just make something up, anything really, and the media will cover for you.


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USA Today now reporting

In the 27 months that the Internal Revenue Service put a hold on all Tea Party applications for non-profit status, it approved applications from similar liberal groups, a USA TODAY review of IRS data shows.

As applications from conservative groups sat in limbo, groups with obviously liberal names were approved in as little as nine months. With names including words like "Progress" or "Progressive," these groups applied for the same tax status and were engaged in the same kinds of activities as the conservative groups.

The controversial, 3-year-old strategy to manage the increasing number of political groups seeking tax-exempt status came under fire Tuesday. The agency's own inspector general blamed IRS leadership for "ineffective management."



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My question is who's going to jail over this scandal," Boehner

Maybe some mailroom slob

WASHINGTON -- The nation's top two Republican leaders suggested Wednesday that criminal acts were likely committed by the Internal Revenue Service in its apparent targeting of tea party groups that were seeking tax-exempt status from the agency.

Their comments come after the release of an inspector general report that found the tax collectors improperly singled out the groups who were applying to be "social welfare" groups under the tax code's 501(c)4 provisions, largely because of ineffective management.

President Barack Obama roundly condemned the activity as "intolerable and inexcusable" in a statement Tuesday night, and said the problems would be fixed.

But Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) both declared in blunt terms Wednesday that that is not enough.

"My question isn't about who is going to resign. My question is who's going to jail over this scandal," Boehner told reporters in his morning news conference.


Pro Bowler
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what a drama queen

how dare the IRS audit political groups for getting illegal tax exempt status


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That is not what happened according to the IRS. Spunk you are one dumb motherfucker. You would be crying like a little bitch if the Government had forbid liberal groups from participating in the run up to the election while allowing the conservatives free reign.

I always knew you were a piece of worthless shit, but to support the government's systematic suppression of the people is a new low for even a dumb liberal fuck like yourself. The IRS admitted to holding up the status of groups based on their political affiliation, not because they were doing something illegal, yet even knowing this you resort to the only thing liberals understand and are good at.... lying.


Practice Squad
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That is not what happened according to the IRS. Spunk you are one dumb motherfucker. You would be crying like a little bitch if the Government had forbid liberal groups from participating in the run up to the election while allowing the conservatives free reign.

I always knew you were a piece of worthless shit, but to support the government's systematic suppression of the people is a new low for even a dumb liberal fuck like yourself. The IRS admitted to holding up the status of groups based on their political affiliation, not because they were doing something illegal, yet even knowing this you resort to the only thing liberals understand and are good at.... lying.

Don't worry, liberals have a whole world of hurt coming their way. It's funny how they think they aren't reaping what they sow.

There's actually no point in discussing anything related to politics if they think this is okay. This so wrong MSNBC is covering it. Again, anyone who tries to defend this isn't even worth 10 seconds of your time.

I actually find it ironic that SP lays into people for being hyper-partisan yet he defends this.
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Pro Bowler
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That is not what happened according to the IRS. Spunk you are one dumb motherfucker. You would be crying like a little bitch if the Government had forbid liberal groups from participating in the run up to the election while allowing the conservatives free reign.

I always knew you were a piece of worthless shit, but to support the government's systematic suppression of the people is a new low for even a dumb liberal fuck like yourself. The IRS admitted to holding up the status of groups based on their political affiliation, not because they were doing something illegal, yet even knowing this you resort to the only thing liberals understand and are good at.... lying.

fox news and breitbart have whipped you up into an ignorant frenzy anyhow.

these tax exempt groups are applying under a social welfare status, so they are not allowed to participate in politics you queer. Admittedly the IRS used bias in their auditing, which can be a problem, but it actually accomplished what it was meant to do - as 80%+ of these conservative groups were actually illegally filing for tax exempt status.

if my job is to audit social welfare applications for political involvement, searching for political buzzwords is a good way of doing so. hopefully the IRS was also searching for liberal groups trying to exploit the same thing.

There IS a problem here, and it's that these groups, because of legislation, can get tax exempt status AT ALL. But that's not the ratings-driving-Fox-news-partisan shitstorm you were hoping for, probably.


Practice Squad
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fox news and breitbart have whipped you up into an ignorant frenzy anyhow.

these tax exempt groups are applying under a social welfare status, so they are not allowed to participate in politics you queer. Admittedly the IRS used bias in their auditing, which can be a problem, but it actually accomplished what it was meant to do - as 80%+ of these conservative groups were actually illegally filing for tax exempt status.

if my job is to audit social welfare applications for political involvement, searching for political buzzwords is a good way of doing so. hopefully the IRS was also searching for liberal groups trying to exploit the same thing.

There IS a problem here, and it's that these groups, because of legislation, can get tax exempt status AT ALL. But that's not the ratings-driving-Fox-news-partisan shitstorm you were hoping for, probably.

The problem is that they admitted to singling out conservative groups. That's why it's a story. They were much harder on conservative applicants than liberal applicants. That's NOT okay. They are supposed to be a nonpolitical entity.
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