
Pro Bowler
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The answer is quite simple Yim, nobody would be having these thoughts if it weren't for a horde of suspicious activity.

But if you want this shit to cease, then you and everyone else should get firmly behind IN PERSON VOTING WITH A VALID PHOTO ID. Massive mail in voting will never be legitimate and it's why most countries around the world don't allow it, or if they do it's limited to very specific reasons. We also shouldn't walk into polling locations and see all kinds of wires running in and out of the voting machines. Why should it need anything other than a power cord?

Illegal aliens should not be allowed to vote under any circumstance.

This is also something that term limits would help curtail to a certain degree.

And nothing I posted that you just went off about is conspiracy theory. How do you legitimately explain those last two questions I asked? And on the first question, there are eye-witness accounts of people NOT verifying anything where mail in votes are tabulated.
Yes there would be people would be having these thoughts as there are always people who want to believe all kinds of theories. There's a shit ton of videos and forums discussing flat earth theories, 911 inside job, Pizza gate, etc, etc, etc and there's always "suspicious activity" according to all these theories. Suspicion or suspicious activity is simply not good enough, that should be obvious to all.

Back to the point, you're still not addressing my original post and changing the subject to something you can rant about like you do with the refs, voting, Bill Gates, George Soros, etc, etc...you enjoy this shit, I guess it gives you the warm fuzzies or something. You continually throw out assertions and theories but change the subject or refuse to provide evidence and if thats all you can do, it doesnt matter if you're correct (and I'm not saying you're not) nothing will change and we're all just ranting and raving on a message board to no avail.

My original post was trying to grasp how the theory could be put into practice so we can reason together and provide verifiable info to apply to the situation in the article. If after gathering the facts around how mail in ballots could be withheld by deliberately applying an incorrect zip code, we should be able to determine to what degree that could benefit a cheater and how many people would have to be involved. The more people, the more likely the crime blows up. Anyway, I dont know all the rules and circumstances around the issue pointed out in that article and was hoping someone here might be more knowledgeable but it sounds like were all in the same boat with suspicions, lack of trust in government & political parties but not enough verifiable evidence to discuss more deeply and make a case one way or another.

They lost me big time when that attorney for Trump was talking about releasing the kraken and Guliani making claims of fraud that to my knowledge amounted to diddly squat. They're failed efforts and rhetoric make them and anyone that believes them seem crazy and full of shit which causes people to distance themselves from them and their assertions. Making a sound logical case with strong evidence is what needs to be done. Thats currently happening with the "Twitter Files" and is the type of thing I am looking for and you should too if you want your assertions substantiated and dealt with properly.

If you havent seen yet, follow the Twitter files, this is the type of stuff I'm advocating for:

I hope this makes a difference.

How does everyone feel about Kanye being banned? I don't like it and say let him rant because every word and post he makes just makes him look crazy and foolish for all the world to see. IMO, that more effective than censorship ever will be. I'm not buying that there's an army of followers willing to abide by his every word

** for the record I agree you have to be a US citizen to vote, voter ID or a drivers license should be required and I've already stated in past posts I'm weary of mail-in ballots and absolutely certain that it results in fraud but this has nothing to do with my original post about the article using incorrect zip codes for ballots and the questions I asked.


Pro Bowler
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What do you expect the average citizen to do beyond vote for change, even knowing their vote will be negated by fraud? Private citizens also did their own analysis, produced a documentary showing video and cell site evidence, stoof guard at ballot drop boxes, etc.

I also didn't say "Dems" can't be out thought (I assume you're referecning my comments). There are people that have larcency in their heart and they're just crooks. Some are probably driven by greed for the money they'll get per ballott harveted/collected and there are others that are ideologues. I'd bet quite a few Dems believe the current process is ripe with fraud. I'd also venture to guess a majority of Americans wouldn't be opposed to voter ID laws.

When Americans tried to protest what they saw in 2020 they were incarcerated in large numbers. People lost their jobs for just being in DC on 1/6. All this was done by design to silence the masses. I was in law enforcement for over 27 years. I've never seen bail denied to a citizen for simply protesting. If this was done in an inner city community, there would be rioting in the streets. But the average American with a job and a family counting on them has to be calculated.

The reality is that when DoJ offcials will knowingly and willingly lie on official documents and affidavits to obtain warrants, we're all fucked. Some of you just don't know it yet. The power lies in the elected representatives of the people. The states needed to address these issues after 2020 but Republicans are week and did nothing.

It's not as simple as being "comfortable" waiving the white flag. I know change will come but I don't know if it will be in my lifetime. The trajectory of the country and the world in general is not sustainable, from debts, to fuel and food shortages. These treacherous fucks have destroyed the country to alter the political landscape.

yes I was referring to your comments about Dems, it sounded like you were claiming they couldnt be out thought because they are corrupt and/or criminally minded. You could leave your doors unlocked and $100,000 in cash sitting openly on your dining room table and I wouldn't touch a nickel but I can think as devious as anyone on the planet and I think you and anyone else with character and a sense of morals or ethics could too so I was pushing back on what sounded like was a claim that they couldn't be defeated because of the attributes you applied to them.

I'm not sure what the average citizen can do beyond voting but we can reason together but we have to set aside our emotions and be critical of where we're getting our information, fight for sound logic, verifiable evidence and not let our natural tendency to lean on sources and theories we already agree with as a basis for our conclusions. I deliberately force myself to listen to people I vehemently disagree with (like Rob Reiner, AOC, etc) because it forces me to think about how to counter their way of thinking not because I believe I'll ever change their minds but so I can form the most rational position possible and authentically apply it to the way I live my daily life & discuss issues with others.

In reality, regardless of the issue, we're all mere grains of sand on the beach of humanity so the idea that any one us can make substantive change is unlikely but what we can do is change ourselves and I find that to be a full time job.

We can also reason together at a forum like this and endeavor to fiercely seek sound evidence and resist the temptation to be swayed by questionable or unsubstantiated theories that stoke our fires of rage.

Quite honestly, I dont know what can be done, it feels like a freight train running off a cliff and nothing can stop it.

Got any ideas?

I'm all ears
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yes I was referring to your comments about Dems, it sounded like you were claiming they couldnt be out thought because they are corrupt and/or criminally minded. You could leave your doors unlocked and $100,000 in cash sitting openly on your dining room table and I wouldn't touch a nickel but I can think as devious as anyone on the planet and I think you and anyone else with character and a sense of morals or ethics could too so I was pushing back on what sounded like was a claim that they couldn't be defeated because of the attributes you applied to them.

I'm not sure what the average citizen can do beyond voting but we can reason together but we have to set aside our emotions and be critical of where we're getting our information, fight for sound logic, verifiable evidence and not let our natural tendency to lean on sources and theories we already agree with as a basis for our conclusions. I deliberately force myself to listen to people I vehemently disagree with (like Rob Reiner, AOC, etc) because it forces me to think about how to counter their way of thinking not because I believe I'll ever change their minds but so I can form the most rational position possible and authentically apply it to the way I live my daily life discuss issues with others.

In reality, regardless of the issue, we're all mere grains of sand on the beach of humanity so the idea that any one us can make substantive change is unlikely but what we can do is change ourselves and I find that to be a full time job.

We can also reason together at a forum like this and endeavor to fiercely seek sound evidence and resist the temptation to be swayed by questionable or unsubstantiated theories that stoke our fires of rage.

Quite honestly, I dont know what can be done, it feels like a freight train running off a cliff and nothing can stop it.

Got any ideas?

I'm all ears

I like you Yim and nothing said on this board will change that. There's plenty of evidence out there. But the evidence is meaningless if no one will prosecute. Right now, the Dems control the agencies that would investigate this type of fraud. It's why I'm sour on DeSantis. Florida is controlled by Republicans, down to the AG's office. They can look at some of these anomalies and if it's happening in Florida and Texas, it can happen anywhere.

The upper echelon of the FBI is corrupted and the FBI is an agency that is run by their HQ elements. They direct the cases and I always thought this was an odd way to work when I was still in the business but now I understand why. And the FBI can investigate (which they won't) but you still need a federal prosecutor to take the case (which they won't).

When election workers tell you of some very suspect activity and the elected representatives of the people do nothing, there's very little you and I can. That's just the reality.When Harvard educated citizens review the numbers and find some serious anomalies that wouldn't happen in a million years and our elected representatives do nothing, there's nothing we, as citizen, can do.

Most of us here are closer to the end then the beginning. For 27 years of government service, I believed in the system, never gave any thought to political affiliations, raised my right hand, swore to affidavits and testified at trial with integrity. The saddest thing for me is that I no longer trust the government I served. And I'm not alone. Matter of fact, I can say that I'm in the majority of retired folks I worked with. This country has lost the moral high ground when it comes to the 1/6 incarcerations, refugees and serving the people. That's truly sad.

The Twitter files will be in the headlines for a while but it'll blow over. The corrupted DoJ and judiciary will see to that. Government using Twitter and big tech to suppress free speech of it's people should not be a political issue. It's one of the most treasonous acts a corrupt government can do, next to corrupting the election process. But we're dealing with ideologues who don't believe 1A, 2A, etc. is absolute. They they don't believe in the sanctity of the Constitution.

And we're here because cowardly SCOTUS refused the states election challenges to mail in voting as a violation of their state constitution and state laws. The allowed radical state supreme courts run by Dems to change election laws prior to the 2020 general election. The whole system has failed the people.


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How do they limit these missing ballots to Republicans only?

If they cant, it seems this method would keep them from getting many democrat votes as well considering the country seems largely split down the middle but even if it was 70-30 republican, they're sacrificing a significant number of democrat votes to pull this off initially

Do mail in ballots go to everyone automatically or they upon request only because if 31,000 people requested ballots and never received them, there's a pretty high likelihood we'd be hearing from a lot of folks, especially if they were all Republican voters

Assuming they get all these ballots at the ready for future use as needed & described in the article, are they just forging signatures and voting on someone else's behalf?

Each state is different. Some states mail ballots to everyone. Some states require a request for a mail-in ballot. There are two way to cheat the system. First, remember that in some states, and that includes most states with mail-in voting, both parties are furnished with the status of voters. They are told basically who cast a ballot and who didn't. This allows a party to contact a voter directly and pressure him or her to vote. Or they can "harvest". You can imagine the opportunities to cheat with this process.

What people need to understand is both parties have lots of voting data on voters in every county in America. They know who is registered to what party.

The other way to to harvest ballots. Both parties know which areas are heavily Democrat and heavily Republican. You harvest ballots in the Dem areas and ignore the Republican areas. Or Republicans can do it the other way around. Keep in mind ballot harvesting is legal in a number of states.

The woman in Florida who confessed to ballot fraud claimed she was part of a system where Democrats purchased ballots from poor communities.

Maricopa county came up with a voter suppression scheme. 30% of scanners began to fail on election day when it is widely known Republicans like to vote. Most of those scanners failed in largely Republican areas. What we do not know is why the scanners began to fail, but we do know they failed and where they failed. It is almost impossible to determine how many voters were effected. Oddly, an Arizona judge refused to extend voting hours in Maricopa county which is completely contrary to what judges have done in many liberal districts around the county when similar voting delays were incurred.

The fact is mail-in voting has been banned in most countries around the world, even in most countries which hold free elections. The reason is they are concerned about voter fraud. Other countries put election integrity above pampering voters into the voting booth.



Pro Bowler
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Each state is different. Some states mail ballots to everyone. Some states require a request for a mail-in ballot. There are two way to cheat the system. First, remember that in some states, and that includes most states with mail-in voting, both parties are furnished with the status of voters. They are told basically who cast a ballot and who didn't. This allows a party to contact a voter directly and pressure him or her to vote. Or they can "harvest". You can imagine the opportunities to cheat with this process.

What people need to understand is both parties have lots of voting data on voters in every county in America. They know who is registered to what party.

The other way to to harvest ballots. Both parties know which areas are heavily Democrat and heavily Republican. You harvest ballots in the Dem areas and ignore the Republican areas. Or Republicans can do it the other way around. Keep in mind ballot harvesting is legal in a number of states.

Thanks for the thorough post.

Ballot harvesting is what I think is contributing greatly to democrat votes along with democratic leaning media influence being a huge part where a sense of peer pressure seems to have formed where people dont want to be associated with Republicans because they've promoted the image they're all gun loving, minority hatting, election denying, racist & stupid insurrectionist. I've said as much in previous posts, I think its easier to harvest democratic ballots because for whatever reason minorities tend to be heavily democratic and IIRC black voters are like 90% democratic. The sad fact of the matter is poorer people tend to be congregated in smaller locations like housing complexes and apartments where "harvesters" can reach a lot of people easily within walking distance. I've heard of people doing drawings for cash gift cards for everyone who turns in a ballot which is probably a way of skirting the system as well but would this be wrong if the people giving the gift cards were unable to direct who the vote was for?

Republicans seem to get a lot of votes historically from the military and many of those votes come from mail in ballots, which there's never been an outcry (that I recall). While I have serious concerns about mail-in ballots for everyone, I'm wondering if there is something special about military ballots that are less prone to fraud and why its not hypocritical for republicans to be ok within mail in military ballots but no others



Pro Bowler
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30% of scanners began to fail on election day when it is widely known Republicans like to vote
this seems difficult to pull off but easy to investigate, I'd love to see a thorough analysis of how this could take place because it would involve so many people that would have to work in concert without being discovered.

Aren't there democrat and republicans election officials at every location so this would have to be done right under their noses in an environment were republicans in those counties are already highly suspicious and on high alert?

I think democrats tend to more easily adapt to mail in ballots too since they also seem to embrace vaccines, mandates and other heavy handed government regulation and control so there are probably many of these folks sitting around stewing while watching insanity like The View and other incendiary "news" shows which motivates them to send that vote off with ease since its already in their mailbox.

I also think democrats appeal to minorities because of all their giveaways, class and race warfare so simply making it easy for these people to vote will likely give them the edge anywhere mail-in ballots are available and they dont even have to cheat

The scary part as I see it is the democrats dont even have to cheat for the reasons mentioned above and I dont see the republicans winning over minorities any day soon but they better get on it or they're screwed for the foreseeable future


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Thanks for the thorough post.

Ballot harvesting is what I think is contributing greatly to democrat votes along with democratic leaning media influence being a huge part where a sense of peer pressure seems to have formed where people dont want to be associated with Republicans because they've promoted the image they're all gun loving, minority hatting, election denying, racist & stupid insurrectionist. I've said as much in previous posts, I think its easier to harvest democratic ballots because for whatever reason minorities tend to be heavily democratic and IIRC black voters are like 90% democratic. The sad fact of the matter is poorer people tend to be congregated in smaller locations like housing complexes and apartments where "harvesters" can reach a lot of people easily within walking distance. I've heard of people doing drawings for cash gift cards for everyone who turns in a ballot which is probably a way of skirting the system as well but would this be wrong if the people giving the gift cards were unable to direct who the vote was for?

Republicans seem to get a lot of votes historically from the military and many of those votes come from mail in ballots, which there's never been an outcry (that I recall). While I have serious concerns about mail-in ballots for everyone, I'm wondering if there is something special about military ballots that are less prone to fraud and why its not hypocritical for republicans to be ok within mail in military ballots but no others


I think ballot harvesting, or more accurately vote harvesting has been going on for years in many different way and places. In NYC, for example, years ago Democrats were caught picking up homeless people from the streets and signing them up to vote. They would take theses people to the polls and on the busses they hired they would instruct the homeless people how to fill out their ballots when they got to polling places. They also fed them on the busses. I am sure this is not a unique situation. It has probably been refined over the years, and Democrats have changed voting laws to make it easier to find voters and to coerce them into voting. Republicans need to fight against these practices but outlawing mail-in voting, outlawing all forms of ballot harvesting, and forcing voter ID laws with in-person voting.

In the meantime, I suggest that Republican counties not report their vote totals until the major Democrat counties are fully reported. This prevents Democrats from knowing how many votes they need to win. There is a reason Democrat countries are always the last to report their vote totals.


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this seems difficult to pull off but easy to investigate, I'd love to see a thorough analysis of how this could take place because it would involve so many people that would have to work in concert without being discovered.

Aren't there democrat and republicans election officials at every location so this would have to be done right under their noses in an environment were republicans in those counties are already highly suspicious and on high alert?

I think democrats tend to more easily adapt to mail in ballots too since they also seem to embrace vaccines, mandates and other heavy handed government regulation and control so there are probably many of these folks sitting around stewing while watching insanity like The View and other incendiary "news" shows which motivates them to send that vote off with ease since its already in their mailbox.

I also think democrats appeal to minorities because of all their giveaways, class and race warfare so simply making it easy for these people to vote will likely give them the edge anywhere mail-in ballots are available and they dont even have to cheat

The scary part as I see it is the democrats dont even have to cheat for the reasons mentioned above and I dont see the republicans winning over minorities any day soon but they better get on it or they're screwed for the foreseeable future

Theoretically, yes. There are observers for both parties. But in Arizona, there are witnesses who testified that technicians came in to the polling places and shortly afterwards the scanners started to malfunction. Of course this would be easy to investigate, so why have there not been any investigations? And when there are investigations, they are never transparent. For example, Brad Raffensperger, the GA secretary of state, claimed Trump's allegation of voter fraud were investigated but that statement caught a number of official off guard because they were unaware of an investigation. The scope and process of the investigation wasn't made public. Just Raffensperger's word that an investigation was conducted and nothing nefarious was found. Democrats like to say that 60 courts said there was no voter fraud in 2020, but not one of the 60 courts that ruled against Trump actually conducted an investigation of any kind. Most ruled against Trump saying he had no standing. Others ruled that remedy Trump was asking for was not within the court's power. The fact is Trump's lawyers did him no favors. No court in American will overturn the results of an election based only on suspicion and innuendo. Even now, Trump is making some wild statements about ignoring the constitution to restore the rightful winner to office, a position that is simply not supported by any laws or constitution. Word of advice, if you go to court, ask the judge to give you something he would feel comfortable giving. Asking him to give you the presidency isn't one of them.


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In the meantime, I suggest that Republican counties not report their vote totals until the major Democrat counties are fully reported. This prevents Democrats from knowing how many votes they need to win. There is a reason Democrat countries are always the last to report their vote totals.

They (Republican counties) did just this in Georgia in the 2020 run off election but the Dem counties just waited. They're willing to break election law by not reporting knowing full well no one will do or say anything bacuse they'll just claim supression of the minority vote. So the Republicans couldn't wait and had to drop their votes.

Even in the recent run-off, Dekalb County didn't report it's numbers until the very end to make up any deficits.


Pro Bowler
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Keep in mind that the MSM has been fact checking and downplaying this woman's testimony. We'll see what comes out of the Florida investigation of this woman's claims.


sounds similar to what I proposed with the added touch of steaming open ballots to change them or throwing ballots away that dont go how they want

are they skirting the law by paying the "harvester" and not the voter?


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Sure, it's been obvious since before the 2020 crooked election when the courts wouldnt act on that garbage that was already going on in Pennsylvania.

You have to ask for the right things to win these cases. I think Giuliani, Powell (the Kraken) and others trying to help Trump actually hurt him with wild accusations they could not back up. All we heard is they have evidence of this and that but they never produced actual evidence. Of course to get evidence you need an investigation and Dems fought in the courts to prevent investigations from taking place. In all things in life the strategy is under-promise and over-deliver rather than over-promise and under-deliver. The Trump side did the later - they are still doing it - and they are getting the response they deserve.

And how many "tick-tock" moments were we promised that never came to fruition? This is a quick way to discredit yourself. Republicans need to learn to play the long game, the game of increments.


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They (Republican counties) did just this in Georgia in the 2020 run off election but the Dem counties just waited. They're willing to break election law by not reporting knowing full well no one will do or say anything bacuse they'll just claim supression of the minority vote. So the Republicans couldn't wait and had to drop their votes.

Even in the recent run-off, Dekalb County didn't report it's numbers until the very end to make up any deficits.

If Republicans hold out no matter what then it makes the Democrats do the same. Eventually it becomes obvious what is going on. I am not saying it is the solution but it is a way to expose Dem tactics.


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You have to ask for the right things to win these cases. I think Giuliani, Powell (the Kraken) and others trying to help Trump actually hurt him with wild accusations they could not back up. All we heard is they have evidence of this and that but they never produced actual evidence. Of course to get evidence you need an investigation and Dems fought in the courts to prevent investigations from taking place. In all things in life the strategy is under-promise and over-deliver rather than over-promise and under-deliver. The Trump side did the later - they are still doing it - and they are getting the response they deserve.

And how many "tick-tock" moments were we promised that never came to fruition? This is a quick way to discredit yourself. Republicans need to learn to play the long game, the game of increments.

just not agreeing with you here Creeper. We can all say what we want but Guiliani was a USA Attorney in one of the busiest offices in the country and was the mayor of New York and cleaned up that city. He's older and maybe he's slower but he's not a nut job. He was well regarded in the law enforcement community. Powell was also a well regarded federal prosecutor.

The issue is not lack of evidence. You have video surveillance, cell site tracking, thousands of sworn affidavits, an audit (in AZ) that raised some serious concerns, suitcases being removed from under tables and double/triple counted on video. We can go on and on. Even Bill McSwain, the former US Attorney from Philadelphia, came forward and stated he raised election fraud concerns but was shot down by DoJ. But McSwain is a coward who didn't bring this to the public eye when he was US Attorney. When law enforcement doesn't want to investigate, there's nothing Guiliani, Powell, Lake, Trump or anyone else can do about it. Asking the "right" questions has nothing to do with it.

The level of corruption is in your face blatant. Are you saying Hunter Biden's laptop isn't evidence? That his former business partners have come forward and implicated Hunter and the Big Guy. It has nothing to do with asking the right questions or presenting the evidence appropriately. The left and RINO Republicans control the levels of power that would investigate the corruption but they won't for obvious reasons. Dems have gone so far as to delete election data from 2020 so it can never be audited or reviewed, all against the law. But there are no repercussions. So the deceit and treachery will continue.
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just not agreeing with you here Creeper. We can all say what we want but Guiliani was a USA Attorney in one of the busiest offices in the country and was the mayor of New York and cleaned up that city. He's older and maybe he's slower but he's not a nut job. He was well regarded in the law enforcement community. Powell was also a well regarded federal prosecutor.

The issue is not lack of evidence. You have video surveillance, cell site tracking, thousands of sworn affidavits, an audit (in AZ) that raised some serious concerns, suitcases being removed from under tables and double/triple counted on video. We can go on and on. Even Bill McSwain, the former US Attorney from Philadelphia, came forward and stated he raised election fraud concerns but was shot down by DoJ. But McSwain is a coward who didn't bring this to the public eye when he was US Attorney. When law enforcement doesn't want to investigate, there's nothing Guiliani, Powell, Lake, Trump or anyone else can do about it. Asking the "right" questions has nothing to do with it.

The level of corruption is in your face blatant. Are you saying Hunter Biden's laptop isn't evidence? That his former business partners have come forward and implicated Hunter and the Big Guy. It has nothing to do with asking the right questions or presenting the evidence appropriately. The left and RINO Republicans control the levels of power that would investigate the corruption but they won't for obvious reasons. Dems have gone so far as to delete election data from 2020 so it can never be audited or reviewed, all against the law. But there are no repercussions. So the deceit and treachery will continue.

I was referring specifically to the voter fraud claims. Of course the Hunter laptop is evidence. But after the elections there were a lot of wild accusations of voter fraud and claims of proof that were never delivered. Was there suspicious behavior and some crazy statistical anomalies? Absolutely, but asking a judge to basically throw out an election result on suspicions was folly. It was never going to happen. Don't get me wrong. I believe there was widespread and orchestrated voter fraud in 2020. This is just based on the number of suspicious incidents that occurred. The best evidence of possible vote fraud is the True the Vote data which was not available in 2021.

My point was Giuliani and Powell over-promised on the evidence they had. We are still waiting for the Kraken to be released.


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I was referring specifically to the voter fraud claims. Of course the Hunter laptop is evidence. But after the elections there were a lot of wild accusations of voter fraud and claims of proof that were never delivered. Was there suspicious behavior and some crazy statistical anomalies? Absolutely, but asking a judge to basically throw out an election result on suspicions was folly. It was never going to happen. Don't get me wrong. I believe there was widespread and orchestrated voter fraud in 2020. This is just based on the number of suspicious incidents that occurred. The best evidence of possible vote fraud is the True the Vote data which was not available in 2021.

My point was Giuliani and Powell over-promised on the evidence they had. We are still waiting for the Kraken to be released.

Giuliani and Powell raised enough issues and gathered enough sworn eye witness affidavits to kick start an investigation. A private citizen can only go so far to collect data. You need subpoena power and a team of investigators and analysts to put together a prosecutable case. That's not Powell or Giuliani or Lake's responsibility.

My point about the Hunter laptop is that even with evidence that seems overwhelming, no real prosecution has occurred and a co-conspirator is sitting in the White House. The laptop was brought to the attention of authorities by Giuliani.

None of the accusations were "wild" or over the top. Keri Lake has filed suit and referenced 2020 as well. The AZ AG's office raised some issues and sent a letter to Maricopa County but they won't act on. Private citizens can only do so much.
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