The government (particularly of an enormous country like ours) will always be the largest employer. There's nothing inherently good or bad about that it's simply the way things are. Not even Wal Mart could come close to approaching the amount of people necessary to run a country.
gubmint is largest employer ohnoes #obamaphonez
would depend on how you wish to run a country. if you want hands on everything you need a shitload of people.
even a few asshats with a swastika and a banana.
you wish to let people make their own way, you don't need the staffing you think you do.
i prefer to let people fly or fall on their own terms. not sit around and pretend i know it all and tell them how to fly, or fall.
you wanna be a gay ass mofo holding a banana, do it. i support that.
but it has nothing to do with survival but everything to do with entitlement.
you're only worth what you're willing to work for. period.