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Shaun king says white guys like guns bc it's envy since blacks have bigger weiners and higher sex drive and its phalic and symbolic


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I have a small dick and I don't really feel that close to my gun. So Shaun King is just a really dumb guy with a big black dick.
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When you send a dick selfie do you appreciate the compliment "you have a beautiful cock". I think that's code for not huge :\


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I took a dick selfie once.

even I was all "is that a dick or a really above average clit?"


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Judging by the comments, most of you would consider me a gun nut. The latest item in my collection is a Glock 43. I absolutely love it after adding a proper trigger. I'm considered thin by today's fat ass standards and it very easy to conceal.


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They are nasty indoors. I had a guy fire one in the lane next to me. It was so disruptive that every time I saw him get ready to shoot it I would have to wait till he was done. I couldn't even concentrate when I took aim. I was just waiting for him to pull the trigger and then I would flinch every time he did.

Every time the guy would step up to shoot the four lanes next to him would step back and wait for him to finish.

The guy was cool about it and understood. So he invited me to shoot it which was pretty interesting.

I had a friend in college who had never shot a 44. So he took his 357 and I took my 44 and we went to an indoor range. There were guys there shooting 45's and 357's, but when I started shooting my 44 it was just different than all the others. Everybody quit shooting and came over to see what I was firing. Its really not an indoor handgun. :BUMP1KV


Pro Bowler
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I can agree with that

I went to the range yesterday to shoot my new HK USP45 and as I was walking up I could hear a few small pops through the concrete walls of the indoor shooting range. Then I hear a loud thump. I knew it was a magnum just from the sound coming through the walls.

And yes it was a 44. Unfortunately they put me two lanes away from the guy. So I just loaded up my mags while he shot and waited for him to be done

Any typos in the above post can be directly contributed to Siri and her damn Autocorrect


In the Rotation
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got a 45-70 Bison Bull and use hand loads. Always impresses anyone around when I fire it. Usually has about a 3 foot flame coming out.

My main Hand gun is a Glock 31, 357 Sig. Have a cowboy 45, and several black powder pistols from a Walker on down. Oh, got a copy of the gun Mississippi used in El Dorado. That is fun to shoot buck and ball with.

Most of my weapons are rifles or shotguns. Sks, Garand, a couple of Henry's, and some black powder ones like a Kentucky Rifle and 1861 Springfield.

When I really go out shooting with my friends we really make a lot of smoke and noise.

By the way is there a set number of fire arms one must have to be labeled a gun nut? Thinking on it now I have around 15 all told.


High Plains Drifter
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Somehow missed by the lame stream media.... Can't imagine why though.

DeSoto police have identified the suspect in an aggravated robbery at a Waffle House last week.

About 2:30 a.m. Thursday, police were called to the Waffle House in the 1500 block of North Beckley Avenue, where they found a man shot in the parking lot.

Customers told police that the man had come into the restaurant, armed with an AK-47, and robbed numerous people as well as the business.

One customer, who was legally carrying a concealed handgun, followed the robber into the parking lot because he was afraid for the safety of his wife, who was on her way to the Waffle House.

The customer called out to the robber, who turned and pointed the rifle at him, police said. The customer then shot the robber several times.

The robbery suspect, who police later identified as 26-year-old Antione Devon Cooper of Dallas, was taken to a hospital, where he is on life support.

Police said the customer was not arrested.
Good picture of this perp here:

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