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Gotta tow the party line lol
I dont tow a party line dude...I'm a conservative, not a republican
But if it makes your liberal ass happy to think that, go right ahead
Gotta tow the party line lol
Why do you even bother to post? Everything you say can be found on the Faux News website.
That's funny, because most of the libs that say this just regurgitate whatever they hear on MSNBC or read on a libtard website like DailyKos.
Actually, you are wrong. I know , a shock to you, you wrong? lol
I am not a repuke or a dem.
I am me.
I believe in the Constitution , which not many politicians do. NEITHER side as I stated are going to help the people. It doesn't matter if for some reason McCain/Palin got in, or who is in now, The PEOPLE still get fucked over.
I also don't believe in MASS Government in my life. as well as entitlements , welfare., stealing from the rich and giving to the ungrateful.
Course, I don't believe in abortion, gay marriage either. so. that may be a repuke stance, guilty as charged.
YOU voted for a man that has completely destroyed this country, that is on your dime. That is why you are a moron. And, will continue to be.
I vote for the lesser of evil. So, yeah, last 3 times. had to repuke. No way was I gonna help in getting Gore, Kerry or Obama in. No fucking way. I also couldn't stand Bush Sr or Jr.
W Bush I would love to get rotted with in a shitcan bar all night and shoot the shit. Him as Pres? He was a phony. He was no repuke. He was a puppet.
I don't believe in Illegal Immigration. The repukes and dems BOTH do. They need votes. I need the illegals out of the US.
Fucking hilarious , you wouldn't give a vote to Palin, yet, you give the "Political Legitimacy" to Obama? Community Organizer who has never run shit, and Biden...lol
Yep, keep the moron card, you are gonna need it.
I vote for a revolution. That is what I am voting for come 2012.
I dont tow a party line dude...I'm a conservative, not a republican
But if it makes your liberal ass happy to think that, go right ahead
Is that what I've been doing? Because I've never watched MSNBC or been to DailyKos.
If this were true you would hate Palin as much as the non-teabaggers do.
You can pretend all you like, but it is painfully obvious what party you follow. Your vote has already been cast, and it didn't take the Reps a dime to get it.
If this were true you would hate Palin as much as the non-teabaggers do.
Is that what I've been doing? Because I've never watched MSNBC or been to DailyKos.
Vote Obama.
Bitch please.
I hate America.
That is all.
You have the right to voice you're opinion, it's the American way. With that being said, it is better to be thought of as a fool than to open you're mouth and remove all doubt. Good day sir.McCain is a far better leader than that dipshit Obama could ever be. You say you voted for Obama because of Palin, but Palin actually had more experience than Obama did, and had done an outstanding job in her state. Obama's never done anything.
That said, I dont like McCain because he is really a democrat. He's not a radical socialist like that putz Obama, but he isnt conservative enough for me.
You have the right to voice you're opinion, it's the American way. With that being said, it is better to be thought of as a fool than to open you're mouth and remove all doubt. Good day sir.
Apparently another one that thinks "community organizer"= qualified Presidential candidate
lol at the "community organizer" who is "supposed" to be able to "bring" people together. Has both the Congress AND Senate in his back pocket for about 2 yrs and NOTHING gets passed...
Obama was able to push through the stimulus and healthcare.