Look at the Patriot Act and all the invasion of privacy since then. Now drone strikes are legal on US soil. I have no idea why they wanted to invade Afghanistan, but they invaded Iraq to transform the Middle East - as we're seeing now. Saddam wanting to do away with trading oil for gold and Euros and instead of the dolla probably didn't help either.
They were fucking with people long before this. Not to mention most of the people they fucked with after it passed were immigrants. It's a piece of shit law like many others but what have you lost other than your sanity over it? The illusion of some sort of privacy or security in your own home? As Carlin said, they can fuck with you whenever they want.
As far as drone strikes, you don't think Bush would have shot down either of the planes that hit the towers had he known they were going to? Of course he would have, as he should have, and he would have been applauded for doing so. Is it the fact that they are remote controlled that gets you worked up? I mean, you really think if they attacked US citizens outright that everyone would be cool with it because it was "legal" now?
If the government wanted to kill it's own people, they wouldn't get authorization through drone strikes to do it. They would just fucking do it and there would be nothing anyone could do about it. In spite of what mythical revolutionist fantasies some people in this country might have about keeping the government in check through the possession of guns, that's just laughable. Who would we even kill? President? And then who? If they wanted to invade the Middle East, they wouldn't need to murder 3,000 citizens to do it. Shit, you don't think they would have went in with less deaths? It needed to be almost 3,000? 1,000 innocent people wouldn't have been enough?
And transform the middle east into what? Tourist attraction?
I just don't see how you can buy into it honestly. You're suggesting that the US Government has this giant plan and are willing to kill anyone in their path and destroy anything in their way but instead of just getting the job done in one fell swoop they tiptoe around by taking all these incremental steps, stretching the entire process out over a decade and likely beyond many of their own lifetimes.
Instead of just getting it done they let the country go to shit by stretching this thing out, all the while increasing their risk of getting exposed and having this whole carefully orchestrated song and dance blow up in their faces while many of these shot callers will probably die before they ever realize their goal.
You have to think outside the box of reality.