I'm not trying to be a tough guy nor make it personal. If you want to remove yourself from what I said so be it. I apologize for directing it at you. Anyone who takes the stance is weak, IMO. It's actually not BS. If you can't solve the problem of your 14 year old daughter dating an 18 year old and need to involve the law and have the 18 year old prosecuted, you suck at life and as a parent. It's weak, literally. The bigger problem in the situation is the parent. If you can't use your judgement to decide whether the boy is a tool or a respectable young man, or even refuse to judge, you shouldn't have children. It's lazy. What ever happened to teaching girls to use sound judgement and to expect to be treated like a lady and not put up with any shit. If your daughter is a smart girl and has proven that, why not let her make the decision for herself. Are you going to be there her whole life telling older guys they can't touch her even when she wants them to?