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The 18 year old.

Another article on the topic. This one says 18 and 15.



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How does it mean that? Did it say somewhere how long they were together? Or are you just guessing for dramatic effect? Maybe they've only recently started dating. 14-17. I don't know. But just as plausible

You're right. Maybe they just started dating minute she turned 18. There's no need for dramatic effect, just use some common sense.


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“The (assistant) state attorney, Brian Workman needs to use taxpayers money to prosecute REAL criminals, not a high school student who has never been in trouble a day in her young life, all because she had a mutual consenting relationship with someone who has bigoted parents,” wrote Hunt Smith, who didn’t immediately return a call seeking comment Sunday.

This guy's a tool. If it was my 14 year old kid, I'd do the same thing.


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Then you're a bigger tool.

So says the guy that has no kids. Come back to me later when an 18 year old is banging your 14 year old daughter.

It's ironic that you're telling people to use common sense.

How so? The parents of the 14 year old have a problem with it. I have a daughter that's 14 and I'd have a problem with it too.


Pro Bowler
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quit acting like having kids makes you a good parent or not a tool. there are tons of shitty parents who do things like imagine that having their kids older lover arrested/persecuted/life ruined on a technicality because they hate that she is turning their innocent little 14 year old queer will actually solve anything

toolbag/shitty parent


Practice Squad
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How so? The parents of the 14 year old have a problem with it. I have a daughter that's 14 and I'd have a problem with it too.

What's the difference between an 18 year old having sex with your daughter and a 17 year old? One should be prosecuted and the other shouldn't? That's common sense right there.

You're just a dick who can't figure things out for yourself so you depend on a bullshit law to help you sleep better at night. Here's reality, quite a few daughters will be fucked by someone who is older than them. Whether they are 14 or 18. keep delaying the inevitable to help your weak ass sleep at night. You're literally a weakling who feels their poor innocent daughter needs to be protected from those horrible senior boys who are, wait for it, 4 WHOLE years older than her. We live in such a sick world where 14 year old girls can't make decisions for themselves regarding whether they open their legs or not for their senior boyfriends that there need to be laws protecting them. But remember, once they hit 18, or even 16 it all changes. Those few years make a huge difference. A big enough difference to put an 18 yr old in jail over it.
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Pro Bowler
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the difference is these parents hated it all along and now have legal means to make this kid's life hell because they are annoying ****bags and so is anyone who thinks this is admirable.


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quit acting like having kids makes you a good parent or not a tool.

Go fuck yourself. I never made myself out to be anything of the sort. I gave my opinion from a parent's perspective and you know what tool bag, it's the law whether you agree with it or not. The rest of your thoughts are just useless drivel.


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What's the difference between an 18 year old having sex with your daughter and a 17 year old? One should be prosecuted and the other shouldn't? That's common sense right there.

What's the difference between drinking at 20 or 21? What's the difference about voting at 17 as opposed to 18? It's not just a number no matter how you look at it. You're legally an adult at 18.

You're just a dick who can't figure things out for yourself so you depend on a bullshit law to help you sleep better at night. Here's reality, quite a few daughters will be fucked by someone who is older than them. Whether they are 14 or 18. keep delaying the inevitable to help your weak ass sleep at night. You're literally a weakling who feels their poor innocent daughter needs to be protected from those horrible senior boys who are, wait for it, 4 WHOLE years older than her. We live in such a sick world where 14 year old girls can't make decisions for themselves regarding whether they open their legs or not for their senior boyfriends that there need to be laws protecting them. But remember, once they hit 18, or even 16 it all changes. Those few years make a huge difference. A big enough difference to put an 18 yr old in jail over it.

Honestly, what the hell are you babbling about and why are you getting personal? I never insulted you or Punk but that's fine.

Let me ask you? Is it OK for an 18 year old adult to screw a 10 year old? 11? 12? What's the cut off in your view? I didn't make these rules but I understand why they are there and I happen to agree with them. The rest of the weakling thing is BS. You want to act like an internet tough guy, have at it. Go form and advocacy group and join Ben. You guys can wave signs at your local PD or DA's office opposing the law and then post some picks for us to laugh at.
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I have a daughter in 9th grade and she wouldn't be dating a senior because I Parent. I think the way this girl is being prosecuted is crap, if the facts of their relationship are being represented correctly. This shouldn't be a crime, you don't want your freshman daughter dating a senior and having sex, then be a parent.


Practice Squad
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What's the difference between drinking at 20 or 21? What's the difference about voting at 17 as opposed to 18? It's not just a number no matter how you look at it. You're legally an adult at 18.

You're comparing responsibilities being given to responsibilities being taken away. Apples and oranges.

Honestly, what the hell are you babbling about and why are you getting personal? I never insulted you or Punk but that's fine.

Let me ask you? Is it OK for an 18 year old adult to screw a 10 year old? 11? 12? What's the cut off in your view? I didn't make these rules but I understand why they are there and I happen to agree with them. The rest of the weakling thing is BS. You want to act like an internet tough guy, have at it. Go form and advocacy group and join Ben. You guys can wave signs at your local PD or DA's office opposing the law and then post some picks for us to laugh at.

I'm not trying to be a tough guy nor make it personal. If you want to remove yourself from what I said so be it. I apologize for directing it at you. Anyone who takes the stance is weak, IMO. It's actually not BS. If you can't solve the problem of your 14 year old daughter dating an 18 year old and need to involve the law and have the 18 year old prosecuted, you suck at life and as a parent. It's weak, literally. The bigger problem in the situation is the parent. If you can't use your judgement to decide whether the boy is a tool or a respectable young man, or even refuse to judge, you shouldn't have children. It's lazy. What ever happened to teaching girls to use sound judgement and to expect to be treated like a lady and not put up with any shit. If your daughter is a smart girl and has proven that, why not let her make the decision for herself. Are you going to be there her whole life telling older guys they can't touch her even when she wants them to?

Let's take more responsibility away from parents. At this rate we should just become completely dependent on others. Screw self reliance.

and no it's not okay for an 18 year old to screw a 10/11/12 year old. If you go to the same school and dating could potentially put you in jail, something is wrong.


Practice Squad
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I have a daughter in 9th grade and she wouldn't be dating a senior because I Parent. I think the way this girl is being prosecuted is crap, if the facts of their relationship are being represented correctly. This shouldn't be a crime, you don't want your freshman daughter dating a senior and having sex, then be a parent.

Exactly. I actually had to work to date the freshman when I was a senior. Her dad grilled me and pressed me making sure I wasn't some douchebag. I ended up dating her for two years and we thought we were going to get married. lol...teens.
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You're comparing responsibilities being given to responsibilities being taken away. Apples and oranges.

I'm comparing legal ages. You do something below the legal age it's allowed and bad things happen which may involve the police.

I'm not trying to be a tough guy nor make it personal. If you want to remove yourself from what I said so be it. I apologize for directing it at you. Anyone who takes the stance is weak, IMO. It's actually not BS. If you can't solve the problem of your 14 year old daughter dating an 18 year old and need to involve the law and have the 18 year old prosecuted, you suck at life and as a parent. It's weak, literally. The bigger problem in the situation is the parent. If you can't use your judgement to decide whether the boy is a tool or a respectable young man, or even refuse to judge, you shouldn't have children. It's lazy. What ever happened to teaching girls to use sound judgement and to expect to be treated like a lady and not put up with any shit. If your daughter is a smart girl and has proven that, why not let her make the decision for herself. Are you going to be there her whole life telling older guys they can't touch her even when she wants them to?

I agree on the parenting angle but I also believe 13 or 14 is not mentally mature enough to make informed decisions, as opposed to an 18 year old. My kids won't date at that age (14) but that's my personal preference and I don't let them do things outside of school functions (sports, drama club, etc.). But you can't keep an eye on your kids 24/7. These girls were on the same basketball team and school sports is an area were you'd think your young kids are "safe" in the sexual sense. I just don't think a 14 year old is mature enough to handle the pressure from an 18 (plus) year old that the 14 year old may normally look up to and in many ways admire.

and no it's not okay for an 18 year old to screw a 10/11/12 year old. If you go to the same school and dating could potentially put you in jail, something is wrong.

So if a young man flunked a grade or two and he's still in high school at 19 or 20, it's acceptable then for him to date a 14 year old? 18 is the cut off for a reason.


Practice Squad
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I'm comparing legal ages. You do something below the legal age it's allowed and bad things happen which may involve the police.

I agree on the parenting angle but I also believe 13 or 14 is not mentally mature enough to make informed decisions, as opposed to an 18 year old. My kids won't date at that age (14) but that's my personal preference and I don't let them do things outside of school functions (sports, drama club, etc.). But you can't keep an eye on your kids 24/7. These girls were on the same basketball team and school sports is an area were you'd think your young kids are "safe" in the sexual sense. I just don't think a 14 year old is mature enough to handle the pressure from an 18 (plus) year old that the 14 year old may normally look up to and in many ways admire.

So if a young man flunked a grade or two and he's still in high school at 19 or 20, it's acceptable then for him to date a 14 year old? 18 is the cut off for a reason.

Legally, that is the case. There has to be a cutoff age somewhere. I suppose we could create a sliding scale with severity of punishment determined by age gap. Would that make it more fair?


Practice Squad
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I'm comparing legal ages. You do something below the legal age it's allowed and bad things happen which may involve the police.

Fair point, but you can't be put in jail for years and have a label attached to your name for drinking under 21.

I agree on the parenting angle but I also believe 13 or 14 is not mentally mature enough to make informed decisions, as opposed to an 18 year old. My kids won't date at that age (14) but that's my personal preference and I don't let them do things outside of school functions (sports, drama club, etc.). But you can't keep an eye on your kids 24/7. These girls were on the same basketball team and school sports is an area were you'd think your young kids are "safe" in the sexual sense. I just don't think a 14 year old is mature enough to handle the pressure from an 18 (plus) year old that the 14 year old may normally look up to and in many ways admire.

All fair. There's more than one way to raise a child. IMO, it's up to a parent to raise a child who isn't naive enough to look up to some 18 yr old whose done shit in life. I guess I view it a little different. When I have kids I'm pretty sure I'll expose them to things as I see fit. If my daughter is mature and conducts herself in a respectable way and wants to date an 18 yr old, so be it. He shouldn't expect me to just accept it though. That's how I see it. I would never try and put an 18 year old in jail for trying to date my kid. I can promise you that. If he actually raped her against her will, we're talking a whole different situation. That's something that's outside of my child's control. At 14 he/she needs to learn to accept responsibility. If the older boy ends up breaking her heart, she'll have to learn and grow from it. After all, she made that decision. Ill be there for her ever step of the way. I will not however shield her from every little thing. I'd rather my kid start to develop their critical thinking skills at an early age. This planet isn't as warm and fuzzy and some would like to make it out to be.

So if a young man flunked a grade or two and he's still in high school at 19 or 20, it's acceptable then for him to date a 14 year old? 18 is the cut off for a reason.

You can't stay in high school after 18 so this was taken into consideration and is a non-point.
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Practice Squad
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Legally, that is the case. There has to be a cutoff age somewhere. I suppose we could create a sliding scale with severity of punishment determined by age gap. Would that make it more fair?

I'm not really sure there's much of a difference concerning informed decisions when it comes to a 14 yr old and an 18 yr old. They're both going to do dumb shit and make a whole bunch of mistakes.

The sliding scale is what I believe the Romeo and Juliet laws were intended to create. I don't know too much about them though.
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Super Moderator
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Fair point, but you can't be put in jail for years and have a label attached to your name for drinking under 21.

Of course not but different crimes have different consequences (obviously). The point is that we have age limits for certain things and that applies in this case where an 18 year old is legally considered an adult.

All fair. There's more than one way to raise a child. IMO, it's up to a parent to raise a child who isn't naive enough to look up to some 18 yr old whose done shit in life. I guess I view it a little different.

It's not being naive, I just think it's normal for kids to look up to older kids, especially in an athletic environment where that 18 year old may be able to do do things physically that the 14 year old can't.

If my daughter is mature and conducts herself in a respectable way and wants to date an 18 yr old, so be it. He shouldn't expect me to just accept it though. That's how I see it.

I'll say this with absolutely no disrespect intended. You can say this now because you don't have a 13 or 14 year old daughter. When you do and some 18 year old comes knocking on your door, you'll think differently. My daughter is very mature, has a job (with family), volunteers and has no problems communicating with people but she's not ready for the world yet even though she may think she is. But again, that's just my opinion.

At 14 he/she needs to learn to accept responsibility.

Absolutely but not in the legal sense. There are just things at that age that a young person is just not mature enough to understand or appreciate the consequences of their actions. You (the parent) are responsible for her actions when she's a minor.

You can't stay in high school after 18 so this was taken into consideration and is a non-point.

Stand by......
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