So when half the country elects people who have pledged to not raise taxes ON THE PEOPLE WHO CAN AFFORD IT, as I mentioned earlier....who is getting hit now? I know I am. Because we can't get a single fucking deal through congress that increases taxes on the people who can most afford it, while giving the people who could really use a break, said break. Because god forbid we tax our benevolent "job creators" at a rate they were taxed at when this country was actually prosperous and growth was possible.
It doesn't end with the "rich". The temptation to raise taxes so other people can spend it is the problem. We have enough revenue, politicians just can't control their propensity to spend money that isn't theirs; we piss away billions upon billions without a care in the world.
And for all the talk about not raising taxes on the middle class, I'm paying almost $500 more a month in social security payments since January 1st that I doubt I'll ever see in my lifetime. That's 6,000 a year less that I have to spend that would go towards college for my three kids, my retirement, a car payment for my 16 year old, etc. It's a "game changer" for the middle class like me. Tack on the increase in the price of gas and all the added taxes on goods caused by over regulating everything in life and I have less money to spend than when I was making half my salary 10 years ago. That's absurd.
I don't know which assholes are responsible for the increase in social security taxes, whether it be Republican or Democrat. It's not the point. But I do know that all this "protect the middle class" talk is complete bullshit.
I will say this though with absolutely no disrespect intended. I surmised from your posts that you were single and didn't have any children. When I was younger and single, I didn't have a care in the world. I didn't even look at my paycheck which was getting directly deposited to my bank account. My employer could have cheated me many times over and I wouldn't have known it. Life was good and it revolved around hanging out with family and friends, drinking beer, getting laid and watching football. Hogging was a way of life and "go ugly early" a good motto for guys who just didn't give a shit.
But when you get married and have kids, this shit gets real serious and even personal. These assholes are taxing, spending and regulating this country into oblivion. My income is too high so my kids won't quality for college grants but I don't make enough to put all three of kids through college. Yes, I've worked hard and tried to be smart with money by saving throughout the years, but the savings couldn't keep up with the rate of increase for goods and services, not to mention property taxes, school taxes, social security taxes, etc. That's the unfortunate reality of today's middle class and you won't be so forgiving when you have kids of your own to worry about.