What's the fern story?
Look at the Answer the Question Above you thread. It may be a few pages back.
What's the fern story?
Its not an alt.
Hostile is the only alt(allegedly) account.
Zrinkill, the little fag, he was posing as slatemosphere here. Then we smelled dick on his breath and knew it was him.
Casmith came over here proclaiming what a shitty board CZ had become, then changed his tune once Reality made him a mod.
Whoa... The Slatemosphere who was posting just yesterday or whenever was zrinkill? Wut?
Sup Hoof. You not like Carlin anymore?
lol dickbreath
How do we know who the real Zrinkill is and who the real Slate is? IP address?
We have tests.
A swab of zkill's mouth confirmed semen traces.
I think Fuzzy should have to submit to the swab test.
I'm still skeptical it's him because he had to actually ask by people felt the way they did about zrin when it should be apparent to anyone who's familiar with the guy the exact reason as to why people wouldn't care for him and it has nothing to do with being a homer or loving Hos.