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I hate when I get a professor that has no business teaching. You may deal with kids all day but I am paying you for your service so treat me like an adult. If I don't turn in an assignment I was probably busy with life, work or something more important, not partying or getting high.

Anyways, I had a jackass professor this last semester (ended last night, thank god it is over). The book we used was crap, you couldn't find the answers to most questions in the book so the prof wanted "scholarly research" on every damn question on the weekly homework. When I do find an answer in the book he docks me points for "relying too heavily on the book" and for not cited the book as a source for an answer to a question that comes from the book. It is understood that the book is the main source you **** off. I never cited the book just so he would constantly dock points and write that I needed more citation. The answers I couldn't find and had to research were so freakin broad and opinion based that finding a "scholarly source" to support my opinion was nearly impossible. It turns out this guy will let you quote a box of wheat thins as a source (not really, but a bunch of "scholarly research" from other students came from websites that were selling products that the weekly discussion was based on) but I looked for serious sources anyways.

I ended the class with a C but I hated it so much that it caused me to do poorly in my other two classes as well. I skipped a bunch of homework because I really didn't want to deal with this jackass q&a bit from a teacher who cannot teach. I gave him a horrible review. I hope they take it seriously.


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I don't miss school at all. I never wanted to continue my education after high school. As a result, I only did what I needed to do to get by and graduate HS.

It did F me up a little bit, though. I have this nightmare a couple times a month where it's finals week in HS and I skipped my US history class all year. In the dream I try and reason with myself and justify still passing the class if I take and pass the final. I tell myself there's no way my teacher will fail me if I wasn't there in class.

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College is overrated. It's more a business than about education, anymore.

But it's a neccessity. Most jobs noways require at least an associates.

I just think it's sad there are still people out there getting English Literature, or Philosophy degrees. What the hell are you planning to do with that??


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I just think it's sad there are still people out there getting English Literature, or Philosophy degrees. What the hell are you planning to do with that??

Teach English & talk about stupid shit that nobody cares about.

Bob Sacamano

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College is overrated. It's more a business than about education, anymore.

But it's a neccessity. Most jobs noways require at least an associates.

I just think it's sad there are still people out there getting English Literature, or Philosophy degrees. What the hell are you planning to do with that??

Become a philosophizer.

Bob Sacamano

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Sheik, I remember I almost didn't graduate because I dropped my AP Calculus class and wanted to skip the Chemistry final because I thought that I had enough credits to pass. I wake up to my dad pounding on the front door telling me I got to get to school to take this test or I won't graduate. Dad was so pissed that he forgot his housekeys lol


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10 years layer and I still have that dream.

I really don't know how I graduated, I mean, I wasn't stupid, I just didn't try. The only book I took home to study was my Spanish book. I got a C in that bitch.


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I like certain aspects of school but there is a lot that I hate. I'm going back to complete an AS in management so I can get a promotion/raise and am debating about going further. You clowns are paying the bill for me so I figure may as well take what I can get.

Bob Sacamano

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I like certain aspects of school but there is a lot that I hate. I'm going back to complete an AS in management so I can get a promotion/raise and am debating about going further. You clowns are paying the bill for me so I figure may as well take what I can get.

I deal drugs, so naw, I don't mind.
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