
In the Rotation
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Nahhhhhhhh....there's no brain washing in public schools


Here's the lyrics to this gem:

Song 1:
Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

Mmm, mmm, mm
Barack Hussein Obama

Song 2:
Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say "hooray!"

Hooray, Mr. President! You're number one!
The first black American to lead this great nation!

Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans
To make this country's economy number one again!

Hooray Mr. President, we're really proud of you!
And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!

So continue ---- Mr. President we know you'll do the trick
So here's a hearty hip-hooray ----

Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!

my standard answer here is - name another president, or public figure, this was done for.

don't justify it, compare it.


Super Moderator
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Milton Friedman and Friedrich von Hayek should absolutely be included in economics coursework. It's a travesty they weren't. They're both Nobel Prize winners, and they're two of the most influential economic minds of the past century.

I agree Scipio. This one's a classic.....Friedman just blows Donahue's left wing philosophy out of the water.

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You used to be able to handle issues like this between the teacher, parent, student, and school administration. Now the letter is scanned and put out on the interwebs. I wonder if the father even talked to the teacher prior to going to a freaking TV station.
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When I was in first grade our teacher made us sign We Are The World as a class.

We were much better singers than those kids in the video above.


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Of course the school which investigated itself found nothing wrong with what it did. Sigh...

Can someone explain why the topic of relinquishing our rights was even broached with 8 year old kids? I could envision it in a high school or college setting, but with 8 year olds? Really? You must set the ground work early. Indoctrination takes time.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., April 16, 2013 -- Duval County Public Schools’

Professional Standards office has completed its investigation into the assertions made by a parent that a Cedar Hills Elementary Schoolteacher conducted an inappropriate lesson in January on constitutional rights. Upon examination of the civics-based lessons and activities, and interviews with students, teachers, and school administrators, officials have found no evidence of indoctrination by the teacher. In fact, the teacher never taught the lessons in question. The lessons, conducted by an attorney who serves as a Justice Teaching volunteer, promote the understanding of the U.S. Constitution and the rights it provides citizens. Both the “First Amendment Rights” lesson and accompanying "Teaching about Controversial Issues” activity increase students’ understanding of the amendments and encourage critical thinking. The“Controversial Issues” activity directs students to write down the statement about relinquishing rights, specify if they agree or disagree,and requires them to offer strong arguments to defend their positions. These lessons conducted by theJustice Teaching volunteer at Cedar Hills Elementary were implemented and facilitated correctly.

“It is our responsibility to address parent concerns, said Dr. Nikolai P. Vitti, Superintendent of DuvalCounty Public Schools.“ However, there is an equal responsibility that the media and community share inensuring that persons are not condemned until all of the facts are gathered and analyzed.”

The teacher, whose name and even photograph were broadcast by networks around the country, has been falsely accused of indoctrination, evoking messages of anger and hatred. In addition, the Justice Teaching volunteer, an attorney and military veteran, has received similar criticism. A statewide program founded in 2006, Justice Teaching is an association of attorneys and judges whodeliver standards-based curriculum on government to students from kindergarten through 12th grade. The program and curriculum are approved by the Florida Association of District School Superintendents.# # #
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I think it is really ask a group of young kids a question, they answer, you tell them that they would be giving up their constitutional rights, which they say they are fine with. They don't understand the ramifications or that a bunch of people are going to run around and act like retards about it.
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Indoctrination is overblowing shit in a big way. If this parent...or say a guy like having a teacher hold more sway with their their children, well that is a bigger issue. Blame everyone but yourself is always the most solid policy.


Pro Bowler
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also fly off the handle before you get all the information, which is what I'm sure this guy did.
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Let me put it this way...if my son played baseball and his coach all of a sudden told him to start throwing with his lefthand instead of his natural right I would speak to the coach and my son together and get that shit fixed. I would not run to the media pissing down my leg.


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Crazy liberals are created. They were not born defective. I posted the follow up in the name of fairness.


Pro Bowler
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Crazy liberals are created. They were not born defective. I posted the follow up in the name of fairness.

In this instance you're actually kind of right.

Teaching kids critical thinking and helping them develop the capacity for introspection is like a fast-track to liberal-progressivism.


Pro Bowler
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Indoctrination takes time.

Get em while they're young.



Practice Squad
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I'm confused here, who is asking to give up the constitutional rights? The Dems or the Reps?
I understand this is a current thing (Dem Gov.)with the boy and the school, but the Patriot Act was a Bush (Rep) thing right?


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I'm confused here, who is asking to give up the constitutional rights? The Dems or the Reps?
I understand this is a current thing (Dem Gov.)with the boy and the school, but the Patriot Act was a Bush (Rep) thing right?

yes and no. Keeping a score card can be difficult. Florida has some educational plan in place that is supposed to teach kids about their rights. In this instance a bunch of fourth graders were asked to write a note indicating if they would surrender those rights after the lecture. I would love to see the lesson plan and how it was executed.

regarding the patriot Act...yes it was passed during the Bush era. It was set to expire in 2010 but was renewed by congress and President Obama.

and yes it is a piece of crap that tramples the Constitution in my opinion.


Practice Squad
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yes and no. Keeping a score card can be difficult. Florida has some educational plan in place that is supposed to teach kids about their rights. In this instance a bunch of fourth graders were asked to write a note indicating if they would surrender those rights after the lecture. I would love to see the lesson plan and how it was executed.

regarding the patriot Act...yes it was passed during the Bush era. It was set to expire in 2010 but was renewed by congress and President Obama.

and yes it is a piece of crap that tramples the Constitution in my opinion.

So... It sounds to an outsider like both the Dems (renewed) and the Reps (passed) want to be done with the Constitution. Maybe it's not a R or D, but a Govt. thing.
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yes and no. Keeping a score card can be difficult. Florida has some educational plan in place that is supposed to teach kids about their rights. In this instance a bunch of fourth graders were asked to write a note indicating if they would surrender those rights after the lecture. I would love to see the lesson plan and how it was executed.

regarding the patriot Act...yes it was passed during the Bush era. It was set to expire in 2010 but was renewed by congress and President Obama.

and yes it is a piece of crap that tramples the Constitution in my opinion.
From the article you posted, the assignment asked them to write the statement and asked them whether they agreed or not and to defend their position.


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Let me put it this way...if my son played baseball and his coach all of a sudden told him to start throwing with his lefthand instead of his natural right I would speak to the coach and my son together and get that shit fixed. I would not run to the media pissing down my leg.

So... It sounds to an outsider like both the Dems (renewed) and the Reps (passed) want to be done with the Constitution. Maybe it's not a R or D, but a Govt. thing.

Couple of good points here.
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