I don't know, we'll leave that up to the courts. No harm no foul.
Not trying to defend it. If something was done inappropriately I think it will be taken care of. I'm sure these money-grubbers are already preparing stories about how traumatized they were.
Probable cause? Really? Like what for instance? It was a picture of a kid with his first hunting rifle. You are so ready to give up your rights, it makes me sad for you.
politics aside.
how insensitive and ignorant is it at this point in time to have that picture of a young kid holding that weapon?
I see this crap on my wife's facebook page all the time, all these gun people have gone over the top and are constantly posting photos of there kids with there weapons and mentioning how Obama cant take there weapons.
pro gun or not, at this point in time after what has happened you have to be a pretty crappy person to intentionally take pictures of your kids with these weapons.
If I saw a kid the age of the one in this photo with that weapon in my neighborhood I would call the police instantly. That is a recipe for disaster.
Insensitive?...you freaking liberals crack me up. How is a kid getting his picture taken with his first hunting rifle insensitive? You always seem to have things completely ass backwards. I am sorry a picture of a kid with his rifle hurt your feelings. Grow a pair of balls.
Are you leftists ever going to try and do anything about the real problems or are you going stick to the usual shit of restricting/infringing on the rights of people that have done nothing wrong?
politics aside.
how insensitive and ignorant is it at this point in time to have that picture of a young kid holding that weapon?
I see this crap on my wife's facebook page all the time, all these gun people have gone over the top and are constantly posting photos of there kids with there weapons and mentioning how Obama cant take there weapons.
pro gun or not, at this point in time after what has happened you have to be a pretty crappy person to intentionally take pictures of your kids with these weapons.
If I saw a kid the age of the one in this photo with that weapon in my neighborhood I would call the police instantly. That is a recipe for disaster.
You're a fag.
What happened to this country. It wasn't that long ago everybody had a gun rack in their truck.
If we were in a bar I would literally roast you until you left or fought. Under no circumstances would i allow someone like you at a stool next to me. Because fuck you sensitivities, fvck your attempts to restrict my rights and fuck your support of this heavy handed government nonsense of threatening to take people's children away because they let them have a .22.what?
calm down.
An 11 year old with an assault rifle is a problem for me especially in a neighborhood. Is that even legal for an 11 year old to have this type of weapon?
and yes I think it is very insensitive of parents to intentionally keep taking pictures of there kids with there weapons considering what happened in December.
angry rednecks are the worst.
If we were in a bar I would literally roast you until you left or fought. Under no circumstances would i allow someone like you at a stool next to me. Because fuck you sensitivities, fvck your attempts to restrict my rights and fuck your support of this heavy handed government nonsense of threatening to take people's children away because they let them have a .22.
You are a person who deserves nothin more than to be spit on.
calm down.
An 11 year old with an assault rifle is a problem for me especially in a neighborhood. Is that even legal for an 11 year old to have this type of weapon?
and yes I think it is very insensitive of parents to intentionally keep taking pictures of there kids with there weapons considering what happened in December.
angry rednecks are the worst.
that was NOT an assault rifle. the definition of "assault weapon" seems to change as the liberal media needs it to. at it's core, it was a fully automatic weapon. period. the military seldom even uses fully auto weapons anymore and their guns shoot 3 round bursts.
as for what happened in december, i believe you're referring to sandy hook. well, are you aware NO AR15 (aka, a look alike assault rifle) was even used there? the media and the liberals won't "go there" and admit it. why waste a perfectly good tragedy? instead they used the kids to come after guns.
i find that far more deplorable than someone taking pics of their child with a gun.
as jb has said, guns that LOOK military are no more dangerous than any other semi-automatic weapon.
taking guns away and being in fear of them isn't the answer.
better background checks
help for the mentally "out there"
Why even speak to a coward?