Surprisingly, when people have extra money to spend, they spend it. We're only in this hole because we've allowed such a large portion of or population to fall into poverty and have many other things to keep people above that line from feeling safe enough to spend it.
Why so many start-ups were able to boom in the 50's-80's is because people were able to earn enough working to start them and people working were able to earn enough to support them. As our salaries stopped increasing with the necessitated price increases on nearly everything (especially rent, gas, insurances, food) to the point where it's become difficult to even afford those from month to month, people stopped being able to afford luxury goods or services (which are what most entrepreneurs provide) or even being able to support "mom&pop" stores who can't afford to buy their own factories or the quantities needed to drive prices down such as big-box stores are.
Then those stores dried up along with their jobs and any semblance of competition, yaddayaddayadda lobbying against wage increases, pushing narratives on television, only giving their employees part-time and forcing them into government assistance, yaddayaddayadda, then you are where we are now and the average citizen feels understandably, hopeless, and the citizen making less than $10 an hour feels downright villainized.
On top of that you have people screaming that we shouldn't raise wages because it'll hurt everyone despite there being historical and, literally, an entire world of socio-economic evidence supporting the exact opposite (whose people and which countries, would you say are doing better; (Bonus thought: who is more likely to have the money and motivation to tell everyone the other one is going to hurt you? Politicians aren't the only ones who buy airtime to attack their 'opponents', though it's not always as obvious) the ones in the sweat shops in China, and certain African or Latin American Nations, or the ones in Belgium, Australia, Denmark, New Zealand, Germany, etcetc?). The cause and effect run much deeper than the cheap talking point of "but prices will go up!" bothers covering which is why, even in this thread, no matter how well spoken the response is, the people saying that have literally nothing beyond it.