
High Plains Drifter
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Shit Boys I just had myself a great dinner. I've got to where I can flat-out cook.


High Plains Drifter
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Vinyl door skin you dumb-lookin' bitches. Before and after.


Instead of painting my burnt-out crappy looking front door doing hours of prep work including taking it down and outside for scraping sanding and all that rot... then fuckin' painting it... Spending probably 50 bucks on a worthwhile paint that can handle sunlight magnified by a storm door facing West... I frikkin found me a really good high resolution image file of a wooden shop door and gave it to a graphics buddy of mine who printed out this self adhesive vinyl door skin to exact size of the frikkin door. 32 frikkin bucks and took me about 20 minutes to handle the job and without taking the door down! Removing all the hardware then just a little bit of scraping away whatever would scrape off, and just stick the sumbitch to the door! Screw the hardware back on after cutting holes in the vinyl and there you have it. Instant transformation.

It is UV protected and will last 10 years at least. If it starts to fade it will merely make it look more rustic than it already is.

Ear yer hearts out, beotches.


High Plains Drifter
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Anyone besides me notice? Now that for at least the last 15 years, most people are carrying around cellphone cameras, there's been NO new sightings of bigfoot or the loch ness monster? Shouldn't it be the opposite, that by now we would have tons of HD video and hi-res pictures of these creatures?

Almost like noooo they don't fucking actually exist and never have.

Or wait... Maybe these creatures are hip to the fact of cameras everywhere including millions of hunters' game cameras, and just fucking hide better?

Just thoughts. Back when cameraphones were first getting popular, one of the selling points was how many mysteries like Nessie and bigfoot were finally gonna be solved.

Looks like they are.


High Plains Drifter
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And for that matter, UFO sightings. Maybe the ale yuns stopped visiting, knowing that we all have HD cammers and although they have the technology to travel trillions of miles to get here they can't just fuzz out our video devices?

This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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Anyone besides me notice? Now that for at least the last 15 years, most people are carrying around cellphone cameras, there's been NO new sightings of bigfoot or the loch ness monster? Shouldn't it be the opposite, that by now we would have tons of HD video and hi-res pictures of these creatures?

Almost like noooo they don't fucking actually exist and never have.

Or wait... Maybe these creatures are hip to the fact of cameras everywhere including millions of hunters' game cameras, and just fucking hide better?

Just thoughts. Back when cameraphones were first getting popular, one of the selling points was how many mysteries like Nessie and bigfoot were finally gonna be solved.

Looks like they are.
You fucking kidding?...We now have numerous pix of the 'squatch!



High Plains Drifter
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98 dolla light bill makes me The Man.

All LED lights in my house and I took my HVAC into my own hands correcting years of bad practices by techs and put it back on factory spec in the control wiring and circuitry, correct blower motor size and wiring, and am using way oversized MERV-14 filter that gives virtually no airflow resistance and will last a year easily in this application. Bill has been decreasing steadily since I started the changes. Can't beat 98 bucks for a 1500 sq foot house.

You dumb-lookin' beotches.


The Elite :-P
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98 dolla light bill makes me The Man.

All LED lights in my house and I took my HVAC into my own hands correcting years of bad practices by techs and put it back on factory spec in the control wiring and circuitry, correct blower motor size and wiring, and am using way oversized MERV-14 filter that gives virtually no airflow resistance and will last a year easily in this application. Bill has been decreasing steadily since I started the changes. Can't beat 98 bucks for a 1500 sq foot house.

You dumb-lookin' beotches.

What is HVAC?


High Plains Drifter
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I forgot to mention my house is ALL electric. No gas and no propane. That might help to put the 98 bucks into proper perspective.


High Plains Drifter
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I Won the war, getting my bigass dead Samsung fridge outta the house. Went and got a nice used Frigidaire from a fella for 200 bucks... It's still on the truck I'm gonna drag it in the house and install it tomorrow.

Commie Samsung lasted 13 years though. Frigidaire is a bit smaller, making it hopefully easier to get up the steps into the house.


High Plains Drifter
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Frigidaire is a bit smaller, making it hopefully easier to get up the steps into the house
Famous last words. It was a WAR to get that sumbitch in. Driving snowstorm, 40mph north wind gusting even higher, appliance dolly strap too short wouldn't lock around it... Had to use one of my 1 inch wide tie-down straps... Fighting that shit in the bed of my truck in that weather... Slick truck bed slick concrete porch, fridge only had half inch clearence either side... And so on. Got it though!


High Plains Drifter
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Meet Mr. Blowerᵀᴹ


He's a rescue, from a junkpile at an area HVAC company. It's a blower or, "air handler" out of a residential central heating and air unit. Quite common actually. This one looks to be only a few years old. This is how these companies make their piles of cash - they get called out for a simple problem then they start hard selling a totally new system instead of just fixing the problem. Ignorant homeowner is out 6 grand for a problem they could have fixed for a service call and a part. The company takes their existing equipment and tosses it into a junkpile, to be scrapped later. Anyway, the motor on this blower is totally good, not any problem at all with it, its bearings, or any problem with the blower wheel itself. It was going to the scrapyard anyway, so I liberated it and re-purposed it.

I used the finger guard from an old fan I had laying around to cat-proof it, then built the little wooden frame to snugly fit one of my smaller windows, screwed it to the sheet metal of the blower then came up with a clever mounting scheme.

This mother fucker is moving 4000 CFM and that is some serious volume. It takes the air from outta my house and blows it out the window. I open a greater or equal size window on the opposite end of the house from it and let 'er rip. My house holds about 12,000 cubic feet of air so with this I am changing out the air in the house every three minutes.

This keeps me from hardly ever having to run my AC in summer. In late fall or early winter, it keeps the house from getting stuffy and too warm. The weather here is typically mild enough to want that power-ventilation. Plus I always have fresh air breezing through when this badass is running - AND it uses two-thirds LESS power than either my AC or heater!

If it's too cold or hot out of course, Mr. Blower rests on the floor of my little workshop I have in the house.

Anyhow, greet him! Tell him how good he looks! I was gonna name him "Billy Badass" but wanted to give him more respect. He saves me money and keeps the air in my house outdoor-fresh!

Ain't none of you wombat-faced twits got anything like this.


High Plains Drifter
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if I had to kill pigs, cows and chickens to eat them, I'm not sure I could do it
I spent about eight years as a young boy, on a little farm my stepdad bought/built. (It was just land with a house when we moved in.) We had everything from chickens, turkeys, cows, horses, hogs, even a couple of peacocks because my mom liked them. Massive garden where we raised ALL of our fruits and vegetables. And I mean ALL.

First bunch of chickens were baby chicks we bought from another farmer in the area and we raised them. Of course myself and my siblings being quite young regarded them as pets, and even named them all. The daily chores of feeding, watering, gathering eggs, fell to us kids as did much of the maintenance-type work the place required.

My days went like this: Up at 4am and quickly out to do the chores no matter the weather - feed and water the livestock. Feed and water all poultry and gather eggs. Slop the hogs. Make sure any weather-related problems were mitigated. Make sure there's salt blocks for the cows and give the horses their ration of oats and make sure they have hay. And so on. Takes at least an hour.

Then there was breakfast, then a quick bath, get dressed, and walk two miles to school. Again, no matter the weather.

After school it was chores. Homework was pretty much forbidden in our household so we had to adapt - doing the assigned homework in class, during lunch, at homeroom or study hall, and etc. Don't bring any of that shit home, ever. We don't have time for it. We have a garden to tend, crops in the field and animals to take care of. Sheds and pole barns to build, well water system to take care of, and so on.

Anyhow, after a couple of years our chickens were grown and one stunning Friday I come home from school to find all kinds of crap set up in the feedyard that's never been there before. Big fire with a kettle over it, making water really hot. A playground slide set up as a slightly inclined table, water hose rigged to flow this hot water down it. At the higher end of it, a tree stump positioned just so, with a couple of big nails sticking out of the top of it. A big bucket existed at the end of the slide, out of the way of the water flow though. Above all of this was thick baling wire forming sort of a "track" to each of what looked like, workstations.

I quickly found out this was a makeshift slaughter line, for the chickens. Their heads get chopped off on the stump, the nails were there to go on either side of their necks as a restraint. The slide was to catch the blood as they slowly rode the wire towards the next station, one of their feet attached by a wire rig for the purpose. Next station was the kettle, where they were dunked for about 30 seconds then they went to another stainless steel table for plucking. Each of we kids had a station. My terrible assignment was catching the chickens one by one and bringing them to my stepdad, who was doing the head chopping. Catching them was easy, again baling wire was used, fashioned with a long hook on the end for catching a leg then dragging them in and picking them up. Catching them wasn't my problem, seeing them was, through the tears.

We systematically slaughtered them all. 27 chickens went into the freezer that evening. Nobody had bothered to prepare us for this, nobody had told us this was coming. It just happened. And we had to suck it up.

Dinnertime in later weeks and months was a somber occasion for we kids, wondering what chicken we were now consuming. Is this "ro-Ho?" Is this "Chickie?" We would ask. Literally, asking the names of the chickens. It was a rude awakening. We kill animals, we raise them for the very purpose of killing them, for consumption.

It hardens you, it takes you out of touch completely with the preciousness of life. Soon you're shooting sparrows with a pellet gun for your barn cats to get and eat. Soon you're going on the hunting trips, trying to shoot various animals for sport and consumption. You're taught that it's what animals are for, to supply us with food. "Hell, it's in the bible" they would explain. They would teach you that it's not okay to kill them just for the sport of it, just to waste. And other such rules of honor.

When we got the next batch of baby chicks the following late winter, we didn't name any of them. Didn't dare form any attachment to them. They're food. They're meat.

Much later on though as a young adult I made the choice not only to never kill an animal, but also to never hurt them in any way. Oh, I still fish but they all go back in the water. To me fishing is much more sporting for the animal, he has a much more level playing field than if he's on the wrong end of a rifle or shotgun. I have lots of friends who are still avid hunters, who also pass this down to their kids. It's none of my business and I don't look down on the practice at all. If we didn't eat animals, man never would have flourished on this planet.

I never know for sure how much in all of this is rationalization and how much is fact and necessary. We're meat eaters though - if you go totally vegan you'll be a sick puppy. We need protein, period. Some people make that choice, going plant-based only and get their protein from plants only. That's their business and I don't look down on the practice. To each his own. I still eat meat.

Anyhow... I have other animal stories I might share someday. Like the night we had to kill a big pack of wild dogs who had raided our pens and killed most of our poultry. (They didn't eat anything, it was just blood lust.) The stepdad hung the carcasses up and baited the sumbitches back the following night, all of us from under vehicles strategically positioned blew them away not unlike what was done to Bonnie and Clyde. There's much more to that story but you kind of get the idea.

/too much info.


Pro Bowler
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I still eat meat and have no plans to stop, I'm just acknowledging I'm a hypocritical pussy for avoiding doing the slaughtering myself

I used to hunt all the time as a kid and loved it, it didn't bother me much at all to kill an animal except an owl I decided to shoot for no reason at all when I was probably 12-14 years old. It was in a tree and turned its head to look me right in the eye and I shot and killed it....for no reason.

I didn't even eat it which was the only reason I justified the sport of hunting ( to feed myself or others). I am still haunted by that owl some 30+ years later and can see it staring at me in my minds eye as I type this. Belated apologies beautiful owl, I dont know what the fuck I was thinking but I never killed another animal purposely I didn't intend to eat after that owl.

Maybe its getting older and realizing my days are rapidly diminishing or maybe its compassion and wisdom that comes through age but I have a hard time even killing a spider, a fly or a wasp that enters my house and use a butterfly net to catch them and release them outdoors.

So like I said, I still eat meat but it would be more logically consistent if I still killed some of what I eat as a reminder that I should be grateful a life was given so that I can eat.

Thats just me though, no judgement or hate toward others who live or think differently


High Plains Drifter
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I still eat meat and have no plans to stop, I'm just acknowledging I'm a hypocritical pussy for avoiding doing the slaughtering myself
I don't think it's hypocrisy or pussyfied at all to still eat meat but choose not to kill. Same with refusing to criticize hunters. It's their bag and we're not the nature police. We simply mind our own business. Every predator on this planet hunts and kills. But we as humans can individually choose not to.
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