fans, mostly, but also the TV networks who award them primetime games (despite not deserving them) and certain media personalities (Bayless, until recently)
that's just trite athlete-speak, but Witten boasting that he'll be holding the Lombardi Trophy next February certainly raises expectations, no? he seems to think the team is better than it is
Some fan... sure. I'm sure this phenomenon of a group of fans "over-hyping" their team only applies to Cowboys.
Another thing idiot. The Cowboys ARE deserving of primetime because they are the biggest draw. period. As many people tha tlove the Cowboys, you have an equal amount that hate them, but like to watch them... lose. From a pure economic standpoint, having the Cowboys on tv is a moneymaker.
And what other media personalities are overhyping them? The most I can recall anyone saying is that teams that missed the playoffs last season but are likely to make it this season, the Cowboys were listed. Yea, that's over-hype, despite the fact that they win the last game they would have been in the playoffs.
So the fuck what. He's not a fickle fan. He's a player. He plays the game to win.
You bitch like a woman. If Witten were to say something that showed a lack of confidence, you'd be bitching about that.
So the fuck what. He's not a fickle fan. He's a player. He plays the game to win.
You bitch like a woman. If Witten were to say something that showed a lack of confidence, you'd be bitching about that.
Really, why make the rounds on those shows at all? I don't get it. Maybe his agent says do it to increase his visibility or something.
Silly. That's like saying Star Wars should garner the most Oscars because it sold the most tickets. The Cowboys in primetime has everything to do with greed, not merit. Those games should be a reward for excellence.
I'm sure that if you reviewed those annual pre-season magazines over the last few years, most had the Cowboys making the playoffs. Bryan Broaddus is certainly drinking the Kool-Aid.
so what? that doesn't give him the right to be delusional about the team's prospects or give naive fans false hope. no one in their right mind thinks they'll be in the Super Bowl this year.
btw, did I run over your dog or something? you seem to be disagreeing with me in the most personal terms, and you're always throwing the first punch.
Weak analogy. The NFL receives most of its revenue for televised games. It's purely economics. Call it greed or whatever. But how is it greed if the fans are requesting it? It's called the free market. No matter how bad the Cowboys may be doing, they will always be a top sell. Deal with it. And as much you bitch about them being prime time... DON'T WATCH, when they are on. I'm more than glad that I get to see the Cowboys on prime time.
Can't understand what kind of bitch that calls themselves a Cowboys' fan, complains about them being on prime time.
He has every right to be delusional, like you have every right to be a whiny inbred bitch.
Witten has given his heart and soul to this team. They broke the mold when they made him. I'd be worried if Witten didn't talk like that, because that means he no longer has passion for the the game and for this team.
I wish we had a whole team of "delusional" Wittens.
Who's complaining? I'm selfishly pleased that we're the beneficiaries of the networks' greed, but that doesn't make it any less unfair. We're rewarded because we're popular and polarizing, not because we've earned it.
I see. Hard work and passion give you license to lie through your teeth. Gotcha. Your man-crush on Witten is creepy even by CZ standards.
and your hatred of jones is just as valid.
i moved to dallas and saw us beat san deigo after a 1-15 season and the 1st year for johnson. i was there the day emmett broke the rushing record.
but i still can't let a sports franchise get me as bitter as you. you can't enjoy anything. you can't appreciate anything. you and the ones running this place seem to do it to just bitch.
i'm not saying it's not without reason.
but sooner or later you need to move on from things you can't control.
Ice, sooner or later you need to move on from things you can't control, like me "bitching" about Jerry or delusional TEs.
"private hell"
try to be a little less dramatic