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I'm not a fan either, when his Primetime crap comes on NFLN........."CLICK"

NFL Network was a must watch for me a few years ago. But they're employing too many 'personalities' now, and it makes it less enjoyable for me.

I'd still watch them over ESPN. I wish they would get rid of Sanders, Faulk, and Dukes. All are hacks, IMO.
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NFL Network was a must watch for me a few years ago. But they're employing too many 'personalities' now, and it makes it less enjoyable for me.

I'd still watch them over ESPN. I wish they would get rid of Sanders, Faulk, and Dukes. All are hacks, IMO.

Yep...when Faulk, Dukes and also Rod the Hater Woodson speak....."CLICK"


Pro Bowler
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NFL Network was a must watch for me a few years ago. But they're employing too many 'personalities' now, and it makes it less enjoyable for me.

I'd still watch them over ESPN. I wish they would get rid of Sanders, Faulk, and Dukes. All are hacks, IMO.

+1. Although I can tolerate Sanders more than the other two.


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Don't forget the Playmaker

Michael Irvin is the only player I'm a fan of.

Having said that, he's completely worthless as an analyst. He's merely a cheerleader for the Cowboys. It's unprofessional and embarrassing, to be honest.

But that kind of bias is okay here. If it goes the other way, the guy shouldn't be on the air.


Pro Bowler
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First, they weren't looking "pass" anyone. They were looking past the Cowboys.

Let's try to keep this on at least a 3rd grade reading level.

It's called a trap game. Anybody who ever dealt with betting knows it. I didn't invent the scenario. Coaches talk about it all the time. I'm only explaining this because I'm dealing with idiot homers who can't tolerate honest debate on their football team. They want to pretend the Giants had the game circled on their calendar.

They didn't. Because we are shit. Nobody respects 1-7. And they just beat us down two weeks before. And because the Eagles and the division lead was at stake the next week. That's a classic trap game. Textbook.

It took me all of five minutes of the 1st quarter to see that the Giants were going through the motions.

I'll take the win...but I know it came against a team looking past us.

No homer spin here. Ever.

Just what I thought. No evidence...just more bullshit. Maybe YOU would overlook them, but you offer nothing but conjecture on the parts of the Giants.

Think about it idiot. You said yourself that it would be a trap game, and that being the case, you don't think that they could have or would have figured that out themselves, if someone on a messageboard can?

The 1-7 Cowboys with a new HC was coming to town---had all the makings of a trap game, and for that very reason is why the Giants DID NOT overlook them.

Five minutes into the game... they were going through the motions...? Explain. And when did they stop going through the motions and got serious?


Pro Bowler
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Divisional games with your rivals are not trap games. Most divisional games accross the league are close. Both teams know each other too well.

Had the Giants played the Bills, then you could make a case that it was a trap game because they were looking ahead to the Eagles.

The fact that it was a division game, and they would be playing the Eagles for the division lead the following week, is just another reason why it wouldn't be a trap game.

They knew they needed to defeat us to have some flexibility with the Eagles. If they beat us, a loss to the Eagles would tie the two teams for first in the division. But lose to us, and lose to the Eagles, and suddenly they're in 2nd.

It wasn't a trap game.

Well think about it Midswat. sbk wants to claim it was a trap game, but he fails to realize in doing so, he undercuts his own bullshit about the Giants overlooking the Cowboys. I mean I guess no one in the entire Giants' organization realized that the game had all the makings of a trap game and didn't alert the players.


Pro Bowler
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Michael Irvin is the only player I'm a fan of.

Having said that, he's completely worthless as an analyst. He's merely a cheerleader for the Cowboys. It's unprofessional and embarrassing, to be honest.

But that kind of bias is okay here. If it goes the other way, the guy shouldn't be on the air.

Not as much a cheerleader as you are for Parcells.


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Just what I thought. No evidence...just more bullshit. Maybe YOU would overlook them, but you offer nothing but conjecture on the parts of the Giants.

Think about it idiot. You said yourself that it would be a trap game, and that being the case, you don't think that they could have or would have figured that out themselves, if someone on a messageboard can?

The 1-7 Cowboys with a new HC was coming to town---had all the makings of a trap game, and for that very reason is why the Giants DID NOT overlook them.

Five minutes into the game... they were going through the motions...? Explain. And when did they stop going through the motions and got serious?

It's not as simple as that.

If what you say is true nobody would fall victim to a trap game. Everybody would see it coming. But that does not happen.

It's human nature to let down when facing a shat team like the Cowboys who you don't respect. Especially with a real team like Philly the next week for the division lead.

Yes. The Giants absolutely looked past the Cowboys in the week of preparation for that game.


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Well think about it Midswat. sbk wants to claim it was a trap game, but he fails to realize in doing so, he undercuts his own bullshit about the Giants overlooking the Cowboys. I mean I guess no one in the entire Giants' organization realized that the game had all the makings of a trap game and didn't alert the players.

I would expect a 6 year old to have that kind of response.

Pull on the pant leg of an NFL head coach and tell him your theory on trap games. They could use a chuckle.
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