It's the same story every game, 122: no turnovers, few penalties, and we win. That's it. And I count missed kicks as turnovers. That's deflating to go down there and shank it wide right. It's crushing. We can't have that.
And we do need to get after Favre. I'd send the house after him on the first set of downs. How come the New Orleans Saints can play "dirty" but we can't?
You know, my dad had some of the same complaints about my high school basketball team that are applicable to the Cowboys. We don't eat the babies. We don't. You know how out in the wild a predator will prey upon the baby in the herd? The cheetah chases down a baby gazelle and that's the end of it. Well, it's the same with these Cowboys. Instead of seeing an injured player or an aging player as a target, we treat them with great respect, as though we're trying to ear boy scout badges off of the deal.
Well, if that's the case, then let's make a 'Boys Scout badge for knocking quarterbacks out of the game and try to get our bunch of nicey-nice boys to understand that.
Yeah, I agree on Buehler shanking on field goals as well. You work to get down there and end up with no points, and it's frustrating.
Your right it's the same as a turnover. We must have Favre on his heels and pressure him and I mean constant pressure. I want Favre picking himself off the turf in disgust and grabbing his elbow while going to the sidelines.
If we cannot apply pressure it's going to be a long day and it will be the same old song and dance. If we bring the house Favre's going to make a mistake eventually.
Let Peterson beat us, it's not going to be easy but we need to make the Vikings one dimensional and blow up Favre.