Mini camps and OTAs do not start in the summer.
Know what the F you're talking about, jackass.
Very good. From March until Semptember the temperature in Texas is above 70.
Again, nice work on the semantics. Once April is over summer has begun in Texas. You wouldn't know that being a bandwagon fan from Philly.
Doesn't make it summer.
Have you ever been to Texas in May? I'm guessing the batteries on your Hovaround can't get you that far.
What does having "Been" to Texas have to do when the fuck summer starts?. I have been to Texas countless times, love it there. And damn it sure gets hot there. Just like it does in AZ as well. Wait? Do AZ and TX have different summer start times? I live in Commie Calif, aside from this year, the past few years have been pretty damn hot in months that we usually don't have those temps. And for a long duration of time. I guess sometimes "summer" starts when it wants too? Or, does it just start earlier in Texas?
No, it doesn't. There are four seasons in the year, and they all start at the same time every year.
ANyhow, you two get back to your chatting, good entertainment.
You moron, this is about Brady James saying "we will be playing this summer," which he clearly means at the start of OTAs and camps in May.
He didn't not say he hopes, he says cooler heads will prevail and something will get done. Pull your head out of your ass and quit filling in the missing peaces for the moron who let a past his prime white guy come in to lead this defense.
As I told Plymkr, May is considered part of summer in several locations and by our military. May probably sucks in Philly because you can't take your Hovaround out but in places with a warmer climate summer begins early.