
Pro Bowler
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Well. It only took a half hour to clean 'em out. CHAZ/CHOP is no more.

Moonbat mayor only taking action after a flock of these idiots showed up at her house.

Perfect example of don’t shit where you eat

She was all for and all supportive of the Chop/CHAZ zone when the protests weren’t in her neck of the woods

But as soon as they showed up on her doorstep she sure as shit put a stop to this nonsense


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Sorry Erica, but his son didnt matter to CNN, MSNBC or other loons on the left.

On the other hand, had he been so drunk that he passed out behind the wheel in a drive-thru, resisted arrest, struggled with a cop, stole a cops taser and then tried to fire said taser at the cop, only to be shot and killed. THEN he matters.

Just like none of the people murdered in droves in Chicago, Baltimore or other cities controlled by democrats, none of them matter either. At least not to the left.


The Elite :-P
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Confirmed. Small group of pro trump bikers showed up will send yt videos when I get home.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


The Elite :-P
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BTW the Main collections have been updated.

If you all didn't look, check it out...

Hey, here my BLM photos album link.

It's mixed of my photos and photos from other sources and people sending emails to add photos, etc.





Pro Bowler
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Super Moderator
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But but but.....
It’s not about the flag

This is the type of shit that the Dems defend. Joe Biden, who is no more than a front man for the left to give the illusion of being a moderate, talks about institutional racism and defends these leftists.

What I can't understand is how our educationals system became so leftist and so radicalized in just a few short years. Both at the secondary and college level. It's almost as if the Chinese and Russians planted the seeds with Communist moles in our educational systems and it just took off from there. Complete fucking loons.


High Plains Drifter
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This is the type of shit that the Dems defend. Joe Biden, who is no more than a front man for the left to give the illusion of being a moderate, talks about institutional racism and defends these leftists.

What I can't understand is how our educationals system became so leftist and so radicalized in just a few short years. Both at the secondary and college level. It's almost as if the Chinese and Russians planted the seeds with Communist moles in our educational systems and it just took off from there. Complete fucking loons.
Better times is ahead Cap'n, let not your heart be troubled - Kanye West just threw his hat in the ring for 2020 prez!


Pro Bowler
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This is the type of shit that the Dems defend. Joe Biden, who is no more than a front man for the left to give the illusion of being a moderate, talks about institutional racism and defends these leftists.

What I can't understand is how our educationals system became so leftist and so radicalized in just a few short years. Both at the secondary and college level. It's almost as if the Chinese and Russians planted the seeds with Communist moles in our educational systems and it just took off from there. Complete fucking loons.

This generation of young adults (and I use that term lightly) are being conditioned and indoctrinated in College by their professors. They would quote their professors leftist ideals like it was gospel. It was scary and disgusting to hear. Higher learning is no longer there to teach young minds to think for themselves. It’s apparently only their to teach young minds to think like they do!

I was working a case on a couple college kids who were running a scam at one of the major colleges here in LA. So I was constantly around a couple hundred college students for a few weeks.

The hardcore leftist shit that spews forth from their dicktraps is astounding and disgusting!

And yes I say dicktraps because the students were either female or gay males. From my experience they apparently no longer admit straight males into their college programs because I swear I never saw a single one in the weeks I spent on this case near the campus

This case honestly made me fear for where the next generation is going to take this country. And we are already seeing the results with this BLM/Antifa vomit being spread throughout the country


Pro Bowler
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Knock Knock Exciting day in the neighborhood this morning. Everyone thought it was something crazy with all these ATF and other agencies around. Hey, remember all those people looting and setting things on fire in Santa Monica a couple weeks ago? Yea, their son was arrested on arson charges for setting fires during the riots. The task force is on it and arresting as they identify. They have videos and photos of everyone. On July 1st, the Santa Monica Police Department and Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) served search and arrest warrants in West Hills and Chatsworth to follow up on an arson case.

ATF officers arrested 19-year-old Micah Amadeus Tillmon for arson, and Santa Monica Police arrested 19-year-old Gisselle Alexis Pinto and 18-year-old Mynor Pinto for looting several stores in Santa Monica.

Police say they were seen setting fire to the Sake House and looting at REI, Brandy Melville, Vons, Magicopolis, Salon Viva, Wasteland and the Shoe Palace.



High Plains Drifter
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no, to turn the phone sideways like yimyammer suggested way back. I don't need to since most of ppl that been there now gone.
He was asking if you were still hiding the fact that you were shooting video. Not why it was still vertical. Shooting vertical is the evidence of hiding the shoot. So he was asking if you were still masking. And you still haven't answered. Saying "I don't need to" doesn't answer the question.
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