Yes, our fine legal system has opened a can of worms.
Of course, suits can be filed, that doesn't mean they automatically succeed.
But, I'll take this legal slippery slope argument to its Genesis with this:
King George III, 239 years ago today: "You dumb sons of bitches, you have NO idea what you're doing. You are starting out on a slippery slope that will wind up with women voting, slaves freed and voting and marrying your white women, and all kinds of other bad consequences. I am sending ships and troops to stop this nonsense, to save you from yourselves. WE are your government, you have NO right to self determine! And we are going to get busy killing you ALL if necessary, burning your towns and cities, occupying them, to maintain traditions that have been common law for thousands of years!"
I'll boil this down for you..
We have Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove, Geo. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan on record saying, "conservatives default to liberty" in so many words give or take. Okay then...
Do they mean conservatives default to liberty only when it fits the religious/social establishment model?
We FLED England in no small part due to the oppression of the church. Marriage as it exists today is a vestige of that oppression - we all agree the government shouldn't be in our bedrooms right? Why should it be at our altars then?
I know I'm not going to see what I want - government totally out of marriage. I'll grant that. But when we actually and truly default to liberty on this issue, we must ask ourselves, "who is being wronged or hurt, whose rights are being violated, by allowing same sex marriage? Who is being hurt by expanding the definition of "marriage" to include same sex couples?"
Anyone? Of course not.
Marriage is a atrophied tentacle of the old world church-driven government, and one that has a 50% or better failure rate. It's not sacrosanct.
In the preamble to our Constitution it says "secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity" and we have the SCOTUS on record declaring marriage a "basic human right." Is marriage not then, one of the "blessings of liberty?"
Liberty says, "It's Adam and Eve, AND Adam and Steve."
The slippery slope argument forgets that everything is case by case - the unintended consequences don't automatically just happen. Opponents of freeing the slaves argued the same thing. Opponents of black civil rights argued the same thing. Opponents of women's suffrage argued the same thing. And so on.
For tens of thousands of years, mankind had the long standing tradition of governing himself with kings, despots and tyrants, and thievery and oppression. Then BOOM! 239 years ago a different, new way was tried, a much more liberal way. Did it start a "slippery slope?" There's still kings, despots and tyrants, and thievery and oppression. And the new way? It's still the new way and it is still EVOLVING.
The slippery slope if it exists started with the Boston Tea Party - and freedom continues to spread. We stopped enslaving blacks, saw that women have the right to VOTE they fought so hard for, de-criminalized homosexual acts, made oppression a crime, we can't cherry pick the actual beginning of the slippery slope, if it exists.
You're ON the slippery slope if it exists, and always been on it, you just occasionally don't like some of its dips and turns. Liberty.... Is the slippery slope.