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February 16, 2011

TO THE CONGREGANTS OF WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH: We, the collective super-consciousness known as ANONYMOUS - the Voice of Free Speech & the Advocate of the People - have long heard you issue your venomous statements of hatred, and we have witnessed your flagrant and absurd displays of inimitable bigotry and intolerant fanaticism. We have always regarded you and your ilk as an assembly of graceless sociopaths and maniacal chauvinists & religious zealots, however benign, who act out for the sake of attention & in the name of religion.

Being such aggressive proponents for the Freedom of Speech & Freedom of Information as we are, we have hitherto allowed you to continue preaching your benighted gospel of hatred and your theatrical exhibitions of, not only your fascist views, but your utter lack of Christ-like attributes. You have condemned the men and women who serve, fight, and perish in the armed forces of your nation; you have prayed for and celebrated the deaths of young children, who are without fault; you have stood outside the United States National Holocaust Museum, condemning the men, women, and children who, despite their innocence, were annihilated by a tyrannical embodiment of fascism and unsubstantiated repugnance. Rather than allowing the deceased some degree of peace and respect, you instead choose to torment, harass, and assault those who grieve.

Your demonstrations and your unrelenting cascade of disparaging slurs, unfounded judgments, and prejudicial innuendos, which apparently apply to every individual numbered amongst the race of Man - except for yourselves - has frequently crossed the line which separates Freedom of Speech from deliberately utilizing the same tactics and methods of intimidation and mental & emotional abuse that have been previously exploited and employed by tyrants and dictators, fascists and terrorist organizations throughout history. ANONYMOUS cannot abide this behavior any longer. The time for us to be idle spectators in your inhumane treatment of fellow Man has reached its apex, and we shall now be moved to action. Thus, we give you a warning: Cease & desist your protest campaign in the year 2011, return to your homes in Kansas, & close your public Web sites.

Should you ignore this warning, you will meet with the vicious retaliatory arm of ANONYMOUS: We will target your public Websites, and the propaganda & detestable doctrine that you promote will be eradicated; the damage incurred will be irreversible, and neither your institution nor your congregation will ever be able to fully recover. It is in your best interest to comply now, while the option to do so is still being offered, because we will not relent until you cease the conduction & promotion of all your bigoted operations & doctrines. The warning has been given. What happens from here shall be determined by you.







Sounds like a 4Chan stunt. I'm actually pretty surprised that the hivemind over there hasn't gotten in on some of that yet.

I'm also surprised that the WBC has managed to avoid any serious resistance (you can define resistance however you like). The shit they spew is repugnant and offensive and they're spewing it at people who oftentimes are in a pretty precarious emotional state. I can only imagine what I'd do if they showed up at my son's funeral.


Anywhere on the line.
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It's either 4Chan or somebody pretending to be 4Chan,which really,amounts to the same thing.
Unless it's Moot himself posting there's no way to be sure.

Some kind of cyberwar between these two groups would be cool,but Westboro doesn't usually spout their crap online,or not very much.I doubt if they'd get real shook up by 4Chan swamping their websites.

I wouldn't be too happy to see WBC show up at a loved one's funeral either.Not happy at all.


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Agreed. An e-war wouldn't amount to much, but it sure would be entertaining. Hell, anything the hive gets involved in is entertaining.

Still waiting on some group (or someone) to retaliate physically. I know, free speech and all of that, but nobody can say WBC isn't asking for it.


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Strange bedfellows indeed.

A compelling live exchange between a representative of the Westboro Baptist Church and an anonymous spokesman for the Internet hacktivist group Anonymous resulted in a rather predictable outcome. In the middle of David Pakman's radio program, during which Westboro's Shirley Phelps-Roper repeatedly taunted Anonymous, the rogue group apparently launched an attack on the church's websites.

Here's how the encounter went down:

Reaction to Westboro's confrontational attitude toward Anonymous, which had previously claimed it would not attack the church out of a staunch belief in freedom of speech, was nicely summed up by PC World's Tony Bradley:

Assuming for a moment that the initial Anonymous threat was not orchestrated by WBC as a publicity stunt, there is still a lesson to be learned. When your supporters can be counted on your fingers, and your enemies outnumber the population of China, it is unwise to brazenly invite attack.

The church, which had initially told Anonymous to "bring it," now finds its primary website, "godhatesfags.com," out of business.
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