Don't really care that much to normally jump into a religious discussion. People do what they do. Sort of a, "you do you and I'll do me, and so long as we don't try to fuck each other over we're set" sort of deal. That said, I do have to ask a couple of questions.
What do you suppose a person who "disobeyed" Allah would encounter? Conversely, how about a "non-believer" of Christ's teachings? What kind of experience might they have if they ran into some Christians during the Crusades? "Disobeyer" and "non-believer", is there really a difference? "Non-belief" is disobedience in and of itself and "disobedience" would presumably only come from, and would most certainly be interpreted by "believers" nearly 100% of the time as, "non-belief".
They are, in effect, identical. I'm pretty fucking sure both religions hold a mutually exclusive position in that not subscribing to ONLY their teachings is disobedience.
Shit, how do you classify a guy who hadn't even heard of Jesus Christ and his teaching and who worships the same deity his ancestors have worshiped for the last 500 years? Dude's breaking the 2nd Commandment so he must be a "disobeyer". Nah, can't be, he didn't know any better. No one ever told him about Jesus so at absolute worst, he's just a "non-believer".
And they're good questions.
The person who disobeys Christ is judged by God,
after his death. He gets an entire life to live and is judged by his actions upon the resurrection of the unjust. Revelation Ch 20:11
The distinction between Christians and the Roman Catholic church has to be made. Any objection to what the heretics in Rome was doing was met with death. Why? Because they, the Catholics, are not Christian. They're clearly disobeying Christ's teachings.They killed Christians and believing Jews to cement their own power and they killed Muslims in geo-political warfare. The people objecting were Christians, who were martyred. They knew Christ's teachings, and no where was there the command to plunder and conquer.
The person who disobeys Mo and Allah are treated to
earthly punishment.
Despite the Quran saying : ‘
Whosoever will, let him believe, and whosever will, let him disbelieve,’ (Quran18:29) to this day, you get the Grand Mufti of Egypt stating clearly: Islam prohibits a Muslim from changing his religion and it’s a crime that must be punished. He's not simply interpreting his own way, he's quoting Mohammed from the Hadith.
The main difference between disbelief and unbelief for Christians is having heard. Upon hearing, in whatever form, to then disobey is unbelief. But ignorance isn't a lifelong excuse because God will have caused everyone to know at some point through their conscience.
Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law,* since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts,* their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them. Romans Ch 2:13-16
God speaks trough the nature of the man and he knows right from wrong, regardless of his place n the world, apart from the reach of ministry. God calls us to ministry and outreach, but He sure isn't going to let the eternal lot of al humanity rest solely on the abilities of mankind.
What of a guy who never heard of Jesus, grew up worshipping the same deity his relatives have for the last 500 years, and who happens to be working on Sunday? What happens to him? Exodus 31:15 tells us:
No differentiate between disobeyer and non-believer here. Just put to death.
You're kind of mixing and matching here, with Jesus and Levitical ordinances.
So to that and my quote of the Quran above and the contradicting statement of the Muf: The idea of interpretation is always brought up and the claim is that that's what goes on with the bible. Interpretation and contradiction. That's not true. The Bible from Old to New Testament is a progression, based on the intellect evolution of mankind. God dealt with man based on the stage man existed in the given time.
The Law and the practical ordinances of Mosaic Judaism handed down in the wilderness were meant for the people of Israel at the time they were living in. By the time of Jesus' arrival on earth, man had a advanced knowledge of psychology, medicines and other sciences. It's why the dietary laws were no longer a restriction and why man was no longer obligated to mete out moral judgment with rocks. Sin did not become not-sin, but mans obligation to it was altered. (Matthew 5:27, and John Ch 8)
Conversely, 600 years after Christ, along comes Mohammed; observes the Haj, recognizes it's political advantages and plunges people back into caveman regulations of throwing rocks and refraining from certain foods, entirely disregarding mans own advancements on these things. While the Old and New Testaments represent the progression of man and his relationship to God, you have Quran saying one thing and the Hadith quoting it's own prophet in contradiction to it. Written after the fact. It's inverse as you'd expect an anti-Christ religion to be.
And they continue to this very day. Apart from the harmless diet restrictions, you won't even find a Jew who claims to be following Mosaic law doing such things. No one is killed for adultery. No one is killed for apostasy. The difference between the religions is so vast you can fit a fleet of 747's between them.