Bob Sacamano

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You brought up the iPods and TV's. :lol

It's not unsolvable. Stop creating a hostile environment for business owners, etc and they'll be likely to work within a reasonable framework. Painting them as demonic corporate raiders won't bring about any sort of meaningful discussion and let's be honest, there are more corrupt politicians than there are business people.

The shift to go global is much larger than Obama and has been around a lot longer than his political life; it's bipartisan and they have no intention of returning to an 'isolationist' business model. They'll just blame each other and count on enough people to take sides and shout down any reasonable suggestion.

You think businesses are going to bring jobs back into the country if the government takes it easy on them?


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You think businesses are going to bring jobs back into the country if the government takes it easy on them?

In some respects yes. I'm not talking taking it easy, like turning a blind eye to bullshit and the already existing cronyism, because that has to be dealt with as well, I'm talking about not making it hard through hitting them where it hurts. The bottom line is, comapnies are in business to make money first and foremost, if it costs too mcuh money to operate they go where it costs less. That's simple good business and obviously national loyalty isn't even on the table anymore.

Threatening to take more of that money and making it harder to function, through the ambiguous mention of regulations isn't going to stimulate an economy. Contention and acting like the people within your own country are enemies never does.

But if you look real close, it's only certain companies, and there is your cronyism and the two rich bastards pretending to fight and appealing to you to choose sides. While some rich bastards make the appearance of the sympathetic champion, like Buffet and Bloomberg, they're still rich bastards playing games, who simply love control.

People forget, they support both business and politics and they tend to view them as authorities instead of commodities for their own benefit. The tables have turned and people are married to their junk and their ideals.


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You think businesses are going to bring jobs back into the country if the government takes it easy on them?

Try getting permits for something sometime?

You need a permit to hang a fan in my city. Normal people just ignore this law, once the government gets involved a business has to pay $75 to adjust a badly hung fan in an apartment. $200 to strap the water heater, a task done by every home inspector in the country without a permit. But if the government finds out you are going to do this complicated procedure $215.

By the way, when they are done they give you a bill for all the hours they spent telling you what you needed to spend money for permits. Ever paid a licensed contractor to hang a fan?


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maybe because wages are stagnant while corporate profits are through the roof, inflation has skyrocketed out of control while federal minimum wage remains pathetic?

You have zero understanding of economics. Sam I Am is way off base on the topic of minimum wage also. Increasing the minimum wage will increase unemployment so we will have more people dependant on me to take care of them. Not a bright idea. I am already paying for enough deadbeats.

free food
free housing
free medical
free utilities
free phone

Good grief, how much shit do we have to give you?

Another major flaw in your demonization of business is that every dime of taxes is passed onto the end user of the product. A simple concept even someone like you should be able to comprehend.


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Try getting permits for something sometime?

You need a permit to hang a fan in my city. Normal people just ignore this law, once the government gets involved a business has to pay $75 to adjust a badly hung fan in an apartment. $200 to strap the water heater, a task done by every home inspector in the country without a permit. But if the government finds out you are going to do this complicated procedure $215.

By the way, when they are done they give you a bill for all the hours they spent telling you what you needed to spend money for permits. Ever paid a licensed contractor to hang a fan?

My warehouses are located in Kansas City. Crime was running rampant in the area but the police refused to patrol the area. All the owners had to get together and bribe them to patrol the area. On top of that, they have now added an alarm tax. You must pay hundreds of dollars every year just to get them to respond to fires. If you do not pay they allow your place to burn to the ground.


Pro Bowler
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And after they ate they followed him hoping for more. He (truthfully) pointed it out that they're only following him so they can get more and they left. So yes, it did create a dependancy and not faith...
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