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...and none of it will be used to remove weapons from criminals. Meanwhile the elitist POS gets all the guns he wants to protect his family for the rest of his pathetic life. Do not forget this is the same asshole that shipped thousands of weapons to narco-terrorists in Mexico resulting in hundreds and potentially thousands of deaths.

I guess commander jerk-off forgot Columbine happened under the old gun ban that we were promised would prevent gun violence.

Then add the additional $45 billion to implenment his unconstitutional ban and dipshit will have to come up with $50 billion we do not have.


Bob Sacamano

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Maybe people wouldn't be so pissed off that they have to resort to gun violence if the outlook of the economy wasn't so bleak.

I'd fix that 1st. But of course, this is just another way for the president to direct us from the real issues at hand.

"look gais! at least I'm doing something about gun control! I care about you!"


Pro Bowler
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none of it will be used to remove weapons from criminals.

The article cites this;

-$4 billion for the president’s proposal “to help keep 15,000 cops on the streets in cities and towns across the country.”

What do you imagine those cops will be doing?

One of the most interesting things (that I was not aware of) is that Obama wants to lift the ban on the CDC researching gun violence. Yes, you read that right, there is currently a ban that was pushed through congress by NRA lobbyists to keep the CDC from researching guns.


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Sp...They will be doing the same thing they have already been doing, not preventing carzy people and criminals from shooting people.

You do notice the words "help keep"? Nothing new here except the attempt to bribe states to do Obama's bidding. The CDC has pissed away so much money it's not funny. What exactly do you believe the CDC will accomplish that will prevent crazy people from doing crazy things?

A grand total of $25 million (such a small amount that Obama keeps it on his dresser) has been earmarked to actually help people ages 16-25 with mental issues. Over 25 and they do not give a fuck.


Pro Bowler
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oh I'm sorry I thought we were talking about reality here and not batshit crazy political theories. My bad.


Reaction score
oh I'm sorry I thought we were talking about reality here and not batshit crazy political theories. My bad.

Come on man. You can do better than that. We have had good conversations before on similar topics. If you are not up to it I understand. Providing a defense for the indefensible is challenging.


Pro Bowler
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Yeah I gave up at the point where you declared that police have never stopped a single criminal or insane person from shooting people.

I should have given up at the part where it was clear you hadn't read anything and whipped yourself up into a frenzy over how none of this money would go towards prevention (when the first fucking sentence declares that 4 of the 4.5 billion dollars will be used for that very purpose in the form of a larger police force) but I figured I'd give you a chance to redeem yourself. You failed.


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So we are going to still pay the cops....wow. That certainly is a revolutionary idea that will stop all gun violence. It's worked well so far. I guess there were no cops in the various cities lunatics went crazy in. Shame on those cities for not having a police force.....oh wait... They did have cops. What they did not have was an armed adult to kill the crazy person.

Bob Sacamano

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Are they going to install metal detectors and have cops manning them in elementary schools now? Is an undercover cop going to be posted in every movie theatre?


Draft Pick
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The article cites this;

-$4 billion for the president’s proposal “to help keep 15,000 cops on the streets in cities and towns across the country.”

What do you imagine those cops will be doing?

One of the most interesting things (that I was not aware of) is that Obama wants to lift the ban on the CDC researching gun violence. Yes, you read that right, there is currently a ban that was pushed through congress by NRA lobbyists to keep the CDC from researching guns.

I'm guessing it means "keep 15,000 cops on the streets", as in employ enough people to have an extra 15,000 cops working across the US, not simply employ 15,000 more cops total.

In that case, unless the link is assuming that cops are hired and work 24 hours per day non-stop until they die, saying 266K per cop is a pretty dumbass calculation.

Hell, just looking at the number of working shifts in a day would triple that number to 45,000 cops working 8 hour shifts.....making it 88K per cop. I don't know what a cop makes in a year but I'm guessing that number is higher in LA than it is in Aspen. Throw on the cost of all the new shit that will have be purchased (cars, equipment, training) and then estimate the expected running costs for all that shit as well.


Draft Pick
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So we are going to still pay the cops....wow. That certainly is a revolutionary idea that will stop all gun violence. It's worked well so far. I guess there were no cops in the various cities lunatics went crazy in. Shame on those cities for not having a police force.....oh wait... They did have cops. What they did not have was an armed adult to kill the crazy person.


They didn't have an armed adult who happened to have prognostic powers and the ability to be anywhere in the area they are patrolling in the blink of an eye to kill the crazy person.

And to that, I'm actually disappointed that none of the money is going into researching fortune telling and teleportation.

This shit cracks me up. Put a couple of armed adults on the premises like these individuals can be all places at once and can actually respond before shots are fired. It might come as a surprise but these guys don't wear signs giving away their intent, most of the time they just kind of spring the attack on people. I wonder how many people can be shot before a response arrived. I wonder if the response would arrive in time to actually shoot the guy before he shot himself. Because that's what many of these guys do, they fucking kill themselves which kind of makes the whole idea that guns on the premises would be a deterrent flat out bullshit. They don't fucking care if they die, many are planning on it.

I wonder what the employment add would read..........

"Wanted: Meat Shield/Bullet Magnet. Local school needs individuals willing to rush blindly and without regard to personal safety or the safety of those around them into a classroom occupied by a lunatic with a gun hell bent on shooting anything that moves. Salary DOE, must pass background check and drug test."

You think anyone is gonna charge into a room with a gunman in there? At best we're talking about containing this individual to the classroom he is in which is a pretty shitty consolation prize.

Look, if your best-case plan is geared towards responding to and engaging in a gun fight instead of preventing the gunfight, your best-case plan is fucked.

Oh and did I mention these people are fucking crazy and plan on dying? They have some of those in the middle east and many of them have perfected a technique that may be referred to as "self detonation". We can only hope that the great deterrent of guns on the premisses doesn't offer a challenge to these nutjobs to step their game up. What would follow, bomb squads on the premises?

I think it's interesting that when a group of terrorists stormed some airplanes with box knives and crashed into the WTC buildings that the suggested route wasn't to arm stewardesses with box knives. Seems instead we at least made an attempt to prevent such shit from even happening all together by forcing people to show up to the airport a few hours early and examining nude body scans of all the passengers.

Also interesting that all the people advocating for guns in schools haven't really been in the public spotlight advocating the arming of inner-city residents in order to combate the ridiculous amounts of violent crime and gun-related deaths in their communities.
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Super Moderator
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I think it's interesting that when a group of terrorists stormed some airplanes with box knives and crashed into the WTC buildings that the suggested route wasn't to arm stewardesses with box knives.

You're right, they didn't arm stewardess with box cutters. They created the TSA and placed armed agents on flights. The government also made it mandatory that all government law enforcement offers fly armed when flying which often times placed multiple armed officers on flights.


Super Moderator
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I also find this theory of police "preventing" crime to be comical. Police respond to crimes and try to solve them. They also spend a large majority of their time responding to non-criminal incidents like car accidents, complaints/disputes, etc.

In an instance where police try to actively prevent and deter possible crime such as implementing a stop and frisk policy in high crime neighborhoods in NY, police are met with allegations of racial profiling and policies meant to limit stop and frisk pat downs. It's ironic that people claim a violation of the 4th Amendment and hold it as gospel to deter aggressive police activity meant to deter and prevent crime yet think nothing of curbing the 2nd Amendment that would do little, if anything, to prevent crimes such as Sandy Hook, Colombine, etc.


Pro Bowler
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Fuck the second amendment. We need to be able to walk around and not be harassed by police for having a certain color skin. Noone needs guns.
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