We destroyed this nonsensical fantasy already but here's the nukey-ler bomb for it - Jerruh is incapable of "tanking" or even thinking that way. He's not intelligent enough to employ strategy. He doesn't plan anything long term and certianly not any further ahead than the next bowel movement.
Just stop pretending Jerruh would ever, could ever "tank." It's stupid and makes you look stupid.
Simmer down numb nuts. First you never destroyed anything, except for maybe your underwear. If you remember I also prefaced my conspiracy theory by saying, I’m probably giving Jerry way too much credit here.
You’re likely right that Jerry is not smart enough to pull this off. Again, I stated that in my original post.
Also again, my reasoning is Jerry’s nonchalant attitude towards Nolan and the way he’s running this defense (into the ground). Whenever he’s interviewed he doesn’t come across as being upset at all. In fact he almost seems giddy.
Again, this is just my theory. You can think I sound stupid if you want, I really don’t care. Last I checked this is a message board where people can talk about the Cowboys and give their OPINION on what’s going on. You have the right to your opinion too. If you just want everyone to just agree with you, you might want to put a disclaimer at the top of your website saying that.
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