
Defense Wins Championships
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The fact is, I really don't either Party really gives a shit about massive fraud. The proof of this is what Congress does, and not what BS PR lines they love to throw out. They both strain and gnats and swallow elephants, donkeys, and rhinoceroses.

We allow our Reps. to spend "our" money, and they do so without any regard for fraud. Shit, people in the Govt. somewhere are supposed to be experts on the likely hood of fraud occurring. But it's the same old story.... "Duh... We didn't see that coming!!!"
Our Govt. it seems, is expert at NOTHING, except Bullshit and covering their asses. Now that, they are very very good at!!!



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LOL at those fucktards in Canada.

Now they say "3 jabs of rat poison is new standard for "fully vaccinated" because "2 jabs doesnt work anymore"

Hey you Fascist losers, 3 jabs wont work. 10 jabs wont work. THE VACCINE DOESNT WORK.


Defense Wins Championships
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June 2022 Monkeypox Tips from the CDC:

If you or a partner has monkeypox, the best way to protect yourself and others is to not have sex of any kind (oral, anal, vaginal) and not kiss or touch each other’s bodies while you are sick, especially any rash or sores. Do not share things like towels, fetish gear, sex toys, and toothbrushes.

If you or your partner have (or think you might have) monkeypox and you decide to have sex, consider the
following to reduce the chance of spreading the virus:

● Have virtual sex with no in-person contact.

● Masturbate together at a distance of at least 6 feet, without touching each other and without touching any
rash or sores.

● Consider having sex with your clothes on or covering areas where rash or sores are present, reducing as
much skin-to-skin contact as possible.

● Avoid kissing.

● Remember to wash your hands, fetish gear, sex toys and any fabrics (bedding, towels, clothing) after having sex.

● Limit your number of partners to avoid opportunities for monkeypox to spread.



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Been saying it for months, but this fraud will just slink into retirement after the Nov elections. I bet Biden and his Dem cohorts will somehow grant him immunity or some pre-approved pardon for any wrong doing as well.

Otherwise, this fucking walking piece of human shit should rot in prison or just out and out be executed for crimes against humanity.



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My doctor keeps bugging me about getting the booster shot. I got vaccinated May 2021 because I have some pre-existing conditions like diabetes and Afib but after the results of the vaccinations started to come out I decided getting vaccinated is pointless. The half-life of the vaccines is so short that even vaccinated people who are fully up to date with their boosters are getting sick, even dying. It seems the first booster is effective for about 4 months, the 2nd, or 4th shot in total, is effective for about 2 months based on an Israeli study. By effective I mean what the CDC is claiming - that it reduces the severity, not prevents infection. 4 shots on schedule gets you 11 months of "protection". But COVID will be around forever so what is the point? At the same time it appears COVID has mutated into something that is very mild compared to the original strain.

I tried doing research on the vaccines and sadly, I found myself doubting everything published by our government. I just do not believe them anymore. They lied about the vaccines in the beginning and at various stages of the vaccine roll-out. I think they are still lying now for some reason. On the other hand, there are a lot of kooks out there making all kinds of ridiculous claims about the vaccines. Every person who dies was a victim of vaccines side effects. I just want the facts without the political overtones and conspiracies. The problem is, even medical studies need to be scrutinized because the Lancet published a completely false study on HCQ that was supposedly written by reputable scientists.

I want to discuss this intelligently with my doctor who is uncharacteristically pushing the vaccines. Is there a source for facts without the spin?


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Every person who dies was a victim of vaccines side effects. I just want the facts without the political overtones and conspiracies.
That's ok, the other side claimed virtually every death around the world for two years was a "Covid death".

Even people that committed suicide or died in a car accident.


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I want to discuss this intelligently with my doctor who is uncharacteristically pushing the vaccines. Is there a source for facts without the spin?
You could ask them about their opinion on the New England Journal of Medicine.

But to answer your question, you will have an extremely difficult time finding any true "facts" as it related to Covid and in particular, these horrendous vaccines. MSM, Big Tech and many others have very clearly collaborated to shut down any dissenting opinions, regardless of what facts those people might present. Many health care providers are complicit as well, and those physicians that did speak up were shouted down, threatened and in some cases stripped of their licenses.

At this point in time, there really isn't any doubt that the vaccines are not only NOT effective, they are clearly NOT safe. They are causing all kinds of serious side effects and too many young, otherwise perfectly health individuals are becoming incredibly sick or dying after getting the vaccine and subsequent boosters.


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That's ok, the other side claimed virtually every death around the world for two years was a "Covid death".

Even people that committed suicide or died in a car accident.

This is no BS. I know someone whose mother died about 8 months after she had COVID and recovered. The ME made her a COVID death and even told the surviving kids it was so they could get some kind of COVID death benefits given out to people whose relatives died of COVID. So I have no doubt many deaths were listed as COVID related.


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Someone should make a master list of all these very young, otherwise healthy (and in many cases world class athletes in premier shape) people that suddenly drop dead for no apparent reason, or have become severely ill with mysterious heart and circulation problems they never had before.


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The pharmaceutical companies, many world governments (incl ours), numerous individuals, the CDC, WHO, NIH and all the employer groups who wrongly mandated their employees get this fucking poison should all be sued into oblivion, and a whole bunch of people need to rot away the rest of their lousy existence in some prison. Two biggest frauds in modern world history are this fucking garbage and the 2020 election.



Pro Bowler
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This shit is getting out of control.

I took this pic yesterday. That is an adult male, driving a convertible on the freeway, with the top down, wearing a mask in Los Angeles!

I just heard on the news that the county is going to reinstate the mask mandate for indoor spaces at the end of the month. I hate this state!


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The pharmaceutical companies, many world governments (incl ours), numerous individuals, the CDC, WHO, NIH and all the employer groups who wrongly mandated their employees get this fucking poison should all be sued into oblivion, and a whole bunch of people need to rot away the rest of their lousy existence in some prison. Two biggest frauds in modern world history are this fucking garbage and the 2020 election.

Private corporations were pressured to mandate the vaccines by the Biden administration. Once they determined the government cannot constitutionally mandate the vaccine, they went after employers to implement mandates.

At this point several facts are clear:

1. The vaccines do not prevent individuals from getting COVID
2. The vaccines do not prevent transmission of COVID
3. The vaccines do not prevent death from COVID
4. The vaccines do effect the menstrual cycles of many women, even menopausal women are experiencing bleeding
5. The vaccines do cause myocarditis in teenage boys
6. The vaccines appear to effect pregnancies
7. Autopsies show that the spike protein is turning up in alarming concentrations in the livers of vaccinate people

What's worse is there is some evidence to suggest that the vaccines actually teach the immune system to ignore the spike protein making vaccinate people more susceptible to infection.

Given these facts, and the lack of understanding of a number of other factors, why are businesses, schools, universities still mandating the vaccines for anyone?
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