While the media is criticizing Trump again for the latest outbreak of the Coronavirus in the US, it might be a good time for them to take a look at the global Coronavirus statistics. The would see very clearly that this latest outbreak is a global spike, not just a US issue. Around the 3rd week in May the world was averaging about 95k new cases per day. From that point, the new cases began to increase rapidly to where we are now at about 290k new cases per day. Even if you subtract the 50k additional new cases a day we are seeing in the US, the rest of the world is experiencing more than a 140% increase in new cases since late May.
And, btw, who trusts the global reporting? While most countries are trying to report lower numbers to look like they are doing a better job of managing the virus, the US is trying to report higher numbers to look at bad as possible because we are in an election year. The fact is, viruses spread. If the number of infected was a measure of competence, then by any comparison, Trump has done a much better job of controlling CV-19 than Obama did with H1N1 in 2009 when more than 60 million Americans were infected, 40 million in the first 6 months.