Our numbers have started to rise in South Dakota since they started working on going "back to normal." I'm skeptical that it'll continue to get worse, between the complete lack of direction from our robot governor and the people both on Facebook and other platforms and the ones I see working everyday letting their inner moron out for a run.
It does bring out the stupid, on both sides of the fences. You've got people like her on one side, but you've also got the conspiracy theorists, the ones who believe every single article or video they read on line, (regardless of the source and/or whether it contradicts the one they shared five minutes earlier), and the people who have just decided that they know best. I see someone from every one of those groups almost daily, and I for the life of me can't figure out who's dumber...People have completely lost their minds. This country is fucked, not just because of the virus, but these crisis's bring out the "stupid" in people.
It does bring out the stupid, on both sides of the fences. You've got people like her on one side, but you've also got the conspiracy theorists, the ones who believe every single article or video they read on line, (regardless of the source and/or whether it contradicts the one they shared five minutes earlier), and the people who have just decided that they know best. I see someone from every one of those groups almost daily, and I for the life of me can't figure out who's dumber...
Our numbers have started to rise in South Dakota since they started working on going "back to normal." I'm skeptical that it'll continue to get worse, between the complete lack of direction from our robot governor and the people both on Facebook and other platforms and the ones I see working everyday letting their inner moron out for a run.
They're not large numbers yet, but they have been on a rise since the words "back to normal" started getting thrown around. Overall positives have been rising in counties outside of the hardest hit part of the state. Our county alone has gone from 59 cases on May 3 to 154 through today. And that's not by increased testing in our area; the only mass testing so far was in Sioux Falls and that was all Smithfield related.You've had under 300 people hospitalized state wide for the virus. The numbers of infected people or those who had the virus will probably rise as more people get tested. You (and BB) have a greater chance of catching the clap from one of his girlfriends.
This thing has become politicized and I doubt we'll ever get the truth. Each country manipulates it's numbers and I have no doubt that we're probably doing the same which gives us inaccurate numbers on the death rate, all to justify some political gain. Whatever.....as long as we can go to the big box stores, I guess it's OK for most of America.
And there lies my problem with this whole shitshow. There isn't a single person out there who you can say is a hundred percent knowledgeable about the virus, completely transparent about that knowledge, and doesn't have an agenda or answer to someone who does. That's why I've never had a party affiliation; company line types just piss me off.Can't say I completely disagree but I also know there is no way to completely protect yourself from any virus or bug by "partially" shutting down. In any event, it's just amazing to me how this has become political and the battle lines are drawn. These fucks running the country are complete buffoons. They continue to get paid and make decisions without having any skin in the game. Many of these politicians on both sides are also wealthy, some before they got into office and some, miraculously, after they got into office. It's disgusting and when they make these decisions, they should have to abide by them as well.
They're not large numbers yet, but they have been on a rise since the words "back to normal" started getting thrown around. Overall positives have been rising in counties outside of the hardest hit part of the state. Our county alone has gone from 59 cases on May 3 to 154 through today. And that's not by increased testing in our area; the only mass testing so far was in Sioux Falls and that was all Smithfield related.
Lets also be honest; did anyone know we were in the middle of a pandemic back then?
and I was completely oblivious to its existence until the last few months
You underestimate the deep state greatly my friend.A last ditch effort
You underestimate the deep state greatly my friend.
My point exactly Yim. Not one soul here had any idea that 60 million Americans were infected or changed his/her habits as a result. I hope everyone can now see that this whole thing was a power grab by the left. A last ditch effort to affect and alter the election results in November. I never thought that these people were so deranged and hungry for power that they would destroy the country as a last ditch effort to win back the Presidency. This whole thing has nothing to do with stemming the tide of the virus. It's well beyond that now and it's obvious. I'm just stunned at the amount of devastation to the country these people are willing to accept to alter the election.
I'm not willing to go that far (yet) as C19 was already an issue in other parts of the world before it got here. I'm sure D's and anti-trumpers are more than willing to exploit the situation to get him out of office but saying there is a mass of people willing to destroy everything to get him out is too much for me to believe at this juncture, no doubt there are some that feel this way but I currently believe they are on the fringes and small in number
When H1N1 started in 2008, the iPhone was a little over a year old, Twitter was only couple years old and Facebook was 5+ years old. None of the above were ubiquitous like they are now. The unforeseen consequence of the technology and social media is that they spawned misinformation and fear on a massive scale and gives a voice to idiots that resonate as loud as people we should be listening to. Combine the above with a news industry that has transitioned to entertainment as much as news and it becomes very difficult to find unvarnished "truth" untainted by politics, conspiracy theories and out right lies.
Add the above to politicians natural fear of taking risks and we're more likely to see an over-reaction in the name of saving lives.
I've always strived to do everything in my power so I'm never dependent on the government for my health, wealth, retirement and security and wish everyone felt the same but it seems more and more people have lost their sense of pride to take care of themselves & be self reliant. I'm shocked and concerned at the rapidly growing number of people who believe the government should be there for every conceivable issue that arises in life.
It wont end well if this mentality continues.
I guess I've crossed the fuddy-duddy line because I think like this:
You would be correct. And yes, no deaths and minimal hospitalizations. And a local beef plant that has had a high amount of cases. But I've also heard that there were 10-12 cases in and around the small town we live in, because people got together for a party with someone who brought it from out of town, hence my mistrust of depending on people to police themselves.Brown County I'm assuming from looking at the charts. You also have zero deaths which is obviously great and only 6 hospitalizations. There were over 60 million Americans (possibly as much as 89 million) infected with H1N1 10 years ago and we didn't skip a beat. Lets also be honest; did anyone know we were in the middle of a pandemic back then? Did people not go to the movies or dinner for fear of contracting H1N1? This level of hysteria is crazy.
And the buzzword used by Nancy Pelosi yesterday and that nut job Fauci before her was "inconvenience." Yes, the public will be "inconvenienced" by another 3 months of shutdowns.......how can any sane person characterize someone losing their livihood and everything they've worked for as an "inconvenience?" All the while these fucks are getting paid.
You can't look at what's happening today not come to some logical conclusion that there's more taking place than just the virus. There's a reason why most blue states oppose getting people back to work and opening up the economy. Why is this? Why is getting people back to work split down party lines? We were told we needed flatten the curve...that in any pandemic, the best sign was when the graph flattened after the peak. Our goal was to not overwhelm our medical system and hospitals. We were told millions might die and used flawed models to panic the public and make decisions for the country. We've weathered that storm and now hospitals are in dire financial straights but we still refuse to open the economy. Now the goal post has moved and our new goal is to find a vaccine.