I have a question for you guys that live in Texas
When I was in Seattle two weeks ago I noticed that damn near every business and Resturant had Seahawk gear displayed in their businesses. Plus there are giant 12th man flags around town. They seem to take their team seriously up there. Even the smallest little dive coffee shop has a framed signed jersey on display. They certainty are proud of their team.
I never see Rams or Charger shit anywhere here in L.A.
Granted they have only been back for one season but I would expect to start to see some Rams shit around town. Maybe it's because they have sucked for so long and the Seahawks have won recently
My question is this, is it like that in Dallas? Is there Cowboy gear posted up in businesses around town? Or is Seattle the anomaly with how strongly they support their team? Because I can't remember seeing this type of support anywhere else I've visited.