Hey I agree and I think we already had this conversation.
The question to me is:
What is the accurate, unbiased evaluation of each quarterback without the need of the QB position to each team skewing the evaluation?
If it's a slam dunk consensus that the QB available at #4 is deemed to be worthy, I’m all for taking a QB there and have said as much previously. Drafting these guys is a damn crap shoot even in a year when there appears to be a consensus. Take the year RG3 and Luck came out, the media claimed they were neck and neck and now RG3 appears to be a bust and some folks think Luck is lacking (I don’t agree and would love to have him). The list below is kind of interesting:
Hits and misses there but the later round picks are far more attractive in hindsight
The analysis is all over the map on all this years QBs plus the QB need creates an urgency that can cloud judgement (imo). We see QBs get over-drafted seemingly every year and I think part of that is from the desperation created by the positional need and it clouds the judgement of even the guys that do this full time.
So when I hear all the fans saying we have to have a QB, I agree in theory but I dont trust their ability to be rational nor do I think they have any clue how to do any real evaluation of a player since at best, they are merely regurgitating what they've read somewhere (which agreed with their pre-held belief and ignored opposing views) or did some Youtube scouting. No offense to anyone with this statement, I’m far worse at it than those I describe.
Wentz, Goff & Lynch all have concerns and potential
I’ve read some statements that make a decent case for taking a chance on Hackenberg (with a lower pick, not #4) and you’ve presented articles that made a solid argument for Cook.
I’m not convinced the risk with any of these guys is significantly different when you consider the failure rate, cap hit and draft cost. A better math guy than I could present this in a nice little formula but I’m too lazy (& unqualified)
When I look at the draft and how imprecise it is, it seems to be best played with numbers so my thought was if the trade was made with the Rams, Dallas would have the benefit of 4 picks between 15 and 45 which is said to be the sweet spot. I would hope they could at least hit at 50% which would equal what they would achieve if they hit 100% of their first two selections had they not done the trade BUT they get to freeroll with the two extra picks and perhaps they end up with 3 quality players or really hit a homer and get 4 (not likely).
Additionally, jerri, et al seem slow to cut bait with a pick as fast as they should when things dont work out, hopefully the lesser cost/draft position makes this easier to do if it becomes necessary.
Lots of combos are possible with these four picks and I bet if we look at how things shake out post draft, 3 or more of the 5 QBs will be available between 15-47 plus they have picks to package if they feel a move up is necessary.
I just think they will have more options with less risk in this scenario and I'd bet one of the top 3 will be there at 15, so if they want one of those guys, they can grab him there.
Like you, I want a QB as well, I just want to mitigate the cost/risk of failure and pick up as many players in the process to help improve their chances of winning now . Using a high draft pick on a QB works when the talent warrants the cost, only time will tell if any of these guys were worthy of that selection so lets hope the scouts and people making the decisions get it right.