This is a great NFL Sunday. Or at least it has the potential to be. If we lose it sucks.
But Cowboys at 1, Brady vs. Manning at 4 and the Giants/Eagles tonight.
All that matters is Jason Garrett solidifying his role as future HC here with a nice win today to go 2-0.
I root for a Lions blowout loss.
A post-WS "Let's go Rangers" chant would be awesome.
Would you rather have Garrett and Jerry still in the middle of everything, or Gruden and Jerry taking a step back?
Jerry wants Garrett. There's a reason for that and it should scare the hell out of you.
That's the problem I have.
I believe in Garrett. Always have. But I don't know that I can believe in him here under this situation. I think if he stays, so does the hands on GM. But if Garrett isn't retained, Jerry has to step back and hire a guy like Gruden. Who may not be better than Garrett in a neutral situation but he's better here because of Jerry.
I've never been so confused on rooting for wins or losses with this team.
Even if JG utterly fails the rest of the year, I don't think Jerruh's going to give up any power...he's looking at this year as Wade's fault. Jerruh's see our 'talent-laden' roster and thinks a big free-agent or draft pick propels us back to the Super Bowl.
The Cowboys will need to go 5-11 for another three years until Jerry gives up GM control.
Look how long it took Jerruh to hire BP - Switzer, Gailey and Campo...not to mention Jerry needed BP's name to get stadium approval.