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  1. Bonecrusher#31

    Packers suffer major loss, losing safety Nick Collins for the year

    The Pack secondary was looking weak this year with him but this team has depth like no other. I'm sure they will fart out another Pro Bowl safety.
  2. Bonecrusher#31

    Newman just tweeted he is back

    If he's TNew from last year I hope he gets re-injured during practice...
  3. Bonecrusher#31

    Report: Oklahoma wants Big 12 reform

    If ya'll thought OU, UT and others whooped that ass through out the years wait until A&M gets started there.
  4. Bonecrusher#31

    Report: Oklahoma wants Big 12 reform

    why would the SEC want Mizzu ???? Just think about that one.......
  5. Bonecrusher#31

    Redskins Week....

    The rest of the world hasn't figured this out yet :confused
  6. Bonecrusher#31

    Cowboys release CB Bryan McCann

    McCann was scrappy but nothing special at all....He won't be me.
  7. Bonecrusher#31

    Suprising sack stat

    DeWare is a bad mutha shut yo mouf
  8. Bonecrusher#31

    Redskins’ 2-0 start: Don’t be fooled again

    This is a great article lol
  9. Bonecrusher#31

    Tony Romo's pain key to status

    If pain is the key, that little mutha:censored is playing
  10. Bonecrusher#31

    Redskins Week....

    I've watched their 2 games (Thank you DTV Superfan) and I can't say they are impressive but at the same time I can't say they are a fluke. Gut feeling says they will still finish behind the Cowboys and Eagles we will see Monday Night.... We don't need both of our #1 WR's(to beat the skins) but...
  11. Bonecrusher#31

    A closer look at Tony Romo's struggles

    A closer look at Tony Romo's struggles September, 17, 2011 Tony Romo had two big turnovers in the fourth quarter Sunday night -- a fumble inside the Jets’ five-yard line and an interception that led to the...
  12. Bonecrusher#31

    Romo changed the route for Holley in the huddle

    Absolutely, thank goodness we have a top passing offense to fallback on.
  13. Bonecrusher#31

    Romo changed the route for Holley in the huddle

    According to Jesse Holley on the Fan, Romo told him to run the route he ran even though the play called for a different route. Interesting......
  14. Bonecrusher#31

    I'm sorry guys, 49niners will beat Dallsa 39-27

    Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades lol
  15. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    We REALLY needed that one now hopefully Dez will be healthly enough to help whoop those sorry ass skins
  16. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    cause it was
  17. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    I take that back...Kitna is the backup for a reason, we are toast. This season is a wrap.
  18. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    We are lol
  19. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Boys...We might have a QB controversay if Kitna wins this
  20. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    I will never abandon this team but it doesn't mean I can't hate them because I do. Each and everyone of them.
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