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  1. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    4th and fucking 9? Give me a break
  2. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Don't blame Doug that bad, romo had enough time to get rid of it.
  3. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Here comes the 30-0 route!
  4. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    They get to 40 I will be ok with it lol
  5. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

  6. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

  7. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    These guys are clicking on all cylinders. Top it off with dez punt return if a Lee pic6
  8. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Any question as to who the #1 we is?
  9. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    All 3 starting wrs have a rd, damn tamp is horrid!
  10. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    For a Guy as old as morris is, he's got some burst.
  11. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    They need to rest ware. Looks like we can handle Tampa with out him.
  12. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Looks like a good gam to start felix?(FF)
  13. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Good ole bradie making a play
  14. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

  15. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Will do...
  16. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Maybe tnew can drop another Pic-6 to start the game? Typing from my phone, enjoying some adult beverages at the wings joint.
  17. cboys72

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    I am just glad i get to drink and noy have to get up at 5am tomorrow! I think it would be a good idea to rest Ware for his stinger.
  18. cboys72

    Ryan: 'I've been absolutely atrocious' in calling defensive plays in hurry-up

    So is this supposed to fix the late collapses?
  19. cboys72

    Randy Galloway told don't count out Garrett getting fired.

    As bad as this sounds-Put yourself in Jerry's shoe's. He spent big dollars on signing big name players, he's paid big money to garret and other coaches. He's got a team that, with a little coaching, should have been a ready made playoff contender with an outside shot at the super bowl. He's...
  20. cboys72

    Becoming an honorary Denver/Tebow fan

    Yep, Tebow all the way!
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