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  1. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Well that's a wrap, it's NBA time for me now....
  2. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Helluva way to end a season fellas....At least we went out with a bang.:jerkoff
  3. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    What a bunch of lost souls on that field tonight
  4. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Hey at least we will get a 3rd place schedule next year...:towel Oh wait we had that this year...
  5. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge
  6. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

  7. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Game over man, Game Over !!!
  8. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    First TNew lets a TE get a 1st down on him then he gets SMOKED..... This guy is the best all around fuck up I've ever seen.
  9. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    ....with the 13th pick of the NFL draft the Dallas Cowboys pick......
  10. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    The end to the Dallas Cowboy's 2011-2012 season begins in about 20 minutes...
  11. Bonecrusher#31

    Kiwanuka Talking Shutout

    Kiwanuka Talking Shutout By Ernie Palladino Publisher Posted Dec 28, 2011 The Giants' brashness of last week appears to be carrying over to the upcoming Cowboys game. Mathias Kiwanuka has already proclaimed that if the defense plays a full game, they can shut out Dallas. Mathias Kiwanuka...
  12. Bonecrusher#31

    Pereira: Gruden is a loudmouth blowhard who doesn’t know what he is talking about

    Mike Pereira: Gruden needs to get the rules straight C’mon man! I’m talking to ESPN announcer and former coach Jon Gruden, because I need to set the record straight. I am not a fan of Gruden’s. Not today, not yesterday, not when I worked for the NFL and not when I was working on the field as...
  13. Bonecrusher#31

    Manning over Romo? Not in Total QBR

    Manning over Romo? Not in Total QBR If Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo was looking for any further motivation regarding Sunday’s matchup with Eli Manning and the New York Giants, he can find it, at...
  14. Bonecrusher#31

    Redskins release Ryan Torrain...

    If they would have released him a week or 2 earlier I'd be all over it but now not so much.
  15. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Yeah, I can't wait to see that shit again
  16. Bonecrusher#31

    Cowboys @ Giants flexed to SNF

    I agree with all points here especially on confidence in this team. They haven't given any reason ever to believe in them. Why start now ?
  17. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    This team needs to be gutted defensively....and I can't believe we resigned Scandrick :sbk92
  18. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Is there any question that Wade Phillips is twice the DC that Ryan is..
  19. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Spencer makes another dumbass play but I'm glad he did it if Maclin is done lol
  20. Bonecrusher#31

    2011 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Swollen BAD !!!! But at least he was warming up to try to comeback and Wade Wilson told him he was done..
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