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  1. NoMoRedJ

    Playoff win or fire Garrett?

    Reading this really put a damper on my day. How depressing.
  2. NoMoRedJ

    Playoff chatter | Dallas @ Rams

    Nah, Dooms didnt chip in enuff coin to help cover the cost.
  3. NoMoRedJ

    Playoff chatter | Dallas @ Rams

    The Rams played their worst football at the end of the season. We are playing some of our best football going into this game. The Rams not only have played their worst football lately but have had a week off so I expect them to be flat and not ready to play at out our level. If they play...
  4. NoMoRedJ

    Playoff chatter | Dallas @ Rams

    They're due for an off week
  5. NoMoRedJ

    2019 coach hiring thread

    So he can start this Sunday
  6. NoMoRedJ

    Jason Carrot to become new GM? (Rumor)

    Have any GM's written books about themselves? Any GM biographies out there? Where will Red get his GM speak quotes and cliches?
  7. NoMoRedJ

    Playoff chatter | Dallas @ Rams

    From the Star Garrett Donuts. Mannequins and now donuts. One of a kind coach.
  8. NoMoRedJ

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  9. NoMoRedJ

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  10. NoMoRedJ

    Playoff chatter | Dallas @ Rams

    Thats a great trend
  11. NoMoRedJ

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  12. NoMoRedJ

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  13. NoMoRedJ

    2019 coach hiring thread

    From one dysfunctional mess to another. At least he's got experience with a mess so he'll fit right in.
  14. NoMoRedJ

    2019 coach hiring thread

    Maybe Rod just coaches the DL and LBers
  15. NoMoRedJ

    Comparison of recent Cowboy defenses

    There is something favorable about that
  16. NoMoRedJ

    2019 coach hiring thread

    Ownership is a dumpster fire here with that idiot Ross. Its one of only 32 jobs, but what a clown to work for.
  17. NoMoRedJ

    Playoff win or fire Garrett?

    The Garrett Apologists are coming back out. Garrett Coach of the Year thread now in the Zone. Mind boggling this love for the Red loser.
  18. NoMoRedJ

    2019 coach hiring thread

    In the nut zone thread about Richard going to Miami (speculation) some fool is comparing Richard going to Miami with Hue going to Cleveland and how poor Hue never had a chance. Uh, HELLO, what happened as soon as Hue was gone?
  19. NoMoRedJ

    Gameday Thread | Wildcard Weekend. Seattle @ Dallas

    I wonder if it has pad for the helicopter. Maybe when Jerry and family is out on the yacht some pirates will overtake them and . . . . . . . .
  20. NoMoRedJ

    2019 coach hiring thread

    And with the possible exception of the $$ Richard may rue the day he goes to work for the nitwit Ross.
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