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  1. yimyammer

    Ahead of schedule: Dak Prescott exceeding all expectations in stellar start to NFL

    Why Dak Prescott plays like he's been here before The first five weeks of quarterback Dak Prescott's pro career suggest he's the most prepared rookie passer in the NFL and a perfect fit for a franchise hoping to make a transition. The Cowboys just never thought he'd be ready this fast. There...
  2. yimyammer

    This is who I'd give strong consideration if I was hiring the next Cowboys coach

    Too bad Dallas isn't allowed to have the best coaching available due to their insecure GM I'm interested to see how this guy does in his next head coaching gig, which seems inevitable. Such a stark contrast in how he has learned the ropes vs the "red gelding" The Redemption of Josh McDaniels...
  3. yimyammer

    NFL Network Timeline show

    Did anyone watch the recent one about Katrina? I hate to be insensitive but has there ever been a subject more beaten to death and over dramatized as it relates to the NFL? I dont know why I kept watching, I just kept getting more annoyed. Anyone else feel this way?
  4. yimyammer

    Kellerman thinks Jerry Jones is emasculating Jason Garrett

    Slow to the party and wrong about the history of the super bowls but anytime the media trashes jeri, they get my support 779295203249180673 (I tried to post the video from ESPN but it didn't work, thus the twitter work around, is there some trick to posting videos from ESPN?)...
  5. yimyammer

    Interesting blurb about Bruce Arieas in MMQB

    I envy this kind of innovation and creativity: source
  6. yimyammer

    How do I post a GIF in a thread?

    see thread title thanks
  7. yimyammer

    Broncos vs Panthers Game, anyone watching?

    Love me some football, cant believe its already starting again. I'm 30 mins behind on my DVR, did anyone see the Cam interview? They asked him if he regretted how he acted after the loss and of course he gave the patented stock answer of I have no regrets. why not? Why are people so reticent...
  8. yimyammer

    Stephen Jones on drafting Ware over Spears

    Good story, I had always heard jeri picked Ware over Spears at Parcells objection but it sounds like it was actually Stephen that was the voice of reason. I'd have to score one for Stephen on this one 772887439136346112
  9. yimyammer

    Stephen Jones: Jason Garrett's turning into a great coach; 'he's the hardest worker

    Before Bill Belichick led the New England Patriots to four Super Bowl victories, he spent five seasons as head coach in Cleveland. The Browns were a combined 36-44 in the regular season and 1-1 in the playoffs during that time. Cowboys executive vice president Stephen Jones recently referenced...
  10. yimyammer

    So why do they have to be hush hush about the status of Rolando McClain

    If you heard the press conference, you heard the three stooges dodging questions about Rolando and why he has to remain on the team. Apparently there is some top secret reason that cant be disclosed. I suspect top secret means jeri wants to keep him for the playoff push he envisions happening...
  11. yimyammer

    Dallas Cowboys' greatest hurdle is Jerry Jones

    Dallas Cowboys' greatest hurdle is Jerry Jones Albert Einstein once described insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Einstein probably never met Jerry Jones or dreamed of the Dallas Cowboys, who played their first game five years after his death...
  12. yimyammer

    I've become such a cowboy scrooge, anyone else get irritated at the annual pump up?

    My buddy is a great guy but he is so pumped up on the Cowboys, it strikes me as delusional. As many of you know, I had some hope for Garrett but last years shit coaching job killed that for me so I dont have any faith in jerri and his minions to compete against the best in the league. They...
  13. yimyammer

    Timeline: Tale of Two Cities Parts 1 & 2 on now & repeats at 11 on NFL Network

    great show about the rivalry throughout the years between SF and Dallas Those were the years
  14. yimyammer

    Did You Know:?

    Since the NFL first started awarding compensatory draft picks in 1994, the Patriots have received 33 selections. That ranks as the fourth-highest total in the NFL, behind the Ravens (47), Cowboys (37) and Packers (37). kind of surprised Dallas is that high in this stat
  15. yimyammer

    Jason Garrett!

    The first thing I noticed about Garrett was how quickly he got players on board with his style and they played their asses off for him. All well and good when all there is to go is up (from Wade). But this year a whole bunch of things happened that changed the trajectory of the team and I told...
  16. yimyammer

    A Football Life: Bill Belechick

    Gotta wonder if Pat fans have a clue how good they got it with the trifecta of Belichick, Brady and the little known Ernie Adams. They just showed Belichick chewing out his defense in the 4th quarter with little time left for giving up a TD (called Junior Seau and the rest of the D punks in the...
  17. yimyammer

    FYI-Jimmy Johnson on Undeniable with Joe Buck

    On DirectTv AUD Channel 239. I love Jimmy so I'd though Id pass along the info to anyone else who likes him as well repeats tonight at 10PM
  18. yimyammer

    A Football Life: Steve Largent

    Love these shows, not cowboy related but I cant help but like/respect Largent. Here's my favorite part: Football Feud: Steve Largent vs. Mike Harden | A Football Life | NFL - YouTube (Please move if this isn't the right forum)
  19. yimyammer

    The Clapper...

    learned from the best: The Clapper - YouTube
  20. yimyammer

    30 for 30: The Boz

    Its a rerun but did anyone else watch this? I enjoyed it, so many fascinating stories in all of sports in that era. Maybe it was simply because media wasn't as widespread as it it today but sports across the board seemed so much more compelling. Everyone was so pissed off at Boz and I cant...
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