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  1. dbair1967

    Fear of Asomugha landing in Philly could motivate Cowboys to pursue CB

    Yes, and I know which ones
  2. dbair1967

    Mailbag - Is it really a good idea to send Barber packing?

    Yes, its an excellent idea...and his loser buddy Choice too
  3. dbair1967

    I would, but I find your avatar disturbing

    I would, but I find your avatar disturbing
  4. dbair1967

    Playstation Network

    You should be seeing the bill for all that cool shit I bought at BestBuy any day now.
  5. dbair1967

    NBA Thread

    I cant believe anyone actually cares about NBA basketball
  6. dbair1967

    Real person behind the death of Osama.

    "corpsemen" "kids that need breathalyzers"
  7. dbair1967

    Matt Millen and Joe Theismann fired

    Was it Ron Franklin?
  8. dbair1967

    Rumors fly of a complete NFL shutdown

    If The Daily Turd believes a shutdown is coming, I'm now more encouraged than ever a deal is getting done soon.
  9. dbair1967

    Fear of Asomugha landing in Philly could motivate Cowboys to pursue CB

    I like CB's that make plays, but not at the expense of giving up a alot of plays or being an awful tackler. Newman once went over 2yrs without giving up a single TD. I doubt many CB's that started all the time from the past 10 yrs can make that claim.
  10. dbair1967

    Fear of Asomugha landing in Philly could motivate Cowboys to pursue CB

    Davis appeared to be well worth what he got his first two+ seasons here. I dont recall Washington having anything to do with "driving up the price" on Davis either.
  11. dbair1967

    Comparing This Draft Within NFC East

    If we had done that same draft, you'd be going ballistic. I'm also not all that high on Marvin Austin. Especially when they had invested so much previously on DL.
  12. dbair1967

    Comparing This Draft Within NFC East

    I wasnt impressed nor do I think they had the best draft in the division.
  13. dbair1967

    Sturm's Cowboys analysis: Draft changes Choice's status in Dallas

    Good, hope Garrett complies and grants him his wish.
  14. dbair1967

    Fear of Asomugha landing in Philly could motivate Cowboys to pursue CB

    OK so he is? I've never said Reid isnt a better football person than Jones. But the idea that Jones is going to suddenly pull a Dan Snyder and vastly overpay for a free agent because he thinks Andy Reid is interested in laughable in my opinion.
  15. dbair1967

    An uncapped year will act as a reset for our franchise

    The best CB in the league isnt a dime a dozen guy though. Now if the question is would you want the best punter in the league or Bryan McCann, I'd agree with you.
  16. dbair1967

    An uncapped year will act as a reset for our franchise

    Put the crack pipe down.
  17. dbair1967

    Fear of Asomugha landing in Philly could motivate Cowboys to pursue CB

    And at the end of Reid's career, he'll still have no super bowl rings as a HC.
  18. dbair1967

    Fear of Asomugha landing in Philly could motivate Cowboys to pursue CB

    Right, so whats that say about Andy reid and the Eagles?
  19. dbair1967

    Fear of Asomugha landing in Philly could motivate Cowboys to pursue CB

    I have no doubt that because of the age difference, most teams would probably take Samuel now. But Samuel still gives up a ton of plays and is a God awful tackler. He's really one of the more overrated players in football, and its why Belichick made basically no effort to keep him.
  20. dbair1967

    NFC East tug-of-war could be looming over Asomugha

    I really doubt we're going after N A. Especially for what the cost will be to get him. Ryan will get more out of the CB's here than what wade got last yr, and the improved pass rush will make a huge difference. So will actually coaching with some variety in the scheme. Wade got too much like...
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