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  1. K

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    Regarding the parents being charged (which I'm never in favor of holding one person responsible for the criminal act of another), I'm guessing the argument is that they were negligent with regards to their minor son? How does that hold up if they are charging the son as an adult? Is he a...
  2. K

    2020 CoronaVirus Outbreak - That began in Wuhan, China and is spreading

    Does anyone here have the expertise to know whether it's possible for a vaccine to cause negative test results, even when someone is sick with Covid? I got a vaccine 6 months ago (didn't want to, but was tired of my mom getting on me about it). This past weekend my girlfriend tested positive...
  3. K

    2020 CoronaVirus Outbreak - That began in Wuhan, China and is spreading

    Whenever I hear about things regarding the vaccination (good or bad), it's almost always about the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. Rarely is the J&J more typical vaccine mentioned, particularly in these stories about waning effectiveness. Has anyone seen anything that differentiates...
  4. K

    THE one and only George Floyd and cop shootings thread.

    Floyd was on the ground by his own request, as we know. His resistance and complaining of not being able to breath, yada yada yada got him there. I'm sure people would be up in arms if they had forced him in there and then he later died from all the drugs. They'd be going, "He was saying he...
  5. K

    THE one and only George Floyd and cop shootings thread.

    I think you may be right on that.
  6. K

    THE one and only George Floyd and cop shootings thread.

    Going by the language of the statutes, the only one that was reasonable was the manslaughter charge. Even if you assume that the death was 100% a result of Chauvin.
  7. K

    THE one and only George Floyd and cop shootings thread.

    I do not understand how all 3 charges can be true at the same time.
  8. K

    The "Unityᵀᴹ" Thread

    Leftism is a mental disorder like HIV. TDS is the full blown Aids that results.
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