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  1. yimyammer

    Jerry Jones turns 70 years old today

    Lol, I love that we can cuss on this forum. Its such an arbitrary thing for people to get upset about (imo)
  2. yimyammer

    2012 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Hey man, I feel your frustration more than you know but we could go round and round til the cows come home and do we really think anything is going to change at the top that would trickle down to the coaching and players? The hope I have is that Garrett is a smart guy that appears to be hungry...
  3. yimyammer

    2012 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Or to put it more succinctly, I'm at stage 5 (acceptance) in the five stages of grief
  4. yimyammer

    2012 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    case in point
  5. yimyammer

    2012 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Serious answer.. You're obviously looking for me to say Garrett and I agree which leads to Garrett sucks, fire him, etc, etc but the looming shadow hanging over this franchise is Jerry Jones and he doesn't value the head coaching position, has to have his sorry, ugly mug in everything and now...
  6. yimyammer

    2012 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Danny Coale's
  7. yimyammer

    2012 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    I'm an idiot
  8. yimyammer

    2012 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    If they play this hard every week, I wont be ready to give up on them. Gotta cut down on those stupid penalties tho
  9. yimyammer

    2012 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    painful, just painful to see this missed opportunity. How can they be so cavalier about not getting a few more yards. A damn running play might have gotten them a yard or two call an immediate time out and you still have chance to run one more play if you want. I can only guess the coaches...
  10. yimyammer

    One Last Chance with this Core

    I was trying to kill you slowly :suicide
  11. yimyammer

    One Last Chance with this Core

    I'm as big of a fan of Jimmy as the next guy but he wasn't solely responsible for building that team. What we had was an amazing confluence of events that came together to create one of the most magical times in Cowboy history. Including but not limited to the trade of the century, many doses...
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