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  1. yimyammer

    Key and Peele
  2. yimyammer


    If I could have ever understood his posts I might be able to pass along a favorite, they all went over my head
  3. yimyammer

    Key and Peele

    MOAR K&P!!!
  4. yimyammer

    WTC 7

    He is the king of the humblebrag, I was surprised no one ever did a list of all his humblebrags for shitz and grins
  5. yimyammer

    WTC 7

    my biggest problem with the idea of the government pulling off a conspiracy like this is I don't have enough faith in them that enough people could coordinate such an event and manage to keep it quiet. Go down to the DMV and you'll see what I mean I thought the idea of the government staging...
  6. yimyammer

    Cowboys players lack accountability

    I thought he said "the man in the mirror" did that?
  7. yimyammer

    Sully doesn't think Romo signs an extension...

    And depressing as hell, I hate that man
  8. yimyammer

    Cap Hell: Does It Exist? just jokin op, video seemed appropriate given the comments. Interesting topic and well thought out post
  9. yimyammer

    Same old GM, same mediocre Cowboys franchise

    When did Jerry change his name to rut?
  10. yimyammer

    We're sacrificing the future with cap restructures

    nice post, thanks I assume the bolded part is a typo?
  11. yimyammer

    We're sacrificing the future with cap restructures

    lol, saw that coming.....
  12. yimyammer

    We're sacrificing the future with cap restructures

    can you elaborate why this isn't a concern?
  13. yimyammer

    Mac Engle: Don’t go too far with the comparisons between Jerry Jones and Al Davis

    I'm proud to say I can defy the laws of math (at least as defined by this jackass)
  14. yimyammer

    Bill Callahan: I love Cowboys' O-line I wasn't thinking that and I have no idea how things get decided upon in Valley ranch, it just seems really strange and unnecessarily complicated to me...
  15. yimyammer

    Bill Callahan: I love Cowboys' O-line

    no kidding, it drives me nuts how PC everyone tries to be at valley ranch, its not national security for gods sake. It strikes me there is too much concern over upsetting players and not enough making players feel "uncomfortable" and I dont undersand the resistance in taking this stance...
  16. yimyammer

    DMN Machota- What will it take for Cowboys to make Super Bowl in 2014

    HA!! Never. Gonna. Happen!
  17. yimyammer

    2012 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    dont you have to call a TO there if you're baltimore?
  18. yimyammer

    2012 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Holy Cow! What a change in momentum
  19. yimyammer

    2012 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    Uh Oh..........
  20. yimyammer

    2012 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    teams that have Moss can't win a Super Bowl, the dude is jinxed
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