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  1. VTA

    The Anti-Christ speaks against the free market.

    Of course I did. Apparently you didn't like it. Your initial premise is still wrong. It's not hypocritical to point out false teaching. This is taught by Jesus, Peter, Paul and John. It's very Christian. Remember now how you entered this thread. These are different answers to ever moving goal...
  2. VTA

    The Anti-Christ speaks against the free market.

    Maybe you forgot how you entered the thread? :confused I clearly answered the tolerance thing a few posts ago. You seem to have trouble grasping clearly written claims and I'm obviously not the only who's noticed. :thumbsup You asked about other religions, not specifically Catholicism. I...
  3. VTA

    Thankless a-holes.

    :lol so true. And a company can place the word 'Gourmet' in front of anything and sell the product for twice it's cost. Gourmet cookies and cakes cost more than your average cupcake.
  4. VTA

    The Anti-Christ speaks against the free market.

    I don't think I'm the one struggling here. You introduce all sorts of non-sequiturs to avoid admitting your initial premise is wrong. There's nothing hypocritical or un-Christian about pointing out false teachings. It's simply a part of the Christian walk. I don't decide anything, I take it as...
  5. VTA

    The Anti-Christ speaks against the free market.

    Constantine didn't set the Canon, it was set after his death by the council of Laodicea and finalized by the third council Carthage around 400. Revelation was acknowledged long before Constantine and I'm not sure how you can get around it's relevance considering Jesus talks about the last days...
  6. VTA

    Thankless a-holes.

  7. VTA

    The Anti-Christ speaks against the free market.

    I know what you were saying. The 'religion hate' as you called it was hypocritical and not Christian. It's not hate and it's very Christian to point out the error. Is it a sin? To tolerate? No. Christianity isn't compulsive and spread by the sword and we're not to force anything. To not contend...
  8. VTA

    Thankless a-holes.

    I counted at least 3 Cowboys jersey's in this video...
  9. VTA

    Thankless a-holes.

    You're really pretty lousy at this. When people treat each other like shit over senseless shit like TV's, imagine how horrible they'll be when disaster strikes and they have to get at necessities (go see Katrina aftermath for proof).
  10. VTA

    The Anti-Christ speaks against the free market.

    Of course I answered it. You see someone being misled, you're supposed to let them know and it's not un-Christian or hypocritical as you'd said. That's the topic you've brought out of this. What's the difference between not 'doing well' in the context of what we're talking about and sinning...
  11. VTA

    Thankless a-holes.

    Because it's pretty clear. Imagine how people would re-act to limited necessity. Maybe you shouldn't be so hot to argue everything I say.
  12. VTA

    Thankless a-holes.

    Re-read it and think about the context.
  13. VTA

    Thankless a-holes.

    I'm talking more about the savages fighting over plastic pieces of shit and spots on line. Imagine how bad it'll be when it's necessity.
  14. VTA

    Thankless a-holes.

  15. VTA

    2013 Season Game Threads Mega-Merge

    :lol Didn't that dope also negate a touchdown with a penalty? Overall it was a good game.
  16. VTA

    Romo sick at game time...
  17. VTA

    The Anti-Christ speaks against the free market.

    'Revelations' eh?
  18. VTA

    The Anti-Christ speaks against the free market.

    Like in any aspect of life, you're basically not doing well if you see someone wrongly led and keep your trap shut. It's more hateful to watch and stay silent than it is to open your mouth and at least give them your viewpoint to consider. Be it faith, vocation, economy whatever. There's a time...
  19. VTA

    Happy Thanksgiving Day Universors!

    Happy Thanksgiving. Be safe and enjoy the day. God bless.
  20. VTA

    The Anti-Christ speaks against the free market.

    It's very Christian. Christ directs Christians to identify false teachers, as does Paul, Peter and John. Christianity isn't all preaching, we're supposed to point out error. You're called to it or held accountable for tolerating it and allowing others to be wrongly led.
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