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Day 4 of the Trump trial in NYC and we still have no idea what the underlying crime is that allowed Bragg to elevate the misdemeanor business fraud charges to a felony. They are blowing a lot of smoke about what the National Enquirer did, but none of that is a crime. If it is, then there should have been a lot of criminal charges thrown at the DNC and Hillary Clinton in 2016. If you recall, leaked emails from the DNC servers showed that a number of reporters were given instructions what to publish and what not to publish by the DNC and Clinton campaign. Reporters for the NY Times, Washington Post, CNBC and other media were in communication with the DNC and Clinton campaign admitting they were taking stories from the campaign, and burying stories that were unflattering to Hillary. In fact, the Russia collusion story came directly from the Clinton campaign where they knew the story was mostly hogwash. Maybe it should be a crime, and Hillary was fined by the FEC for misclassifying expenses for the dossier as something legal fees, coincidentally. The difference is that Trump did not use campaign funds to pay off Michael Cohen so there was no violation of FEC rules.

The question you may ask is how could a trial without a crime even take place? There is only one answer, and it goes to the judge. The judge should have dismissed these charges against Trump a long time ago. He has to know if Trump is convicted the verdict will be overturned by an appeals court. If this gets to the Supreme Court where a number of justices are already expressing frustration at these political prosecutions of Trump, Judge Merchan is in for a tongue-lashing he can't even imagine now.

If Trump wins, his first action should be to launch an investigation into all these cases to look for a larger conspiracy. There is already some evidence all of this is the work of one puppet master. If true all players need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and sent to prison for no less than 25 years.


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This may be a cartoon joke, but what is being revealed in the documents case is no joke. Judge Eileen Cannon is the only judge on a Trump case that is doing her job. She has forced the DOJ and Jack Smith to produce unredacted documents what are showing an unbelievable amount of coordination between the DJO, NARA and the special prosecutor. It appears the entire case was driven by the Office of White House Counsel. In fact, one memo revealed that there were concerns about the DOJs role in the raid on Mar-a-Lago because two DOJ attorney were too gung ho and expressed a lack of concern for the "optics" of raiding a former presidents residence.

The two attorneys worked on the Hillary email scandal and were instrumental in allowing Hillary and her team to escape without charges.

At this point, so much has been revealed to show the judge that non-only is this selective prosecution but the prosecution itself may be a setup. There is no doubt in my mind this case should be dismissed with prejudice. I am wondering why Judge Cannon has not already done so. Then again, she may have a reason which is to expose even more of the corruption by forcing the special counsel to produce even more unredacted materials.

I can only imagine what the Supreme Court will do with this case if it gets to them.


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If Trump wins, his first act as president should be to hire a new AG to replace Garland. I recommend Sydney Powell or someone like her who has an ax to grind with the Garland DOJ and FBI. The new AG should then begin an immediate investigation into all the people associated with the Trump prosecutions and law suits. Every one of them should be forced to turn over all emails, text messages, travel itineraries, meeting schedules, call logs and telephone records, financial records and any other forms of communication they may have had before, during and after these court cases. I would include the judges in this investigations as well. If any communications between players is discovered, I would bring charges of conspiracy. I would move to disbar all the judges and attorneys and prosecute anyone involved in the illegal lawfare conducted against Trump - that include Obama and Biden if they are involved. We cannot be weak when confronting this crap.


Pro Bowler
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If Trump wins, his first act as president should be to hire a new AG to replace Garland. I recommend Sydney Powell or someone like her who has an ax to grind with the Garland DOJ and FBI. The new AG should then begin an immediate investigation into all the people associated with the Trump prosecutions and law suits. Every one of them should be forced to turn over all emails, text messages, travel itineraries, meeting schedules, call logs and telephone records, financial records and any other forms of communication they may have had before, during and after these court cases. I would include the judges in this investigations as well. If any communications between players is discovered, I would bring charges of conspiracy. I would move to disbar all the judges and attorneys and prosecute anyone involved in the illegal lawfare conducted against Trump - that include Obama and Biden if they are involved. We cannot be weak when confronting this crap.
If Trump wins, I believe the mass hysteria will be like nothing we've ever seen or experienced

I agree with you but If God came down from heaven and told the world the investigations were 100% justified, the media, democrats and all the Trump haters will be losing their minds claiming he's a dictator and using his power to take out all opposition. It will be a ratings bonanza for the usual suspects

And if he tries to deport illegal immigrants (thats right, I said it), the media coverage will be endless videos of crying children and moms being removed from their homes, loaded on busses against their will, etc, etc...whatever can be done to make the process look as bad as it can, will be done. I envision comparisons of jews being loaded up on train cars, the hysteria will be insane in tone and content.

Having said that, Trump wont do mass deportations, its simply too difficult and just one video like I mentioned above will bring that idea to a grinding halt

Trump needs an army of Viveks and Kayleigh McEnanys to relentlessly, compassionately and accurately convey the truth in the face of what will no doubt be an onslaught of irrational, emotional & partisan lunatics who will be working tirelessly to misrepresent everything the Trump presidency attempts to do.

bookmark this post if Trump gets elected


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If Trump wins, I believe the mass hysteria will be like nothing we've ever seen or experienced

I agree with you but If God came down from heaven and told the world the investigations were 100% justified, the media, democrats and all the Trump haters will be losing their minds claiming he's a dictator and using his power to take out all opposition. It will be a ratings bonanza for the usual suspects

And if he tries to deport illegal immigrants (thats right, I said it), the media coverage will be endless videos of crying children and moms being removed from their homes, loaded on busses against their will, etc, etc...whatever can be done to make the process look as bad as it can, will be done. I envision comparisons of jews being loaded up on train cars, the hysteria will be insane in tone and content.

Having said that, Trump wont do mass deportations, its simply too difficult and just one video like I mentioned above will bring that idea to a grinding halt

Trump needs an army of Viveks and Kayleigh McEnanys to relentlessly, compassionately and accurately convey the truth in the face of what will no doubt be an onslaught of irrational, emotional & partisan lunatics who will be working tirelessly to misrepresent everything the Trump presidency attempts to do.

bookmark this post if Trump gets elected

We don't need to deport them. Just put in place laws that deny them jobs, benefits, drivers licenses, ban them from citizenship, end the anchor baby rules and welfare for their anchor babies. Don't give them housing food, or anything. They will stop coming and self-deport. Then, pass a law that denies them citizenship permanently, and their offspring too. That will take away Democrats incentive to invite them here.
We can deport some of them, but getting to all of them will be a problem.


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Disagree with my Amigo Creeper, everyone here ILLEGALLY should absolutely be deported.

And especially those with terrorist country or criminal background ties. No excuses for ANY of those people to be allowed to stay here in our country.

I dont give two shits about what kind of bullshit libtard spin they put on it. These people are a health and social/criminal danger to our country and citizens. FUCK WHAT PEOPLE THINK it's the damn right thing to do.


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Disagree with my Amigo Creeper, everyone here ILLEGALLY should absolutely be deported.

And especially those with terrorist country or criminal background ties. No excuses for ANY of those people to be allowed to stay here in our country.

I dont give two shits about what kind of bullshit libtard spin they put on it. These people are a health and social/criminal danger to our country and citizens. FUCK WHAT PEOPLE THINK it's the damn right thing to do.
Perhaps I need to clarify. I am not saying we shouldn't deport them. Then ones who break our laws and/or are a threat to Americans should absolutely deported. But I was referring to the larger task of rounding up all the illegals who are hiding in the shadows. My point was take away their reasons for being here and they will leave on their own. But certainly, remove all their benefits and privileges regardless. Keep in mind we have been deporting illegals for many years. They just come back. Some get deported and return 5 to 10 times. Why? What do they have here that makes them comes back? Take that away from them.


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Perhaps I need to clarify. I am not saying we shouldn't deport them. Then ones who break our laws and/or are a threat to Americans should absolutely deported. But I was referring to the larger task of rounding up all the illegals who are hiding in the shadows. My point was take away their reasons for being here and they will leave on their own. But certainly, remove all their benefits and privileges regardless. Keep in mind we have been deporting illegals for many years. They just come back. Some get deported and return 5 to 10 times. Why? What do they have here that makes them comes back? Take that away from them.
deport in a box then


Pro Bowler
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Disagree with my Amigo Creeper, everyone here ILLEGALLY should absolutely be deported.

And especially those with terrorist country or criminal background ties. No excuses for ANY of those people to be allowed to stay here in our country.

I dont give two shits about what kind of bullshit libtard spin they put on it. These people are a health and social/criminal danger to our country and citizens. FUCK WHAT PEOPLE THINK it's the damn right thing to do.

How do we force people back to their countries who no longer accept them? Example, I've heard Venezuela said they will refuse people being returned, so how do we overcome scenarios like that?

(not disagreeing with you, serious question)


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How do we force people back to their countries who no longer accept them? Example, I've heard Venezuela said they will refuse people being returned, so how do we overcome scenarios like that?

(not disagreeing with you, serious question)
This is why we should never let them in in the first place.


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Best line "the government needs to get out of people's lives"

If the government should get out of people's lives, then stop making us pay for abortions, and transgender surgeries. This is the same clown who wants to hit us with a 45% tax on capital gains, and to tax unrealized capital gains. People who do not appreciate that they money they spend is not there own should never have control of our money.
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