
Defense Wins Championships
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Scott Johnson is a noted Minneapolis lawyer who got press credentials for the trial. He writes about it each day.



Defense Wins Championships
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Officer Chauvin's knee is resting not on the front of George Floyd's neck, nor on the side of George Floyd's neck, but is resting gently on the back of George Floyd's neck.Back of Neck.JPG


Pro Bowler
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Either way this trial goes I can smell Minneapolis burning in 3, 2, 1..................

And to be honest, fuck em. They wanted to de fund the police, so they actually did defund the Police, then they discovered that de funding the Police was a bad idea and asked for more funds to RE- Fund the Police. FUCK YOU

Burn baby Burn, get me muh marshmallows and a Bourbon Fellas.....
Time to sit back and enjoy the show. You reap what you sow muddafuckas!


Pro Bowler
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BLM Co-founder buys multiple multi million dollar homes

One in Topanga Canyon CA which is 98% white, one in Malibu CA, and one in the Bahamas

She is a teacher and activist. It sure must be nice when those BLM donations to improve the inner cities rolled in. What was the first thing she did with all that donated money to improve inner cities? She moved the fuck out of the inner city!


Pro Bowler
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My bad on the dollar amount per home

It appears it’s about $3mil altogether

Not bad for a teacher/activist


Defense Wins Championships
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Once the defense takes over, Chauvin attorney Eric Nelson is expected to have his own experts testify that it was Floyd’s drug use and bad heart, not Chauvin’s actions, that killed him.

The defense hasn’t said whether Chauvin will take the stand.


Super Moderator
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In just about every scenario with the police that ends tragically, the one common theme is that the person didn't comply and wanted to fight or flight. That's not even being discussed in the current shooting. It was a tragic situation that was caused and escalated by the young man.

And as we water down policing and people shy away from the profession, you'll see more of these incidents and worse as unqualified people are hired. Perfection in policing will never happen and I have no idea what the answer is. But I do know the narrative is driven by the MSM.


Pro Bowler
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That is the one consistent in all of these police shooting.

The subject resisted arrest!

If the subject had just complied with the officers commands then the officers gun would have never even had to leave its holster. Therefore, no shooting.

I was talking about this with a black friend who I consider reasonable and intelligent. I mentioned that if these young black men just complied with the officers commands they would not have been shot. His reply was that they resist arrest “because” they fear being shot.

So I then asked him do you think that the subjects resisting arrest and fighting with officers increases or decreases the likely hood that the subject is shot?

He then tried to change the subject


High Plains Drifter
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That is the one consistent in all of these police shooting.

The subject resisted arrest!

If the subject had just complied with the officers commands then the officers gun would have never even had to leave its holster. Therefore, no shooting.

I was talking about this with a black friend who I consider reasonable and intelligent. I mentioned that if these young black men just complied with the officers commands they would not have been shot. His reply was that they resist arrest “because” they fear being shot.

So I then asked him do you think that the subjects resisting arrest and fighting with officers increases or decreases the likely hood that the subject is shot?

He then tried to change the subject
Innerstin tidbit and relevant as ammunition for this, the rapper DMC just died right? It's in the news. Anyway check out his wikipedia page, it details his LONG history of arrests, at least 40 of them over his lifetime. He somehow managed to BE black, BE a criminal, get arrested 40-something times, all over the country not just in one area - and somehow managed to never get shot. And never nary even a little bump on the head or any incident at all.


Super Moderator
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That is the one consistent in all of these police shooting.

The subject resisted arrest!

If the subject had just complied with the officers commands then the officers gun would have never even had to leave its holster. Therefore, no shooting.

I was talking about this with a black friend who I consider reasonable and intelligent. I mentioned that if these young black men just complied with the officers commands they would not have been shot. His reply was that they resist arrest “because” they fear being shot.

So I then asked him do you think that the subjects resisting arrest and fighting with officers increases or decreases the likely hood that the subject is shot?

He then tried to change the subject

It's a subject where you just can't win. Many folks, white and black, have now become accustomed to resisting arrest. Just start video recording the incident and resist until something happens. Like the army lieutenant that was recently maced because he wouldn't comply. The guy was stopped for tinted windows with no license plate and the dick wants to argue with the officers. He knew full well what he was doing. And the city fired the officers. I wouldn't stop a soul if I was a uniformed officer, especially in that town.


High Plains Drifter
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DMX, whatever in the fuck he is. Managed to never get copshot or even get a hangnail, in over 40 arrests and other brushes with the law.



Pro Bowler
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That is the one consistent in all of these police shooting.

The subject resisted arrest!

If the subject had just complied with the officers commands then the officers gun would have never even had to leave its holster. Therefore, no shooting.

I was talking about this with a black friend who I consider reasonable and intelligent. I mentioned that if these young black men just complied with the officers commands they would not have been shot. His reply was that they resist arrest “because” they fear being shot.

So I then asked him do you think that the subjects resisting arrest and fighting with officers increases or decreases the likely hood that the subject is shot?

He then tried to change the subject


and now you're a racist


The Elite :-P
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The cops shot Daunte Wrightin in the same state where George was killed



Pro Bowler
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I’m white

So I’ve always been a racist according to the left. I apparently need white supremacy re-education to beat the white privilege out of me.


High Plains Drifter
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To those concerned.

We don't need multiple threads on Floyd and we don't need a new thread every time there's some cop shooting. THIS is the fucking thread.



Super Moderator
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Lets face it. Until some of these communities deal with issues that need to be addressed but are never spoken, things won't change. Single mothers, crime, no family structure, people dependent of government to support themselves, etc.

This young man that was recently shot and resulting in the current riots had a warrant out for his arrest for aggravated assault....on a female, no less. I see the parents and family members on TV and while a parent should NEVER lose a child, I just wonder sometimes how involved these family members were in this young man's upbringing. It's a complicated situation all the way around.


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The cops shot Daunte Wrightin in the same state where George was killed

Cops? It was one cop and if you watch the video she shot the suspect with her partner right next to him! It was a reckless act and she could have hit her partner. She is obviously poorly trained or poorly qualified to be a cop.

Honestly, I have no idea how she mistook her gun for a taser. But based on the shot she took, when she took it and the fact that her partner was in the line of fire, I would say she panicked or lost control of her wits.
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