
Pro Bowler
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you and I would have tore up the town had we grown up together, I lived for pranking and/or messing with people, still do in some ways but don't have the time or opportunities like when I was young

I and about half a dozen of my buddies helped me create a huge 20 foot paper mâché penis out of a carpet roll, those big blow up bouncy balls that were 3-4 feet in diameter, paper streamers and some paint. We hung it on the side of the auditorium leading to our high school right above the door most people walked into in the morning to go to school. It was hung from a small alarm on the side of the auditorium some 30 feet off the ground and 10 feet from the roof making it very difficult to remove. I had a picture of it (actually a slide of the image) for years but cant find the damn thing.

Here's the auditorium and where it was hung:



The Elite :-P
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in High School when I was a teenager, I brought stink bombs, and my friends and I blew them up in the high school hallway when no one was there, they all left for the day except the cleaner and doors left open in case students forget stuff and my friends and I planted them and ran. the hallway was so awful for a day... my friends and I didn't admit it, no one knew who did it until years later after high school before the principal passed away from cancer due to heavy smoking, we admitted it, and was too late to punish us. She laughed about it.



The Elite :-P
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I and about half a dozen of my buddies helped me create a huge 20 foot paper mâché penis out of a carpet roll, those big blow up bouncy balls that were 3-4 feet in diameter, paper streamers and some paint. We hung it on the side of the auditorium leading to our high school right above the door most people walked into in the morning to go to school. It was hung from a small alarm on the side of the auditorium some 30 feet off the ground and 10 feet from the roof making it very difficult to remove. I had a picture of it (actually a slide of the image) for years but cant find the damn thing.
were you and your friends caught for it?


High Plains Drifter
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Wow I can't compete with hanging a fake dick on a HS gym but, here's a heavily condensed version of some of my feeble unimaginative efforts.

Dry humor: Grabbing an empty Coors beer can to hold while posing for a camping outing group photo at age seven, (My mother didn't notice it either when taking the photos or even after they timed out - it was the old Polaroid shots. One of my Aunts had to point it out to her. She of course went ballistic and started chasing me around camp wielding a smoldering tree branch she'd grabbed up from the campfire)

Wet humor: Carefully placing a small goldfish bowl complete with two goldfish happily swimming around, under a roof leak in a girlfriend's rented flat, timed just perfect for a visit from the landlord after she finally got pissed off and went to get him. I had to work fast, going and buying the bowl and the fish, then even moving her bed under the leak, and placed the goldfish bowl right in the middle of the bed to catch the dripping water. (She got a new roof within a week.)

Down to earth humor: Allowing a coworker to convince himself we were building on an Indian burial site, complete with fake "artifacts" my workers would "find" on site while doing dirt work, over several weeks. The "artifacts" were sourced from a nearby carnival booth which sold the ersatz items, and the dirt workers were in on the con.

"Cadaver" humor: Same carnival mentioned above had an "art history" booth, complete with "Van Gogh's Ear" mounted on a placard, and next to that a fake human skull labelled "Van Gogh's skull." Another booth was hawking Pacific Island Memorabilia which included, skulls from shrunken heads. I bought one of those and the next day after a sneaky clandestine visit to the art "history" booth it now had next to Van Gogh's skull, a new entry - "Van Gogh's skull as a Boy."


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The best we ever did was rearrange some letters on a sign the morning before a field trip when we were in Jr high . It was one of the signs like the one below. My friend and I told everyone to be on the lookout for what we put on it . We put fuck the teacher by name although we did have to walk half way across town to find enough letters on other signs like that to be able to spell the teachers name. Everyone busted out in laughter as we passed it and the teacher got majorly pissed off. Thankfully nobody ratted us out.

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