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Vice President-elect Mike Pence has purged lobbyists placed in key transition leadership roles by Chris Christie, the former head of Trump’s transition team.

Pence signed a memorandum of understanding Tuesday, formally placing him in charge of the transition team after New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was removed from the position by Donald Trump last week.

During his time heading the transition team, Christie placed a number of lobbyists, former bureaucrats, academics and corporate lawyers in key leadership positions, alienating many Trump allies who felt their inclusion conflicted with Trump’s pledge to “drain the swamp” in Washington, DC.

Upon replacing Christie, Pence immediately ordered the removal of lobbyists and other Christie-appointed figures from the transition team.

The decision “makes good on [Trump’s] vision of how he wants his government constructed,” one source told Fox News.

Mike Rogers, a former Representative from Michigan and chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence recruited by Christie, left his position advising the transition team on national security issues; corporate and foreign government lobbyist Matthew Freedman was also removed.

Frank Gaffney, a former defense official in the Reagan administration, has replaced Rogers in that role, along with California Representative Devin Nunes and former Michigan Representative Pete Hoekstra.

Richard Bagger, Christie’s former chief of staff who had been executive director of the transition, and New Jersey Republican William Palatucci, who served as the transition’s general counsel, were also removed from their positions.

The mainstream media has been quick to pounce on the transition team’s “state of disarray” due to “firings, infighting,” rather than praise Trump’s efforts to purge his transition team of lobbyists placed in positions by an establishment Republican.

The mainstream media’s glee in covering the supposed turmoil in the transition would be less ridiculous had that very same mainstream media not flipped out over Donald Trump’s decision to go for dinner with his family in New York City without first informing the press.

Pence Purges Christie-Selected Lobbyists From Transition Team » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


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How smart is this Bannon guy? From what little I know of him, it seems he's the ultimate badass when it comes to trying to expose government corruption.


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How smart is this Bannon guy? From what little I know of him, it seems he's the ultimate badass when it comes to trying to expose government corruption.

Yep. Good guy if people will ignore the biased media.


Pro Bowler
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Yep. Good guy if people will ignore the biased media.

I've never heard of the guy but my gawd, he's being portrayed as the devil incarnate.

time to start reading up on him and whatever this alt right stuff is

These days you can know in the first sentence or two of a story whether its been written from a republican or democrat slant, I find it personally exhausting


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somebody scoured through all his columns and didn't find any hint of antisemitism. in fact, he was relentlessly pro-Israel. my main two problems with the alt-right is that they're a little too preoccupied with Jews (not in a good way) and a little too enamored with Putin.


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These days you can know in the first sentence or two of a story whether its been written from a republican or democrat slant, I find it personally exhausting

Nah, be thankful. If you know its a democrat perspective after a sentence or two then you know you dont need to waste any more time reading the garbage. You're way better off.


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I've never heard of the guy but my gawd, he's being portrayed as the devil incarnate.

time to start reading up on him and whatever this alt right stuff is

These days you can know in the first sentence or two of a story whether its been written from a republican or democrat slant, I find it personally exhausting

He's being accused by the libtard media and some on the left of being anti-Jewish, yet numerous high profile Jewish people have come out in support of him and said the stuff he is being accused of is not true.

Says all anyone really needs to know.


High Plains Drifter
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Look, let's just face the fact that Trump IS racist. What will be his first official act after being sworn in? That's right, immediately evicting a black family from government housing!


So let's just knock off the bullshit. This proves he IS racist. Case closed!


Pro Bowler
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Nah, be thankful. If you know its a democrat perspective after a sentence or two then you know you dont need to waste any more time reading the garbage. You're way better off.

unfortunately it happens on both sides and to be honest the republican stuff I see posted on FB and emailed to me is worse and blatantly false in many instances. The political shit my girlfriends mom (who is a huge republican) emails me constantly is batshit crazy. She thinks OJ is innocent for god sakes and still likes to argue with people about it.

I've always identified with the republican party but the last decade or so they've been infiltrated with the religious nuts and other goofballs, so its next to impossible for me to get on board and identify with Republicans. Ex: Sarah Palin, wtf man?

Now that the dems have lost, I'm seeing the bullshit pendulum swing in their direction. The racist, white-lash, etc rhetoric is getting real old and seems grossly exaggerated.

When Trump is not exhibiting his extreme personality, he actually sounds great and says many things that resonate with me. I hope that guy takes the reigns and he surprises people with what he accomplishes & how he interacts with the opposition and the rest of the world. Hope he punts the literally wall idea and thinks deeper on that issue as well as the notion of "banning all muslims".

I tell you one thing, politics sure got interesting but the crying bullshit where all these people are saying they no longer feel safe in this country ironically makes want to beat their asses for being such pussies not because they are women, minorities, LBGT (or whatever the fuck the initials are), etc


Pro Bowler
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lmao i don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

I guarantee you there are a cluster of folks, likely SJWs, that are banding together in sorrow and fear over the deep offense conveyed in that photo. They're probably seriously contemplating where they can find a safe place in this country.


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Look, let's just face the fact that Trump IS racist. What will be his first official act after being sworn in? That's right, immediately evicting a black family from government housing!


So let's just knock off the bullshit. This proves he IS racist. Case closed!



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Mitt Romney being considered for Sec of State per report.

Definitely never saw this one coming.
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How the Clinton Foundation brought down Hillary’s campaign

By Matt Rhoades

November 17, 2016 | 1:40pm | Updated
The Clinton family foundation turned out to be a liability for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But it wasn’t foreordained. Here’s how it happened.

After serving as Mitt Romney’s campaign manager in 2012, I formed an outside political group called America Rising tasked with doing opposition research on Clinton. She left the State Department in 2013 with sky-high favorable ratings, but we knew that popularity (which might soon doom any 2016 GOP nominee) was the result of a general lack of scrutiny in the previous four years.

When we first started talking to reporters about the Clintons’ vulnerabilities, to their credit, they were almost always interested in the Clinton Foundation. Already, there were suspicions about the foundation unethically blurring the lines and bending the rules. The organization represented the intersection of politics and money, the favorite topic of any good political reporter.

In August 2013, the New York Post broke a story showing the Clinton Foundation had spent $50 million on private travel. Former President Bill Clinton had apparently become addicted to private jets. The general election was still more than three years away, and already the Clinton Foundation was transforming from a well-meaning charity to a private slush fund enriching the Clintons, making a mockery of Hillary’s claim the next year that her family was “dead broke.”

Uncovering this information was a challenge. Despite its lofty campaign promises about transparency, the Obama administration refused to cooperate with many of America Rising’s Freedom of Information Act requests.

Enter the conservative advocacy group Citizens United, whose president, Dave Bossie, went on to serve as President-elect Donald Trump’s deputy campaign manager. When our public-record requests for Clinton’s State Department correspondence were denied, Bossie took legal action, arguing that the public had a right to see this information.

The courts agreed, and the State Department started complying with the requests. We immediately understood why the Clinton forces took such pains to keep the correspondence from seeing the light of day. One email chain showed Bill Clinton seeking permission from his wife to give a paid speech to the leaders of North Korea and Congo for a whopping $650,000 fee that would be donated to the Clinton Foundation. Another email showed a major foundation donor with no national-security experience getting appointed to a highly sensitive government intelligence board.

As the emails dripped out, it became clear the Clintons were using their foundation to keep big financial supporters in place while laying the groundwork for her 2016 campaign.

Secretary Clinton’s painstaking efforts to conceal this information from the American public led her to conduct all her business on a private email server. In another twist of irony, her attempts to avoid public scrutiny caused the exact opposite and the national scandal she couldn’t shake.

The last few days of Clinton’s campaign against GOP nominee Trump were marked by a slew of negative headlines, including a new FBI investigation partially induced by the Clinton Foundation. Onetime Clinton loyalists were caught accusing Chelsea Clinton of using foundation funds to pay for her own wedding. Another damaging memo surfaced from a key Clinton confidante about the convergence of Bill Clinton’s business activities and the foundation’s fundraising goals, even using the term “Clinton Inc.”

On Election Day, 54 percent of the American public had an unfavorable view of Secretary Clinton. All of her scandals and controversies fell neatly into the buckets of untrustworthy, unethical and failed leadership we had been driving. The voters did the rest.

Matt Rhoades was the campaign manager for Gov. Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, and founded the GOP super PAC America Rising and Definers Public Affairs
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